Commit 1543b737 by NGO THI HONG

#ticket 49113, 49114, 49115, 49118

parent 25d81d19
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......@@ -22,29 +23,84 @@
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......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ var msgMap = { // velocity?
buttonCategory: { ja: "カテゴリー", ko: "카테고리", en: "Category" },
buttonRefresh: { ja: "更新", ko: "갱신", en: "Refresh" },
buttonBack: { ja: "戻る", ko: "Back", en: "Back" },
buttonScan: { ja: "スキャン", ko: "스캔", en: "Scan" },
placeholderOperationName: { ja: "作業名", ko: "작업명", en: "Working Name" },
labelPeriod: { ja: "期間", ko: "기간", en: "Period" },
......@@ -102,6 +103,10 @@ var msgMap = { // velocity?
sendMessageTitle: { ja: "メッセージ送信", ko: "Send Message", en: "Send Message" },
distanceSupportTitle: { ja: "遠隔支援", ko: "Distance Support", en: "Distance Support" },
chatTitle: { ja: "チャット", ko: "Chat", en: "Chat" },
labelPickUp: { ja: "ピックアップ", ko: "Pick up", en: "Pick up" },
labelNewReport: { ja: "新規報告", ko: "New report", en: "New report" },
labelContinueWork: { ja: "工程作業", ko: "Process work", en: "Process work" },
labelReportWithWarning: { ja: "警告を含む報告", ko: "Reports with warnings", en: "Reports with warnings" }
// 言語取得
......@@ -490,6 +495,8 @@ CHK.initOperationList = function() {
CHK.operation.searchOperationList = json.operationList;
......@@ -2916,6 +2923,7 @@ CHK.changeSortType = function(sortType) {
* 作業一覧描画
CHK.createOperationList = function(operationList, isSearched = false) {
//alert("hongnt CHK.createOperationList ");
var searchKeyword = $("#searchTaskName").val();
var searchStartDate = $("#searchStartDate").val();
var searchEndDate = $("#searchEndDate").val();
......@@ -3113,6 +3121,7 @@ = function() {
CHK.isSearched = true;
CHK.operation.searchOperationList = searchResult;
CHK.createOperationList(searchResult, CHK.isSearched);
CHK_PU.createOperationList(searchResult, CHK.isSearched);
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