Commit 27be2101 by Yujin Seo

#42180 作業一覧対応

parent 2af6df32
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ CHK.apiCmd = {
goRelationContent: "goRelationContent", //関連資料
goSetting: "goSetting", //設定
goOperation: "goOperation", //作業開始
goPanoramaEdit: "goPanoramaEdit", //パノラマ作業資料編集
refreshContent: "refreshContent", //新着更新
editAttached: "editAttached", //添付ファイル編集
saveAttached: "saveAttached", //添付ファイル保存
......@@ -2650,7 +2651,7 @@ CHK.createOperationList = function(operationList) {
var operationNameTd = $("<td class='operationId_" + operationList[i].operationId + "'><a href=\"javascript:CHK_L.sendAppCommand('goOperation', '" + operationList[i].operationId + "', '" + operationList[i].contentId + "');\" class='d-block text-black text-decoration-none mb-1'>"+ operationList[i].operationName +"</a></td>");
var operationStartDateTd = $("<td/>", {class: "operationStartDate"}).text(setOperationDate(operationList[i].operationStartDate));
var operationEndDateTd = $("<td/>", {class: "operationEndDate"}).text(setOperationDate(operationList[i].operationEndDate));
var iconTd = operationList[i].operationType == CHK.OPERATION_TYPE.VTOUR ? $("<td class='p-2'> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary fs-8 py-2'>VR</button> </td>") : "";
var iconTd = operationList[i].operationType == CHK.OPERATION_TYPE.VTOUR ? $("<td class='p-2'> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary fs-8 py-2' onclick=\"javascript:CHK_L.sendAppCommand('goPanoramaEdit', '" + operationList[i].operationId + "', '" + operationList[i].contentId + "');\">VR</button> </td>") : "";
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