Commit 33e74e47 by NGO THI HONG

#19123 fix bug wrong period, report answer

parent 1f2b3576
......@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ var msgMap = { // velocity?
labelNewReport: { ja: "新規報告", ko: "신규 보고", en: "New report" },
labelContinousWork: { ja: "工程作業", ko: "공정 작업", en: "Continous Work" },
labelReportWithWarning: { ja: "警告を含む報告", ko: "경고를 포함한 보고", en: "Reports With Warnings" },
reportLevelReport: { ja: "報告書", ko: "보고서", en: "Report" },
reportLevelAnswer: { ja: "報告(回答)", ko: "보고(응답)", en: "Answer" }
reportLevelReport: { ja: "報告", ko: "보고", en: "Report" },
reportLevelAnswer: { ja: "回答", ko: "응답", en: "Answer" }
// 言語取得
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ CHK_pu.createReportWithWarning = function(operationList, isSearched = false) {
+ "'><a href=\"javascript:CHK_L.sendAppCommand('goOperation', '" + operationList[i].operationId + "', '" + operationList[i].contentId
+ " ', null ,'DETAIL_FORM_INPUT' ,'REPORT_WARNING','" + operationList[i].warningReportList[j].taskKey + "');\" class='d-block px-3 py-2 text-decoration-none text-dark'>"
+"<div class='tag fs-8 text-secondary px-2 py-1 mr-2 rounded border mb-1'>" + operationList[i].operationName
+ "</div> <div class='sub-title-wrap'> <div class='fs-8 text-secondary mr-2'><div class='data'>" + operationList[i].operationStartDate + " / " + operationList[i].operationEndDate
+ "</div> <div class='sub-title-wrap'> <div class='fs-8 text-secondary mr-2'><div class='period'>" + CHK_pu.getInspectDate(operationList[i].operationStartDate) + " ~ " + CHK_pu.getInspectDate(operationList[i].operationEndDate)
+ "</div></div> </div> <i class='fas fa-chevron-right fs-12''></i> </a></li>");
case 2:
......@@ -331,4 +331,10 @@ CHK_pu.createReportWithWarning = function(operationList, isSearched = false) {
if(CHK.isAndroid) {
\ No newline at end of file
CHK_pu.getInspectDate = function(dateString) {
var date = new Date(dateString)
return date.getFullYear() + "/" + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "/" + ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
\ No newline at end of file
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