language_en.js 2.43 KB
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Kim Peace committed
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$.lang.en = {
    "chat_placeholder":"Type message",
    "chat_search_placeholder":"  Search Message",
    "room_search_placeholder":"  Search Room",
    "participants":"Member List",
    "exitRoom":"Exit ",
    "roomListTitle":"Room List",
    "deleteRoomTitle":"Delete Room",
    "inviteUsersTitle":"Invite Member",
    "createRoomTitle":"Create Room",
    "createRoomSubtitle":"Room Name",
    "inviteUsersSubtitle":"Invite User",
    "roomListEmptyString":"There is no room available.",
    "invitedUser":"Invited Users",
    "left":"%@ has left",
    "join":"%@ has joined",
    "added":"%@ has been invited",
    "welcome":"Welcome to %@",
    "userListDivideString":", ",
    "thankLabel":"Thank you",
    "startToWorkLabel":"Start to work",
    "userSearch":"User Search",
    "groupSearch":"Group Search",
    "noMessages":"No Messages",
    "newRoomName":"Please input Room Name",
    "everyoneIsHere":"Everyone is in the chat.",
    "searchRoomListEmptyString":"No search results.",
    "inputRoomName":"Please enter a room name.",
    "exitRoomTitle":"Do you want to leave this room?",
    "roomDeleteTitle":"Do you want to delete this room?",
    "invalidCharacter":"The character ;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*\'()#\\\"` cannot be included in the roomname.",
    "nameTooLong":"Please enter room name less than 20 characters.",
    "errorDisconnected":"Disconnected from the server.",
    "errorConnect":"There was a problem with the network.\n Please check the connection status of the network.",
    "errorRoomNotFound":"This chat room has already been deleted.",
    "serverErrorOccured":"App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again.",
    "memberDeleteTitle":"Do you want to remove selected members from the list?",
Lee Munkyeong committed
55 56
Lee Munkyeong committed
57 58
    "contactSearch":"Contact search",
59 60
    "favorite":"Favorite List",
    "mygroup":"My Group",
Lee Munkyeong committed
Kim Peace committed