Commit a1729a16 by Takatoshi Miura


parent 057364bb
......@@ -289,6 +289,18 @@ CHAT_DB.addFavoriteUser = function(shopMemberId) {
CHAT_DB.removeFavoriteGroup = function(groupId) {
// Androidは実装不要
if (CHAT_UTIL.isIOS()) {
var result = callNativeApp("removeFavoriteGroup", {"groupId": groupId});
if (result == "true") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
CHAT_DB.addFavoriteGroup = function(groupId) {
// Androidは実装不要
if (CHAT_UTIL.isIOS()) {
......@@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ CHAT_UI.removeFavoriteGroup = function(groupId) {
if (typeof(android) != "undefined") {
result = android.removeFavoriteGroup(groupId);
} else {
result = webkit.messageHandlers.removeFavoriteGroup.postMessage(groupId);
result = CHAT_DB.removeFavoriteGroup(groupId);
if (!result) {
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