Commit cf65e2d4 by Kang Donghun

#42561 未読メッセージ1000件目を送信すると、未読数が「1000」になる

parent 6225efac
......@@ -1100,6 +1100,10 @@ CHAT_UI.refreshRoomList = function(roomType) {
if (room.chatRoomName == "") {
room.chatRoomName = attendUserName.join(', ');
var unreadMessageCount = room.unreadCount == 0 ? '' : room.unreadCount;
if (unreadMessageCount > 999) {
unreadMessageCount = '999+';
let html = Mustache.render(template, {
thumbnailCount: thumbnailCount,
roomName: room.chatRoomName,
......@@ -1107,7 +1111,7 @@ CHAT_UI.refreshRoomList = function(roomType) {
profileImage: room.profileImagePath,
lastMessage: displayMsg ,
time: room.insertDate ? CHAT_UTIL.formatDate(room.insertDate).createdAt : '',
unreadMsgCnt: room.unreadCount == 0 ? '' : room.unreadCount,
unreadMsgCnt: unreadMessageCount,
userCnt: room.attendUsers.length + 1,
attendUsers: room.attendUsers
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