<stringname="L001">입력된 정보에 오류가 있습니다.\n로그인 정보를 다시 확인하신 후 로그인해 주십시오.(L001)</string>
<stringname="L002">이 단말기의 ID는 기존의 다른 사용자 계정에 사용되었습니다.\n관리자에게 문의해 주십시오.(L002)</string>
@@ -447,11 +276,9 @@
<stringname="C_E_SYSTEM_0004">처음으로 로그인하는 경우, Wi-Fi를 켜고 로그인하여 주십시오.\n3G/LTE 등을 사용하는 경우라도 Wi-Fi를 켜야 합니다.(이 경우 Wi-Fi는 인터넷에 연결되지 않아도 됩니다.)</string>
<stringname="C_E_SYSTEM_0005">Wi-Fi에 연결되어 있지 않습니다.3G/LTE 등 모바일 네트워크를 사용하는 경우 통신 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.\n다운로드하시겠습니까?</string>
<stringname="C_E_SYSTEM_0006">Wi-Fi에 연결되어 있지 않습니다.3G/LTE 등 모바일 네트워크를 사용하는 경우 통신 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.\n데이터사이즈가 클 경우 작업이 실패할 경우가 있습니다. %1$s을(를) 실행하시겠습니까?</string>
<stringname="NETWORK">네트워크에 연결할 수 없습니다\n네트워크 연결상태를 확인하여 주십시요.</string>
<stringname="STORAGE_ERROR">저장공간이 부족합니다.</string>
<stringname="STORAGE_WARNING">저장공간이 얼마 남지 않았습니다.</string>
<stringname="STORAGE_ACCESS_ERROR">저장공간에 접근할 수 없습니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_opeartion_list_main">ABookCheck의 홈 화면입니다. 완료한 프로젝트는 표시되지 않습니다. 페이지 상부에 \'검색결과\'가 표시되면 검색조건이 설정되어있는 경우입니다. 검색에서 조건을 지우면 전체가 표시됩니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_push_list">지금까지 통지한 메시지일람을 표시합니다. 표시된 각 메시지는 참조버튼을 눌러 상세확인을 할 수 있습니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_search">프로젝트를 검색 할 수 있습니다. 명칭이나 기간을 입력해 검색합니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_setting">비밀번호 변경이나 애플리케이션 버전 확인, 애플리케이션의 조작설명서 열람 등이 가능합니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_opeartion_list_pano">360도 파노라마 화면(장면)이나 레이더 맵을 추가하는 화면으로 들어갑니다. 360형식의 프로젝트를 등록한 경우 표시됩니다.</string>
@@ -743,8 +426,6 @@
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_detail">설명서,작업순서 등, 프로젝트에 관련된 자료를 참조 가능한 화면으로 이동합니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_detail_main">관련자료를 저장해서 열람합니다. 통신 가능 상태에서 자료를 하나씩, 혹은 일괄적으로 저장합니다. [열기]버튼을 탭 하면 자료 열람이 가능합니다. 자료 내용이 변경된 경우 [갱신]버튼이 표시됩니다. [삭제]버튼을 탭하면 단말에 저장된 자료가 삭제됩니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_detail_push">프로젝트 관계자에게 메시지를 보냅니다. 송신처는 \'그룹내\', \'프로젝트전체\'중에 선택 해주세요. 통지내용은 템플렛을 이용해서 작성 가능합니다. [>]를 눌러템플렛 선택이 가능합니다. 통신 가능한 상태에서 이용해 주세요.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_detail_meeting">\'원격지원\'을 시작합니다. 복수의 화면표시나 조작을 연동해서 자료열람이 가능합니다. 통신 가능한 상태에서 이용해 주세요.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_add">촬영한 360도 파노라마 화면을 ABookCheck서버에 저장합니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add">ABookCheck서버에 저장된 360도 파노라마 화면(장면)을 추가합니다. 레이더 맵의 추가도 가능합니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save">장면 등이 추가되면 저장합니다. \'임시저장\'은 단말에 일시적으로 저장되며, [저장]은 ABookCheck서버에 변경정보가 전송되어, 프로젝트멤버의 단말에도 반영됩니다.</string>
@@ -796,8 +477,6 @@
<stringname="release_to_refresh_label">아래로 내려 갱신...</string>
<stringname="msg_sence_regist_failed">장면 추가에 실패했습니다.\n선택한 화상을 장면의 소재로 등록되었으므로 수동으로 장면을 추가해주세요.</string>
<stringname="msg_sence_regist_api_failed">장면 추가에 실패했습니다.\n다시 화상을 선택해서 장면을 추가해주세요.</string>
<stringname="msg_cannot_open_content_link">지시서나 보고서에서 열린 콘텐츠는 콘텐츠 간의 링크를 사용할 수 없습니다.</string>
<stringname="msg_cannot_open_due_to_expired">해당 콘텐츠는 공개 종료일이 경과했기 때문에 열람할 수 없습니다.</string>
<stringname="pwd_change_reminder_enforcement_message">A certain period of time has elapsed from the date when you changed password. \n Please change the password.</string>
<stringname="pwd_change_newlogin_reminder_message">In order to use more secure, we recommend you to change your password. \n Do you want to change the password now?</string>
<stringname="pwd_change_newlogin_enforcement_message">In order to use more secure, you must change your password now.</string>
<stringname="export_log_title">Export the log</string>
<stringname="export_log_message">It may take a few minutes. \n Is it OK?</string>
@@ -141,12 +91,7 @@
<stringname="email_body">Content of the body</string>
<stringname="chose_mail_soft">Please select the e-mail application.</string>
<stringname="password_condition">Alphanumeric,-,_ only available\nfrom 6chars to 16chars\nUse both Alphabet and Number\nCannot use same 3 letters continuously\nCannot use more than 4 letters in previous password.</string>
<stringname="E128">Failed to get license info.</string>
<stringname="E129">Password is not correct.</string>
<stringname="E130">Link is invalid.</string>
<stringname="E131">Failed to get schedule list.</string>
<stringname="L001">Incorrect information entered. \n Please check the user account, please login again.(L001)</string>
<stringname="L002">This device ID is already used in other user accounts. \n Please contact the administrator.(L002)</string>
@@ -447,13 +275,11 @@
<stringname="C_E_SYSTEM_0004">You only need to log in first, Wi-Fi network is turned ON. \n If you are using 3G network,you need to keep ON the Wi-Fi. \n But, you need not connect to Wi-Fi.</string>
<stringname="C_E_SYSTEM_0005">No Wi-Fi connection. If you use 3G or other mobile network, it may cost traffic fee.\nWould you like to download?</string>
<stringname="C_E_SYSTEM_0006">No Wi-Fi connection. If you use 3G or other mobile network, it may cost traffic fee.\nWould you like to %1$s?</string>
<stringname="NETWORK">App can not connect to the network. \n Please check the connection status of the network.</string>
<stringname="STORAGE_ERROR">There is not enough free space on the device.</string>
<stringname="STORAGE_WARNING">It is the only remaining free space of the device.</string>
<stringname="DOWNLOAD_ERROR">Failed to download content.</string>
<stringname="DOWNLOAD_CANCEL_ERROR">Failed to cancel download.</string>
<stringname="STORAGE_ACCESS_ERROR">Error occurred when accessing storage.</string>
<stringname="BUG_REPORT">Last time the application was forced to shutdown. To solve the problem, please send bug report to developer.</string>
<stringname="OUT_OF_MEMORY">Out of memory error.</string>
<stringname="MOVIE_FATAL_ERROR">fatal error occurred while playing movie. Please re-open the content.</string>
@@ -467,196 +293,53 @@
<stringname="M006">Menu has changed. Please restart this application.</string>
<stringname="M007">This content requires payment to download.</string>
<!-- Added Ver1.3 -->
<stringname="error_content_share_url_period01">End date must be after current date.</string>
<stringname="error_content_share_url_period02">URL valid period must be within content delivery period.</string>
<stringname="tap_action_on_delivery_select_summary">Action when you tap a content that has a choice whether download or streaming.\nCurrent value:</string>
<stringname="not_show_next_time_explain">Select the following action.\nIf you check Not show next time, the selected action will be automatically selected from next time. You can modify it at setting page afterwards.</string>
<stringname="not_show_next_time">Not show next time</string>
<stringname="streaming">Open by Web</string>
<stringname="modify_complete">Change to %1$s.</string>
<!-- Added Ver1.5.1 KOMAS -->
<stringname="to_paymember_text"><u>does-paying members info</u></string>
<stringname="msg_only_pament_member">Guest user cannot use this function.</string>
<!-- Appears to be unused List -->
<stringname="folder_edit">Edit folder</string>
<stringname="folder_add">Add folder</string>
<stringname="content_delete">Do you also delete the contents?</string>
<stringname="pege_clear">Clear this page.</string>
<stringname="allpage_clear">Clear all pages.</string>
<stringname="allpage_clear_alert">Do you want to clear all the pages?</string>
<stringname="not_save_end_alert">Quit without saving?</string>
<stringname="push_message_setting_summary">You can modify notification configuration from the following publishers.\nIf you want to receive, set to ON, otherwise set to OFF.</string>
<stringname="push_message_contract_not_exist">No publishers for configuration.</string>
<stringname="push_message_setting_dialog_summary">If you want to receive notification from this publisher, press Agree.</string>
<stringname="fcm_not_supported">Push message service can not be used.</string>
<stringname="request_network_connection">Unable to connect.\nConfirm network connection.</string>
<stringname="no_publisher">No publishers for display.</string>
<stringname="send2parent_failed">Send to parent device failed.</string>
<stringname="receive_msg_failed">Receive message failed. Change port number and restart.</string>
<stringname="msg_master_select">Select a master device from the following list. If your target is not listed, confirm master device already started, close this dialog, terminate and start again.</string>
<stringname="waiting_master_info">Waiting for master info</string>
<stringname="init_admin_mode">Setting to display Admin Screen</string>
<stringname="init_admin_mode_summary">When device boots, Admin screen is shown.</string>
<stringname="exam_message">Offline now. Please send when online.\nIf you close this screen without sending, the values you inputted is discarded. </string>
<stringname="request_login_label">Please login to the portal site</string>
<!-- 1.6.6 -->
<stringname="disable_qrcode">Not a dedicated URL.</string>
<stringname="continue_download">download is paused.\nStart resuming?</string>
<stringname="msg_pano_viewer">This content can be seen on Chrome browser.\n\n If you want to close, press Back button above. \nThe content cannot be seen if you go back to Home screen.</string>
<!-- 1.7-->
<stringname="msg_require_content_download">Unable to open content %1$s because it is not downloaded yet.<br> Download the content at Home screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_require_content_refresh">The content is not found. Refresh content list at Home screen and try again.</string>
<stringname="msg_require_ver422">To open this content, Android OS greater-than over equal to 4.2.2 is required.</string>
<stringname="msg_require_chrome">To open this content, install Chrome browser first, then try again.</string>
<stringname="msg_not_support_content_link_type">This button is currently not available.</string>
<stringname="monitor_update_message">There is a new version of the SmartLink Monitor application.\nWould you like to update the new version?</string>
<!-- 1.8.1-->
@@ -665,23 +348,17 @@
<stringname="memo_unusable">Unable to use memo function \nbecause you have no authority to the content.</string>
<stringname="request_download_un_authorized_content">To join the meeting room, \nyou need to download unauthorized content.\n Start downloading now?</string>
<!-- 1.8.4-->
<!-- 1.8.4-->
<stringname="touch_desc">Sets the touch mode of the monitor. For non-touchable monitors, select non-touch mode.</string>
<stringname="push_message_input_null">please enter a push message.</string>
<stringname="push_message_input_over">The push message is too long.</string>
<stringname="push_message_send_success">we sent a push message.</string>
@@ -753,7 +426,6 @@
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_main">It is the ABookCheck home screen. Completed projects are not displayed. When "Search result" is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. When you clear the condition in search, all items are displayed.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_push_list">You can display a list of previously notified messages. You can check the details by pressing the reference button of each displayed message.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_search">You can search for projects. Please enter the name and the execution period and search.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_setting">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_pano">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
@@ -763,8 +435,6 @@
<stringname="msg_help_operation_list_detail">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_detail_main">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_home">You will return to the home screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_detail_push">We will send a message to the project stakeholders. Please select "within group" or "whole project" as the destination. Notification contents can be created using templates. Press [>] to select a template. Please use it in a communicable state.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_operation_detail_meeting">You will start "remote support". You can browse materials while linking multiple screen displays and operations. Please use it in a communicable state.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_add">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save">After adding scenes etc, save it. "Temporary storage" is temporarily saved on the terminal, "Save" is transmitted to the ABookCheck server and reflected on the terminal of the project member.</string>
@@ -804,7 +474,6 @@
<stringname="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_permission_dialog_location">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_permission_dialog_camera">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_location_search_fail">Failed to acquire location information.</string>
<stringname="msg_pano_image_no_selected">Base file has not been selected.</string>
<stringname="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.</string>
@@ -815,11 +484,8 @@
<!-- 1.9.400-->
<stringname="pull_to_refresh_label">Pull to refresh…</string>
<stringname="release_to_refresh_label">Release to refresh…</string>
<stringname="msg_sence_regist_failed">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.</string>
<stringname="msg_sence_regist_api_failed">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.</string>
<stringname="msg_cannot_open_content_link">Content opened from instructions and reports can not be used content link.</string>
<stringname="msg_cannot_open_due_to_expired">The content can not be opened because the publication end date has passed.</string>
<stringname="msg_no_report_data">There is no work data.</string>
<stringname="msg_permission_dialog_mic">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
@@ -855,12 +517,10 @@
<stringname="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.</string>
<stringname="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.</string>
<stringname="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_work_time">Since it is not the work start time, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation">Since the project does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.</string>
<stringname="msg_routineTask_report_available_from">Information can be updated from「%s」</string>
<stringname="msg_not_common_content">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.</string>
<stringname="room_list">Room List</string>
<stringname="create_room">Create Room</string>
<stringname="msg_kiosk_permission">In the case of KIOSK mode, permission of authorization is always necessary. \nUnless you check permission, you can not use it.</string>