returnrawQueryGetDtoList("select *, min(phase_no) as min_phase_no from t_task where operation_id = ? and del_flg = 0 group by process_key order by rowid asc",newString[]{""+operationId},TaskDto.class);
returnrawQueryGetDtoList("select * from t_task where operation_id = ? and del_flg = 0 order by processKey asc, phaseNo asc",newString[]{""+operationId},TaskDto.class);
returnrawQueryGetDtoList("select * from t_task_report_approval where process_key = ? and phase_no = ? order by approval_no asc",newString[]{processKey,""+phaseNo},TaskReportApprovalDto.class);
returnrawQueryGetDto("select * from t_task_report_approval where process_key = ? and phase_no = ? and approval_no = ? ",newString[]{processKey,""+phaseNo,""+approval_no},TaskReportApprovalDto.class);