<stringname="msg_ble_connect_success">It is now connected to the %1$s.Operate the %1$s.</string>
<stringname="select_spp_device_title">Serial communication device selection</string>
<stringname="msg_get_device_token_fail">Failed to acquire the device token required for the push notification service. \nCheck if the GooglePlayService app is installed.</string>
<stringname="terms_of_service">Terms of Service</string>
<stringname="failed_to_get_terms_of_service">Failed to get the terms of service information.</string>
<stringname="logout_by_disagree">Log out and transition to the login screen. Are you okay?</string>
<stringname="failed_to_send_agreement">Failed to send information about agreeing to the Terms of Service to the server. Please tap \"Agree\" again.</string>