<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_add">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the @Form server.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the @Form server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save">Save it after adding scenes etc. [Temporary save] is temporarily saved in the terminal, [Save] is sent the change information to the @Form server.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_list_main">The color of the work code label is orange and not complete. Please tap inside the target report frame to proceed to the report.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_list_main">The color of the work code label is orange for unexecuted, blue for work in progress, and green for completed work. Please tap inside the target report frame to proceed to the report.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_director_report_search">Enter the report name in the search box and press the button to search.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_director_add">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_director_edit">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
@@ -524,6 +524,11 @@
<stringname="msg_help_360_move">Press this button to move the work code label.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_360_touch">If you press this button, you will be able to touch the work code button, so you can report the work.</string>
<!-- 1.0.1 Resource Pattern 1 -->
<stringname="msg_help_report_locked">This indicates that the target report is being edited by another user. You can unlock by tapping.</string>
<stringname="msg_help_report_send_back">This indicates that the target report was rejected in the approval process.</string>