Commit f2866eb6 by Lee Jaebin

#33492 作業一括更新後にアプリ側の更新ボタンをタップしても更新できない

parent 117f258e
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public class OperationLogic extends AbstractLogic {
if (taskReportJson != null) {
// suggest登録・更新処理
registTaskReportItem(taskKey, reportLevel, taskReportJson.getJSONObject("suggest"));
registTaskReportItem(taskKey, reportLevel, taskReportJson.has("suggest") ? taskReportJson.getJSONObject("suggest") : null);
taskReportDto.jsonData = taskReportJson.toString();
} else {
// taskJsonがnullの場合、jsonDataに空でセット
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public class OperationLogic extends AbstractLogic {
if (taskReportJson != null) {
// suggest登録・更新処理
registTaskReportItem(taskKey, taskReportLevel, taskReportJson.getJSONObject("suggest"));
registTaskReportItem(taskKey, taskReportLevel, taskReportJson.has("suggest") ? taskReportJson.getJSONObject("suggest") : null);
taskReportDto.jsonData = taskReportJson.toString();
} else {
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