<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="progress">Loading&#8230;</string>
    <string name="edit">Edit</string>
    <string name="ok">OK</string>
    <string name="move">Move</string>
    <string name="yes">Yes</string>
    <string name="confirm">Confirm</string>
    <string name="no">No</string>
    <string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
    <string name="delete_message">Are you sure to delete ?</string>
    <string name="delete">Delete</string>
    <string name="end">Exit</string>
    <string name="top">TOP</string>
    <string name="bookmark">Bookmark</string>
    <string name="index">Index</string>
    <string name="memo">Memo</string>
    <string name="change_user">Change user</string>
    <string name="change_user_message">If you login with another user ID, all downloaded data will be deleted.\nAre you sure to login?</string>
    <string name="change_user_message2">If you login with another user ID, all my data will be deleted.\nAre you sure to login?</string>
    <string name="save">Save</string>
    <string name="page">Page</string>
    <string name="back">Back</string>
    <string name="search">Search</string>
    <string name="deviceId_title">Device Id</string>
    <string name="page_all_copy">Copy All Text</string>
    <string name="page_copy">Copy Text</string>
    <string name="pen_size">Size</string>
    <string name="color_title">Color</string>
    <string name="marking_size_title_0">Minimum</string>
    <string name="marking_size_title_1">Thin</string>
    <string name="marking_size_title_2">Middle</string>
    <string name="marking_size_title_3">Thick</string>
    <string name="marking_size_title_4">Huge</string>
    <string name="marking">Marking</string>
    <string name="clear">Clear</string>
    <string name="pen">Pen</string>
    <string name="marker">Marker</string>
    <string name="eraser">Eraser</string>
    <string name="marking_file_is">Marking file is</string>
    <string name="save_success">%1$s saved.</string>
    <string name="save_fail">%1$s failed to save.</string>
    <string name="load_fail">%1$s failed to load.</string>
    <string name="save_end">Save and quit.</string>
    <string name="not_save_end">Quit without saving.</string>
    <string name="open">Open</string>
    <string name="close">Close</string>
    <string name="change_password_ok">Changing Password completed.</string>
    <string name="logout">Logout</string>
    <string name="logout_summary">Back to login page with deleting login account.</string>
    <string name="setting">Setting</string>
    <string name="login">Login</string>
    <string name="account">Account</string>
    <string name="logid">LoginID</string>
    <string name="last_login">Last login date and time</string>
    <string name="pwd_change">Change password</string>
    <string name="pwd_now">Current password</string>
    <string name="pwd_new">New Password</string>
    <string name="pwd_renew">(input again)New Password</string>
    <string name="password">Password</string>
    <string name="list">List</string>
    <string name="cursor">Cursor</string>
    <string name="send_error_title">Send Error info</string>
    <string name="send_error">Enable to send trace info next time App starts when error occurred.</string>
    <string name="export_title">Log Export</string>
    <string name="export">Collect current log and send.</string>
    <string name="content_description">Image</string>
    <string name="app_name_info">Application Name</string>
    <string name="app_version_info">Application Version</string>
    <string name="download">Download</string>
    <string name="update">Update</string>
    <string name="download_success">Downloaded the content.</string>
    <string name="download_error">Unable to download the content.</string>
    <string name="pause">Pause</string>
    <string name="restart">Restart</string>
    <string name="waiting">Waiting</string>
    <string name="logout_info">Are you going to logout?</string>
    <string name="password_change_summary">Change password.</string>
    <string name="title_url_path">Account Path</string>
    <string name="title_site_id">Site ID</string>
    <string name="title_id">ID</string>
    <string name="title_password">Password</string>
    <string name="pwd_change_reminder_message">I recommend that you change your password on a regular basis. \n  Do you want to change the password?</string>
    <string name="pwd_change_reminder_enforcement_message">A certain period of time has elapsed from the date when you changed password. \n  Please change the password.</string>
    <string name="pwd_change_newlogin_reminder_message">In order to use more secure, we recommend you to change your password. \n Do you want to change the password now?</string>
    <string name="pwd_change_newlogin_enforcement_message">In order to use more secure, you must change your password now.</string>
    <string name="export_log_title">Export the log</string>
    <string name="export_log_message">It may take a few minutes. \n Is it OK?</string>
    <string name="preview_title">Preview</string>
    <string name="cont_desc">Image</string>
    <string name="agree">Agree</string>
    <string name="disagree">Disagree</string>
    <string name="email_body">Content of the body</string>
    <string name="chose_mail_soft">Please select the e-mail application.</string>
    <string name="download_start">Downloading start</string>
    <string name="initializing">Initializing</string>
    <string name="cut">Cut</string>
    <string name="copy">Copy</string>
    <string name="new_memo">New</string>
    <string name="paste_memo">Paste</string>
    <string name="clear_memo">Clear</string>
    <string name="link_download_waiting">The content is waiting to download.</string>
    <string name="text_copy_all">Text copy completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_network_offline">No connection to internet.</string>
    <string name="enquete">Form</string>
    <string name="enquete_over">This Form has already answered.</string>
    <string name="exam">Exam</string>
    <string name="exam_over">This exam has already answered.</string>
    <string name="quiz">Quiz</string>
    <string name="quiz_over">This quiz has already answered.</string>
    <string name="transparency">Transparency</string>
    <string name="zero">0</string>
    <string name="one">1</string>
    <string name="enquete_alert_message">Stop the current From?\nYour From will not be saved if you stop now.</string>
    <string name="enquete_alert_marking_message">Marking is unavailable during From.</string>
    <string name="no_content2">"%1$s" has not been downloaded. \n Would you like to download now?</string>
    <string name="password_conditiontitle">New password requisites:</string>
    <string name="password_condition">Alphanumeric,-,_ only available\nfrom 6chars to 16chars\nUse both Alphabet and Number\nCannot use same 3 letters continuously\nCannot use more than 4 letters in previous password.</string>
    <string name="no_content_need_refresh">Content not found or No authority.</string>
    <string name="content_num">No.</string>
    <string name="no_child">No more data below.</string>
    <string name="no_content_history">No reading history.</string>
    <string name="contractor">Company</string>
    <string name="showPassword">show password</string>
    <string name="log_info">Log Info</string>
    <string name="app_info">Application Information</string>
    <string name="about_app">About Application</string>
    <string name="licence_info">License Information</string>
    <string name="complete_state">%1$s Done.</string>
    <string name="failed_state">%1$s Failed.</string>
    <string name="complete">Completed</string>
    <string name="meeting_room">Meeting Room</string>
    <string name="meeting_room_name">Room Name</string>
    <string name="meeting_participant_count">Number of Participant</string>
    <string name="meeting_enter">Enter</string>
    <string name="meeting_leave">Leave</string>
    <string name="create">Create</string>
    <string name="creator">Creator</string>
    <string name="create_date">Create Date</string>
    <string name="msg_meeting_room_deleted">The meeting room is already deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_leave">Are you sure to leave?</string>
    <string name="msg_leave_all">If you %1$s, all participants will be disconnected! OK?</string>
    <string name="msg_disconnected">Left the room due to connection closed. If you enter again, press Enter.</string>
    <string name="msg_disconnected_reconnect">Connection closed. Do you want to enter the room again?</string>
    <string name="msg_different_meeting_version">Due to different app version with the meeting room creator, it may not work correctly.</string>
    <string name="msg_content_not_allowed_at_meeting">During the meeting, you cannot open this content.</string>
    <string name="msg_approve_promotion">Promotion request from %1$s. Permit?</string>
    <string name="msg_request_promotion">Sent promotion request.</string>
    <string name="msg_promotion_approved">Promotion request was approved.</string>
    <string name="msg_promotion_denied">Promotion request was denied.</string>
    <string name="msg_enter_as_publisher">Entered meeting room as publisher.</string>
    <string name="msg_enter_as_subscriber">Entered meeting room as subscriber.</string>
    <string name="msg_content_to_be_updated">The content has an updated version. In case meeting function not working correctly, update the content before use it.</string>
    <string name="bug_report">Error Report.</string>
    <string name="not_show_nexttime">Not show next time.</string>
    <string name="hint_option">Optional</string>
    <string name="complementary">Please describe detail of failure and how to reproduce it.</string>
    <string name="version">Version.</string>
    <string name="updating">Updating&#8230;</string>
    <string name="user_info_copy">User Info Copy</string>
    <string name="user_info_copy_alert">Content orientation differs. Copy nevertheless?</string>
    <string name="message_delete_content">Delete content?</string>
    <string name="filter">filter</string>
    <string name="homepage">Homepage</string>
    <string name="support_mail">Support Mail</string>
    <string name="error">Error</string>

    <string name="error_email_subject">【Error Report】 ABook for Android</string>
    <string name="sendlog_email_subject">ABook for Android Log file</string>
    <string name="sendlog_email_text">Attached is ABook for Android Log file.</string>
    <string name="sendlog_email_text_no_attachment">Send ABook for Android Error Log.</string>
    <string name="abook_policy_information1">ABook need your MAC address to certificate your account &amp; device.\n\nDo you agree with our policy?</string>
    <string name="about_abook">Version : %1$s (%2$s)\n\nHP : %3$s\n\nContact : %4$s\n\n%5$s</string>
    <string name="to_back">back to %1$s</string><!-- ~へ戻る -->
    <string name="location_services_disabled">Location services disabled</string>
    <string name="location_services_disabled_message">Needs access to your location. Please turn on Location services.</string>

    <string name="need_to_application_update">New app version is released.\nWould you like to close this application and download new version?</string>
    <string name="app_update">Application Update</string>

    <string name="access_location_message">"%1$s" Would Like to Use Your Current Location</string>

    <!-- Error Message -->
    <string name="E000">Please enter company ID.</string>
    <string name="E001">Please enter your login ID.</string>
    <string name="E002">Please enter your password.</string>
    <string name="E003">Please enter your site ID.</string>
    <string name="E101">Please enter your current password.</string>
    <string name="E102">Please enter your new password.</string>
    <string name="E103">(input again)Please enter your new password.</string>
    <string name="E104">"New password" and "(input again) new password" do not match.</string>
    <string name="E105">App was unable to read the content. \n After deleting the content, please download again.</string>
    <string name="E106">Login ID or login password is not correct.</string>
    <string name="E107">Contingency has occurred.</string>
    <string name="E108">Please input a search word.</string>
    <string name="E109">Please input the correct id or password.</string>
    <string name="E110">The password can use alphanumeric characters and symbols(-_).</string>
    <string name="E111">App failed the user authentication.</string>
    <string name="E112">No app found for this content.</string>
    <string name="E113">Failed to open the content.</string>
    <string name="E121">Please enter meeting room name.</string>
    <string name="E122">Meeting room name must be 1 to 16 characters.</string>
    <string name="E123">If you require password, it must be 3 to 10 alpha-numeric characters.</string>
    <string name="E124">Failed to create meeting room.</string>
    <string name="E125">Failed to enter meeting room.</string>
    <string name="E126">Failed to delete meeting room.</string>
    <string name="E127">Failed to get meeting room list.</string>
    <string name="E128">Failed to get license info.</string>
    <string name="E129">Password is not correct.</string>
    <string name="E130">Link is invalid.</string>

    <string name="L001">Incorrect information entered. \n Please check the user account, please login again.(L001)</string>
    <string name="L002">This device ID is already used in other user accounts. \n Please contact the administrator.(L002)</string>
    <string name="L003">App failed to register the device information. \n Please register of the terminal to the server-side user information or login again.(L003)</string>
    <string name="L004">Has been registered by the login ID of the device available for your account. \n Please contact the administrator.(L004)</string>
    <string name="L005">Customer service is currently stopped.(L005)</string>
    <string name="L006">This device is not registered. \n Please contact the administrator.(L006)(L006)</string>
    <string name="L007">App failed to register the device information. \n  Please login again.(L007)</string>
    <string name="L008">This company is not available now. (L008)</string>
    <string name="L009">Has been registered by the login ID of the device available for your account. \n Please contact the administrator.(L009)</string>
    <string name="L010">Cannot identify the device information on a platform using.\nPlease contact the administrator.(L010)</string>
    <string name="L012">Amount of device active is over.\nPlease contact administrator(L012)</string>

    <string name="L108">Validity period of the password has expired. \n Please set a new password.</string>
    <string name="L109">Password expiration is coming soon.</string>
    <string name="L110">Long period of time has elapsed since the last login. \n Please login again.</string>
    <string name="L111">There is not a bookmark.</string>
    <string name="L112">There is not a index.</string>
    <string name="L113">Now refreshing. \n You can operate after the refresh.</string>
    <string name="L114">Please choose the contents.</string>
    <string name="L115">NOT FOUND</string>
    <string name="L116">Because the network connection broken, I will pause the download.</string>
    <string name="L117">You failed 5 times to login. So, you can not log in for one hour.</string>
    <string name="L118">After %s failed attempts, the account is locked.</string>
    <string name="L119">Remote control uses the Wi-Fi. \n Please check the connection status of Wi-Fi.</string>
    <string name="L120">There was a problem in communication with the server.</string>
    <string name="L121">Could not be resumed.</string>
    <string name="L122">Currently, this feature is not supported in the version of the App Android.</string>
    <string name="L123">These content are limited.\nThe input of the password is necessary.</string>
    <string name="L124">System error occurred. Will reload the application.</string>

    <string name="C_E_SYSTEM_0001">Contingency has occurred.</string>
    <string name="C_E_SYSTEM_0002">App can not login.(Encryption failures 0002)</string>
    <string name="C_E_SYSTEM_0003">App can not login.(Library initialization Failed)</string>
    <string name="C_E_SECURITY_1001">You will not be able to login due to an unexpected error. \n Please contact your administrator.</string>
    <string name="C_E_SECURITY_1002">App can not login.(Encryption failures 1002)</string>
    <string name="C_E_SECURITY_1003">App can not login.(Encryption failures 1003)</string>
    <string name="C_E_SECURITY_1004">Please login again.</string>
    <string name="C_E_SECURITY_1005">Login ID or login password is not correct.</string>
    <string name="C_I_CONTENT_0001">App has already updated processing.</string>
    <string name="C_I_CONTENT_0002">Unable to refresh while downloading.</string>
    <string name="C_E_CONTENT_2001">Some parts of the content may not be shown correctly due to invalid content info. Try re-open the content or contact your administrator with log export.(%s)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_0001">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again. (-1)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_0400">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again. (400)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_0403">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n Please try log out and then log in again once.(403)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_0404">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again. (404)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_0500">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again. (500)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_INVALID_RESPONSE">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again. (InvalidResponse)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_1403">App can not confirm user information. Please login again. (1403)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L001">Login ID or login password is not correct.</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L002">Another user is in use this device.</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L004">This user ID is used by another device.</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L005">This login ID can not be used due to the closure of the operator\'s services.</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L006">Device is not registered. (No automatic registration)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L008">This company is not available now.</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L009">The user account has been registered another device ID.</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L010">Cannot identify the device information on a platform using.\nPlease contact the administrator.(L010)</string>
    <string name="S_E_ACMS_L012">Amount of device active is over.\nPlease contact administrator(L012)</string>

    <string name="C_E_SYSTEM_0004">You only need to log in first, Wi-Fi network is turned ON. \n If you are using 3G network,you need to keep ON the Wi-Fi. \n But, you need not connect to Wi-Fi.</string>
    <string name="C_E_SYSTEM_0005">No Wi-Fi connection. If you use 3G or other mobile network, it may cost traffic fee.\nWould you like to download?</string>
    <string name="NETWORK">App can not connect to the network. \n Please check the connection status of the network.</string>
    <string name="STORAGE_ERROR">There is not enough free space on the device.</string>
    <string name="STORAGE_WARNING">It is the only remaining free space of the device.</string>
    <string name="DOWNLOAD_ERROR">Failed to download content.</string>
    <string name="DOWNLOAD_CANCEL_ERROR">Failed to cancel download.</string>
    <string name="BUG_REPORT">Last time the application was forced to shutdown. To solve the problem, please send bug report to developer.</string>
    <string name="OUT_OF_MEMORY">Out of memory error.</string>
    <string name="MOVIE_FATAL_ERROR">fatal error occurred while playing movie. Please re-open the content.</string>

    <string name="ERROR">Contingency has occurred.</string>
    <string name="M001">Number of downloadable content is up to three at a time.</string>
    <string name="M002">This content has been deleted or private.</string>
    <string name="M003">The selected content has private or deleted. Corresponding content is skipped the download.</string>
    <string name="M004">Failed to delete content.</string>
    <string name="M005">Content is updated at server. Please refresh and dmsg_error_disconnectedownload this again.</string>
    <string name="M006">Menu has changed. Please restart this application.</string>
    <string name="M007">This content requires payment to download.</string>

    <!-- Added Ver1.3.1 -->
    <string name="check_app_update">Check Update</string>
    <string name="msg_latest_version">It is the latest version.</string>

    <!-- Appears to be unused List -->
    <string name="version_info">Version information</string>
    <string name="mail_size_over">You can not attach PDF of 20MB or more.</string>
    <string name="send_to">send</string>

    <!-- Reader -->
    <string name="reader_downloading">Content is now under downloading.</string>
    <string name="fcm_not_supported">Push message service can not be used.</string>
    <string name="request_network_connection">Unable to connect.\nConfirm network connection.</string>

    <!-- Signage -->
    <string name="no_content">Content not found</string>

    <string name="dummy_str">Dummy</string>
    <string name="dummy_num">12345</string>
    <string name="dummy_date">0000/00/00</string>
    <string name="dummy_date_time">0000/00/00 00:00:00</string>
    <string name="dummy_time">00:00:00</string>

    <!-- 1.6.2 -->
    <string name="exam_message">Offline now. Please send when online.\nIf you close this screen without sending, the values you inputted is discarded. </string>
    <string name="request_login_label">Please login to the portal site</string>

    <!-- 1.7-->
    <string name="msg_require_content_refresh">The content is not found. Refresh content list at Home screen and try again.</string>

    <!-- 1.8.1-->
    <string name="meeting">Meeting</string>
    <string name="bookmark_unusabke">Unable to use bookmark function \nbecause you have no authority to the content.</string>
    <string name="marking_unusable">Unable to save marking because \nyou have no authority to the content.</string>
    <string name="memo_unusable">Unable to use memo function \nbecause you have no authority to the content.</string>
    <string name="request_download_un_authorized_content">To join the meeting room, \nyou need to download unauthorized content.\n Start downloading now?</string>

    <string name="meetingroom_setting">Meeting room setting</string>
    <string name="marking_share_setting">Marking sharing setting</string>
    <string name="chairman_marking_share">Publisher marking sharing</string>
    <string name="marking_share_auto_save">Auto-save sharing marking</string>

    <!-- 1.9.3-->
    <string name="date_label">Period</string>
    <string name="operation_name">Working Name</string>
    <string name="operation_list">Operation List</string>
    <string name="operation_search_count">%1$s cases have been searched.</string>
    <string name="msg_date_validation">Start date must be before the end date</string>
    <string name="search_result">Search Results</string>
    <string name="pano_edit">360edit</string>
    <string name="information_update">Update</string>
    <string name="work_report">Report</string>
    <string name="synchronizing">Syncing...</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_receiving_failed">An error occurred while receiving work data.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_report_receiving_failed">An error occurred while receiving work report data.</string>
    <string name="file_initialization">Initializing file</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_entry_scene">Would you like to register the selected image as a scene image?</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_save_pano_edit">Do you want to end the editing? \n (Unsaved changes are discarded)</string>

    <string name="operation_manual">Operation manual</string>
    <string name="operation_related_content">Related Content</string>
    <string name="new_content">New</string>
    <string name="save_all">Save All</string>
    <string name="content_update">update</string>
    <string name="remote_support">Remote Support</string>
    <string name="remote_support_list">Remote Support List</string>
    <string name="new_make">New Make</string>
    <string name="msg_no_data">There are not registered data.</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_exit_meeting_room">All the participants will be disconnected, will you leave the room?</string>
    <string name="room_name">Room Name</string>
    <string name="room_no">Room No.</string>
    <string name="password_setting">Password Setting</string>
    <string name="exist">exist</string>
    <string name="not_exist">not exist</string>
    <string name="msg_cancel_download">Are you sure you want to stop the download?</string>
    <string name="pano_entry_title">360 Content registration</string>
    <string name="label_entry">Registration</string>
    <string name="label_base_file">Base file</string>
    <string name="select_image">Image selection</string>
    <string name="error_msg_open_pano_edit">The content can not be edited because the content is being edited on another terminal.</string> d

    <string name="P001">Hankaku katakana can not be used for content name.</string>
    <string name="P002">Content has already been registered.</string>
    <string name="P003">Wokring can not be newly registered, modified, or deleted.</string>
    <string name="P004">Task of this working is being edited on the server. Please try again later.</string>
    <string name="P005">It is already checked. Check data can not be sent.</string>
    <string name="P006">You do not have job reporting permissions.</string>

    <string name="no_ozd_viewer">Viewer doesn\'t exist.</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_save_fail">Document save failed. Please save again.</string>
    <string name="push_message_send">send push message</string>
    <string name="send_destination">Destination</string>
    <string name="send_message">Message</string>
    <string name="send">Send</string>
    <string name="free_input">free text input</string>
    <string name="in_group">in group</string>
    <string name="all_operation">the entire wokring</string>
    <string name="push_message_list">Message list</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_null">please enter a push message.</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_over">The push message is too long.</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_success">we sent a push message.</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_fail">Failed to send push message.</string>
    <string name="respons_fix_push_message_fail">Failed to acquire fixed form sentences.</string>
    <string name="title_help">help</string>

    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_main">It is the home screen of ABookCheck. Completed works are not displayed. If [Search results] is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. If you clear the condition and search, all items will be displayed. Please tap inside the target work frame to proceed to the report. You can update the information by touching the screen and pulling down the work list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_search">You can search for work. Enter the name and implementation period to search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_setting">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_pano">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_sync">When this button is displayed, it indicates that there is new information. You can update the new information by pressing the button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_direction">To do work instructions, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_report">To do work report, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_detail">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_detail_main">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_home">You will return to the home screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_add">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save">Save it after adding scenes etc. [Temporary save] is temporarily saved in the terminal, [Save] is sent the change information to the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_main">The color of the work code label is orange and not complete. Please tap inside the target report frame to proceed to the report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_report_search">Enter the report name in the search box and press the button to search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_add">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_edit">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_task_main">The input content may be composed of multiple pages. Although it can be saved in the middle of input, it can not save if mandatory items are not entered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_save">Save your entries.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_delete">Delete saved instruction contents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_prev">You will return to the previous page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_next">You will proceed to the next page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_close">Close the entry screen. Input contents not saved are discarded.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_director_list">Display the report list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_pano_zoom">Enlarges / reduces the 360-degree panoramic image. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_director_main">Double-tap the pdf to register new instruction contents. To modify already registered instructions, tap the operation code on the drawing. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_report_main">If you want to make a new report, please double-tap on the relevant part of the drawing. If you want to modify a report that has already been registered, tap the work code label or pin. The color of the work code label or pin is orange and not complete.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_director_main">Double tap on the space to register new instruction contents. If you wish to modify already registered instruction content, tap on the working code in the space. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_report_main">If you want to make a new report, please double-tap on the relevant part of the space. If you would like to modify the report content already registered, please tap the work code label. The color of the work code label is orange and not complete.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_main">The target check will be created automatically when the start date is reached. Please tap inside the target report frame to proceed to the report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_refresh">Refresh the screen with the latest information.</string>

    <string name="msg_help_drawing_zoom">Scale the drawing. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_director">Display the contents of the instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_report">Proceed to the work report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_comfirm">You can check the instruction content.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_main">Display the work registered to all scenes in the list. The work of the currently displayed scene is displayed, and the work of the other scenes is collapsed. The color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_search">Search work by partial match.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_scene_move">You can move to each scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_show_list_up">Display the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_down">Hide the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_close">Close the list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_main">The contents registered by the instructor are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_input">The work report screen is displayed.</string>

    <string name="title_permission_dialog">Application authority</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_location">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_camera">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_location_search_fail">Failed to acquire location information.</string>
    <string name="msg_pano_image_no_selected">Base file has not been selected.</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.</string>

    <string name="msg_send_error_task_report_data">An error occurred while sending work report data. \n Untransmitted data is automatically transmitted at the next transmission.</string>

    <!-- 1.9.400-->
    <string name="pull_to_refresh_label">Pull to refresh…</string>
    <string name="release_to_refresh_label">Release to refresh…</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_failed">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_api_failed">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.</string>
    <string name="communication">communication</string>
    <string name="operation_select">Wokring choice</string>
    <string name="detail">detail</string>
    <string name="title_message_detail">message detail</string>
    <string name="push_message_sender">Sender :</string>
    <string name="title_operation_report_form">Task report </string>
    <string name="title_preview">preivew</string>
    <string name="title_input">input</string>
    <string name="title_common_content">Related Content(Commmon)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_related_content">The content can not be opened because It is not related data.</string>
    <string name="msg_common_processing">processing...</string>

    <string name="msg_help_communication_menu">You can use push messages and remote assistance. If there is an unread push message, a red circle is displayed at the upper right of the icon.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_menu">Go to the screen that references materials that all users can view.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content">It is a material that can be viewed by all users. Save the document on the terminal and view it. Please save in the state that can communicate.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_code_hide">Hide the working code while pressing this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_related_content">It will be displayed if relevant information is available for the question.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_form_explain">An explanation about each question of the input form is displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_first_back">You will return to the first page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_end_go">You will proceed to the last page.</string>
    <string name="recent_update_date">recent update date:%1$s</string>

    <string name="label_operation_report_type">Kind</string>
    <string name="date_label_routineTask">Working time</string>
    <string name="msg_no_report_data">There is no work data.</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_mic">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_list">It is not possible to transition to the inspection work report screen except for Wokring list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation">Since Wokring does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_available_from">Information can be updated from「%s」</string>
    <string name="msg_not_common_content">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.</string>

    <string name="room_list">Room List</string>
    <string name="create_room">Create Room</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.0.1 -->
    <string name="temp_save">Temporarily saved</string>
    <string name="temp_save_info">Do you want to temporarily save it?</string>
    <string name="save_info">Save it and send it to the server?</string>
    <string name="msg_temp_save_result">It has been saved.</string>
    <string name="delete_info">Do you want to delete the saved data?</string>
    <string name="Report">Report</string>
    <string name="Routine">Routine</string>
    <string name="ReportReply">ReportReply</string>
    <string name="content_link_update">The document name [%1$s] will be updated. \nDo you want to update it?</string>
    <string name="msg_non_target_meeting_content">It is the document that can not be read during distance support connection.</string>
    <string name="msg_non_target_collaboration_content">It is the document that can not be read during collaboration.</string>
    <string name="msg_non_target_document_collaboration_content">This is a function that cannot be used in document collaboration.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_list_view">You can change to list display.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_panel_view">You can change to panel display.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_filter">You can select the type of work to be displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_filter_on">Indicates that the type of work is selected.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_type_report">It indicates that the task is to report only.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_type_report_reply">It indicates that the task requires an answer to the report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_type_routine">It indicates that this is a task that requires regular reporting.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_base_360">It shows that it is a form to input a report on a 360 degree panoramic image.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_base_pdf">It shows that it is a form to input a report on a drawing or an image.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_base_list">Indicates that the report target is displayed in a list format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_all_download">Among the displayed materials, the ones not saved on the terminal are downloaded collectively.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_download">Save the materials individually to the terminal.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_open">You can view the documents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_update">Displayed when the document is corrected. Press the button to save the latest material.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_delete">Delete the document from the terminal. Even if you delete it, you can browse it if you save it again.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pdf_move">Press this button to move the work code label or pin.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pdf_touch">Press this button to report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pdf_code">When this button is pressed, reports that have already been registered are displayed with a work code label.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pdf_pin">When this button is pressed, already registered reports are displayed with pins.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pdf_pin_hide">Hides the pin while pressing this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_report_add">You can add new reports.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_360_move">Press this button to move the work code label.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_360_touch">If you press this button, you will be able to touch the work code button, so you can report the work.</string>

    <!-- 1.2.0 -->
    <string name="msg_operation_enable_meeting_room_connected">Because you are in a conference room, this button is not available right now. \n Please select the document from common document</string>
    <string name="batch_sync">batch sync</string>
    <string name="batch_syncing">batch syncing...</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_batch_sync">Do you want to synchronize all the displayed operation?</string>
    <string name="msg_batch_sync_disconnect_network">There are not connected to the internet, we will stop the synchronization process.</string>
    <string name="msg_batch_sync_content_download_fail">Failed to download operation base content.</string>
    <string name="msg_batch_sync_new_content_updating">Batch synchronization can not be performed because new data is being updated.</string>
    <string name="msg_batch_sync_error">「%1$s」 failed. Cancel synchronization processing.\n</string>
    <string name="msg_batch_sync_move_operation_view">You can not transition to the inspection work report screen because you are in a batch synchronization.</string>
    <string name="category_list">Select Category</string>
    <string name="title_category">Category</string>
    <string name="title_all_operation">All</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.2.3 -->
    <string name="title_quick_report_output">Report confirmation</string>

    <!-- 1.0.1 Resource Pattern 1 -->
    <string name="meetingroom_setting_1">Meeting room setting(1)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_setting_1">Marking sharing setting(1)</string>
    <string name="chairman_marking_share_1">Publisher marking sharing(1)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_auto_save_1">Auto-save sharing marking(1)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.3-->
    <string name="date_label_1">Period(1)</string>
    <string name="operation_name_1">Wokring Name(1)</string>
    <string name="operation_list_1">Wokring(1)</string>
    <string name="operation_search_count_1">%1$s cases have been searched.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_date_validation_1">Start date must be before the end date(1)</string>
    <string name="search_result_1">Search Results(1)</string>
    <string name="pano_edit_1">360edit(1)</string>
    <string name="information_update_1">Update(1)</string>
    <string name="work_report_1">Report(1)</string>
    <string name="synchronizing_1">Syncing...(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_receiving_failed_1">An error occurred while receiving work data.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_report_receiving_failed_1">An error occurred while receiving work report data.(1)</string>
    <string name="file_initialization_1">Initializing file(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_entry_scene_1">Would you like to register the selected image as a scene image?(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_save_pano_edit_1">Do you want to end the editing? \n (Unsaved changes are discarded)(1)</string>

    <string name="operation_manual_1">Operation manual(1)</string>
    <string name="operation_related_content_1">Related Content(1)</string>
    <string name="new_content_1">New(1)</string>
    <string name="save_all_1">Save All(1)</string>
    <string name="content_update_1">update(1)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_1">Remote Support(1)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_list_1">Remote Support List</string>
    <string name="new_make_1">New Make(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_data_1">There are not registered data.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_exit_meeting_room_1">All the participants will be disconnected, will you leave the room?(1)</string>
    <string name="room_name_1">Room Name(1)</string>
    <string name="room_no_1">Room No.(1)</string>
    <string name="password_setting_1">Password Setting(1)</string>
    <string name="exist_1">exist(1)</string>
    <string name="not_exist_1">not exist(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_cancel_download_1">Are you sure you want to stop the download?(1)</string>
    <string name="pano_entry_title_1">360 Content registration(1)</string>
    <string name="label_entry_1">Registration(1)</string>
    <string name="label_base_file_1">Base file(1)</string>
    <string name="select_image_1">Image selection(1)</string>
    <string name="error_msg_open_pano_edit_1">The content can not be edited  because the content is being edited on another terminal.(1)</string>

    <string name="P001_1">Hankaku katakana can not be used for content name.(1)</string>
    <string name="P002_1">Content has already been registered.(1)</string>
    <string name="P003_1">Wokring can not be newly registered, modified, or deleted.(1)</string>
    <string name="P004_1">Wokring is being viewed on the server. Please execute the synchronization process again after a while.(1)</string>
    <string name="P005_1">It is already checked. Check data can not be sent.(1)</string>

    <string name="no_ozd_viewer_1">Viewer doesn\'t exist.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_save_fail_1">Document save failed. Please save again.(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_1">send push message(1)</string>
    <string name="send_destination_1">Destination(1)</string>
    <string name="send_message_1">Message(1)</string>
    <string name="send_1">Send(1)</string>
    <string name="free_input_1">free text input(1)</string>
    <string name="in_group_1">in group(1)</string>
    <string name="all_operation_1">the entire Wokring(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_list_1">Message list(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_null_1">please enter a push message.(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_over_1">The push message is too long.(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_success_1">we sent a push message.(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_fail_1">Failed to send push message.(1)</string>
    <string name="respons_fix_push_message_fail_1">Failed to acquire fixed form sentences.(1)</string>
    <string name="title_help_1">help(1)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_main_1">It is the ABookCheck home screen. Completed projects are not displayed. When "Search result" is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. When you clear the condition in search, all items are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_search_1">You can search for projects. Please enter the name and the execution period and search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_setting_1">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_pano_1">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_sync_1">If the button is blue, it indicates that there is new information. Please push the button to update instructions and related materials. Please perform operation in a communicable state.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_direction_1">To do work instructions, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_report_1">To do work report, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_detail_1">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_detail_main_1">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_home_1">You will return to the home screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_add_1">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add_1">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save_1">After adding scenes etc, save it. "Temporary storage" is temporarily saved on the terminal, "Save" is transmitted to the ABookCheck server and reflected on the terminal of the project member.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_main_1">The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_report_search_1">Enter a work name and search for work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_add_1">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_edit_1">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_task_main_1">The input content may be composed of multiple pages. Although it can be saved in the middle of input, it can not save if mandatory items are not entered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_save_1">Save your entries.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_delete_1">Delete saved instruction contents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_prev_1">You will return to the previous page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_next_1">You will proceed to the next page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_close_1">Close the entry screen. Input contents not saved are discarded.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_director_list_1">Display the work instruction list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_pano_zoom_1">Enlarges / reduces the 360-degree panoramic image. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_director_main_1">Double-tap the pdf to register new instruction contents. To modify already registered instructions, tap the operation code on the drawing. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_report_main_1">Please tap the operation code on the pdf when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_director_main_1">Double tap on the space to register new instruction contents. If you wish to modify already registered instruction content, tap on the working code in the space. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_report_main_1">Please tap the operation code on the space when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_main_1">It is not possible to report jobs until the job start time. Pressing the [Update List] button displays the [Job Report] button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_refresh_1">Refresh the screen with the latest information.</string>

    <string name="msg_help_drawing_zoom_1">Scale the drawing. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_director_1">Display the contents of the instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_report_1">Proceed to the work report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_comfirm_1">You can check the instruction content.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_main_1">Display the work registered to all scenes in the list. The work of the currently displayed scene is displayed, and the work of the other scenes is collapsed. The color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_search_1">Search work by partial match.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_scene_move_1">You can move to each scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_show_list_up_1">Display the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_down_1">Hide the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_close_1">Close the list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_main_1">The contents registered by the instructor are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_input_1">The work report screen is displayed.</string>

    <string name="title_permission_dialog_1">Application authority(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update_1">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_location_1">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_camera_1">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_location_search_fail_1">Failed to acquire location information.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_pano_image_no_selected_1">Base file has not been selected.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album_1">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.(1)</string>

    <string name="msg_send_error_task_report_data_1">An error occurred while sending work report data. \n Untransmitted data is automatically transmitted at the next transmission.(1)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.400-->
    <string name="pull_to_refresh_label_1">Pull to refresh…(1)</string>
    <string name="release_to_refresh_label_1">Release to refresh…(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_failed_1">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_api_failed_1">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.(1)</string>
    <string name="communication_1">communication(1)</string>
    <string name="operation_select_1">Wokring choice(1)</string>
    <string name="detail_1">detail(1)</string>
    <string name="title_message_detail_1">message detail(1)</string>
    <string name="push_message_sender_1">Sender(1) :</string>
    <string name="title_operation_report_form_1">Task report (1)</string>
    <string name="title_preview_1">preivew</string>
    <string name="title_input_1">input</string>
    <string name="title_common_content_1">Related Content(Commmon)(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_related_content_1">The content can not be opened because It is not related data.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_common_processing_1">processing...(1)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_communication_menu_1">You can use push messages and remote assistance. If there is an unread push message, a red circle is displayed at the upper right of the icon.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_menu_1">Go to the screen that references materials that all users can view.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_1">It is a material that all users can view. Save the document and view it. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_code_hide_1">Hide the working code while pressing this button.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_related_content_1">It will be displayed if relevant information is available for the question.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_form_explain_1">An explanation about each question of the input form is displayed.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_first_back_1">You will return to the first page.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_end_go_1">You will proceed to the last page.(1)</string>
    <string name="recent_update_date_1">recent update date:%1$s(1)</string>

    <string name="label_operation_report_type_1">Kind(1)</string>
    <string name="date_label_routineTask_1">Working time(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_report_data_1">There is no work data.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_mic_1">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_list_1">It is not possible to transition to the inspection work report screen except for Wokring list screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing_1">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room_1">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated_1">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation_1">Since Wokring does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_available_from_1">Information can be updated from「%s」(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_common_content_1">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.(1)</string>

    <string name="room_list_1">Room List(1)</string>
    <string name="create_room_1">Create Room(1)</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.0.1 -->
    <string name="temp_save_1">Temporarily saved(1)</string>
    <string name="temp_save_info_1">Do you want to temporarily save it?(1)</string>
    <string name="save_info_1">Save it and send it to the server?(1)</string>
    <string name="msg_temp_save_result_1">It has been saved.(1)</string>
    <string name="delete_info_1">Do you want to delete the saved data?(1)</string>
    <string name="Report_1">Report(1)</string>
    <string name="Routine_1">Routine(1)</string>
    <string name="ReportReply_1">ReportReply(1)</string>

    <!-- 1.0.1 Resource Pattern 2 -->
    <string name="meetingroom_setting_2">Meeting room setting(2)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_setting_2">Marking sharing setting(2)</string>
    <string name="chairman_marking_share_2">Publisher marking sharing(2)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_auto_save_2">Auto-save sharing marking(2)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.3-->
    <string name="date_label_2">Period(2)</string>
    <string name="operation_name_2">Wokring Name(2)</string>
    <string name="operation_list_2">Wokring(2)</string>
    <string name="operation_search_count_2">%1$s cases have been searched.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_date_validation_2">Start date must be before the end date(2)</string>
    <string name="search_result_2">Search Results(2)</string>
    <string name="pano_edit_2">360edit(2)</string>
    <string name="information_update_2">Update(2)</string>
    <string name="work_report_2">Report(2)</string>
    <string name="synchronizing_2">Syncing...(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_receiving_failed_2">An error occurred while receiving work data.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_report_receiving_failed_2">An error occurred while receiving work report data.(2)</string>
    <string name="file_initialization_2">Initializing file(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_entry_scene_2">Would you like to register the selected image as a scene image?(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_save_pano_edit_2">Do you want to end the editing? \n (Unsaved changes are discarded)(2)</string>

    <string name="operation_manual_2">Operation manual(2)</string>
    <string name="operation_related_content_2">Related Content(2)</string>
    <string name="new_content_2">New(2)</string>
    <string name="save_all_2">Save All(2)</string>
    <string name="content_update_2">update(2)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_2">Remote Support(2)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_list_2">Remote Support List(2)</string>
    <string name="new_make_2">New Make(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_data_2">There are not registered data.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_exit_meeting_room_2">All the participants will be disconnected, will you leave the room?(2)</string>
    <string name="room_name_2">Room Name(2)</string>
    <string name="room_no_2">Room No.(2)</string>
    <string name="password_setting_2">Password Setting(2)</string>
    <string name="exist_2">exist(2)</string>
    <string name="not_exist_2">not exist(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_cancel_download_2">Are you sure you want to stop the download?(2)</string>
    <string name="pano_entry_title_2">360 Content registration(2)</string>
    <string name="label_entry_2">Registration(2)</string>
    <string name="label_base_file_2">Base file(2)</string>
    <string name="select_image_2">Image selection(2)</string>
    <string name="error_msg_open_pano_edit_2">The content can not be edited because the content is being edited on another terminal.(2)</string>

    <string name="P001_2">Hankaku katakana can not be used for content name.(2)</string>
    <string name="P002_2">Content has already been registered.(2)</string>
    <string name="P003_2">Wokring can not be newly registered, modified, or deleted.(2)</string>
    <string name="P004_2">Wokring is being viewed on the server. Please execute the synchronization process again after a while.(2)</string>
    <string name="P005_2">It is already checked. Check data can not be sent.(2)</string>

    <string name="no_ozd_viewer_2">Viewer doesn\'t exist.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_save_fail_2">Document save failed. Please save again.(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_2">send push message(2)</string>
    <string name="send_destination_2">Destination(2)</string>
    <string name="send_message_2">Message(2)</string>
    <string name="send_2">Send(2)</string>
    <string name="free_input_2">free text input(2)</string>
    <string name="in_group_2">in group(2)</string>
    <string name="all_operation_2">the entire Wokring(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_list_2">Message list(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_null_2">please enter a push message.(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_over_2">The push message is too long.(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_success_2">we sent a push message.(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_fail_2">Failed to send push message.(2)</string>
    <string name="respons_fix_push_message_fail_2">Failed to acquire fixed form sentences.(2)</string>
    <string name="title_help_2">help(2)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_main_2">It is the ABookCheck home screen. Completed projects are not displayed. When "Search result" is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. When you clear the condition in search, all items are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_search_2">You can search for projects. Please enter the name and the execution period and search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_setting_2">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_pano_2">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_sync_2">If the button is blue, it indicates that there is new information. Please push the button to update instructions and related materials. Please perform operation in a communicable state.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_direction_2">To do work instructions, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_report_2">To do work report, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_detail_2">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_detail_main_2">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_home_2">You will return to the home screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_add_2">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add_2">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save_2">After adding scenes etc, save it. "Temporary storage" is temporarily saved on the terminal, "Save" is transmitted to the ABookCheck server and reflected on the terminal of the project member.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_main_2">The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_report_search_2">Enter a work name and search for work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_add_2">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_edit_2">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_task_main_2">The input content may be composed of multiple pages. Although it can be saved in the middle of input, it can not save if mandatory items are not entered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_save_2">Save your entries.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_delete_2">Delete saved instruction contents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_prev_2">You will return to the previous page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_next_2">You will proceed to the next page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_close_2">Close the entry screen. Input contents not saved are discarded.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_director_list_2">Display the work instruction list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_pano_zoom_2">Enlarges / reduces the 360-degree panoramic image. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_director_main_2">Double-tap the pdf to register new instruction contents. To modify already registered instructions, tap the operation code on the drawing. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_report_main_2">Please tap the operation code on the pdf when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_director_main_2">Double tap on the space to register new instruction contents. If you wish to modify already registered instruction content, tap on the working code in the space. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_report_main_2">Please tap the operation code on the space when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_main_2">It is not possible to report jobs until the job start time. Pressing the [Update List] button displays the [Job Report] button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_refresh_2">Refresh the screen with the latest information.</string>

    <string name="msg_help_drawing_zoom_2">Scale the drawing. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_director_2">Display the contents of the instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_report_2">Proceed to the work report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_comfirm_2">You can check the instruction content.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_main_2">Display the work registered to all scenes in the list. The work of the currently displayed scene is displayed, and the work of the other scenes is collapsed. The color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_search_2">Search work by partial match.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_scene_move_2">You can move to each scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_show_list_up_2">Display the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_down_2">Hide the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_close_2">Close the list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_main_2">The contents registered by the instructor are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_input_2">The work report screen is displayed.</string>

    <string name="title_permission_dialog_2">Application authority(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update_2">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_location_2">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_camera_2">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_location_search_fail_2">Failed to acquire location information.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_pano_image_no_selected_2">Base file has not been selected.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album_2">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.(2)</string>

    <string name="msg_send_error_task_report_data_2">An error occurred while sending work report data. \n Untransmitted data is automatically transmitted at the next transmission.(2)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.400-->
    <string name="pull_to_refresh_label_2">Pull to refresh…(2)</string>
    <string name="release_to_refresh_label_2">Release to refresh…(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_failed_2">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_api_failed_2">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.(2)</string>
    <string name="communication_2">communication(2)</string>
    <string name="operation_select_2">Wokring choice(2)</string>
    <string name="detail_2">detail(2)</string>
    <string name="title_message_detail_2">message detail(2)</string>
    <string name="push_message_sender_2">Sender(2) :</string>
    <string name="title_operation_report_form_2">Task report (2)</string>
    <string name="title_preview_2">preivew</string>
    <string name="title_input_2">input</string>
    <string name="title_common_content_2">Related Content(Commmon)(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_related_content_2">The content can not be opened because It is not related data.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_common_processing_2">processing...(2)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_communication_menu_2">You can use push messages and remote assistance. If there is an unread push message, a red circle is displayed at the upper right of the icon.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_menu_2">Go to the screen that references materials that all users can view.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_2">It is a material that all users can view. Save the document and view it. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_code_hide_2">Hide the working code while pressing this button.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_related_content_2">It will be displayed if relevant information is available for the question.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_form_explain_2">An explanation about each question of the input form is displayed.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_first_back_2">You will return to the first page.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_end_go_2">You will proceed to the last page.(2)</string>
    <string name="recent_update_date_2">recent update date:%1$s(2)</string>

    <string name="label_operation_report_type_2">Kind(2)</string>
    <string name="date_label_routineTask_2">Working time(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_report_data_2">There is no work data.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_mic_2">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_list_2">It is not possible to transition to the inspection work report screen except for Wokring list screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing_2">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room_2">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated_2">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation_2">Since Wokring does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_available_from_2">Information can be updated from「%s」(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_common_content_2">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.(2)</string>

    <string name="room_list_2">Room List(2)</string>
    <string name="create_room_2">Create Room(2)</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.0.1 -->
    <string name="temp_save_2">Temporarily saved(2)</string>
    <string name="temp_save_info_2">Do you want to temporarily save it?(2)</string>
    <string name="save_info_2">Save it and send it to the server?(2)</string>
    <string name="msg_temp_save_result_2">It has been saved.(2)</string>
    <string name="delete_info_2">Do you want to delete the saved data?(2)</string>
    <string name="Report_2">Report(2)</string>
    <string name="Routine_2">Routine(2)</string>
    <string name="ReportReply_2">ReportReply(2)</string>

    <!-- 1.0.1 Resource Pattern 3 -->
    <string name="meetingroom_setting_3">Meeting room setting(3)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_setting_3">Marking sharing setting(3)</string>
    <string name="chairman_marking_share_3">Publisher marking sharing(3)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_auto_save_3">Auto-save sharing marking(3)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.3-->
    <string name="date_label_3">Period(3)</string>
    <string name="operation_name_3">Wokring Name(3)</string>
    <string name="operation_list_3">Wokring(3)</string>
    <string name="operation_search_count_3">%1$s cases have been searched.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_date_validation_3">Start date must be before the end date(3)</string>
    <string name="search_result_3">Search Results(3)</string>
    <string name="pano_edit_3">360edit(3)</string>
    <string name="information_update_3">Update(3)</string>
    <string name="work_report_3">Report(3)</string>
    <string name="synchronizing_3">Syncing...(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_receiving_failed_3">An error occurred while receiving work data.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_report_receiving_failed_3">An error occurred while receiving work report data.(3)</string>
    <string name="file_initialization_3">Initializing file(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_entry_scene_3">Would you like to register the selected image as a scene image?(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_save_pano_edit_3">Do you want to end the editing? \n (Unsaved changes are discarded)(3)</string>

    <string name="operation_manual_3">Operation manual(3)</string>
    <string name="operation_related_content_3">Related Content(3)</string>
    <string name="new_content_3">New(3)</string>
    <string name="save_all_3">Save All(3)</string>
    <string name="content_update_3">update(3)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_3">Remote Support(3)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_list_3">Remote Support List(3)</string>
    <string name="new_make_3">New Make(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_data_3">There are not registered data.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_exit_meeting_room_3">All the participants will be disconnected, will you leave the room?(3)</string>
    <string name="room_name_3">Room Name(3)</string>
    <string name="room_no_3">Room No.(3)</string>
    <string name="password_setting_3">Password Setting(3)</string>
    <string name="exist_3">exist(3)</string>
    <string name="not_exist_3">not exist(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_cancel_download_3">Are you sure you want to stop the download?(3)</string>
    <string name="pano_entry_title_3">360 Content registration(3)</string>
    <string name="label_entry_3">Registration(3)</string>
    <string name="label_base_file_3">Base file(3)</string>
    <string name="select_image_3">Image selection(3)</string>
    <string name="error_msg_open_pano_edit_3">The content can not be edited because the content is being edited on another terminal.(3)</string>

    <string name="P001_3">Hankaku katakana can not be used for content name.(3)</string>
    <string name="P002_3">Content has already been registered.(3)</string>
    <string name="P003_3">Wokring can not be newly registered, modified, or deleted.(3)</string>
    <string name="P004_3">Wokring is being viewed on the server. Please execute the synchronization process again after a while.(3)</string>
    <string name="P005_3">It is already checked. Check data can not be sent.(3)</string>

    <string name="no_ozd_viewer_3">Viewer doesn\'t exist.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_save_fail_3">Document save failed. Please save again.(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_3">send push message(3)</string>
    <string name="send_destination_3">Destination(3)</string>
    <string name="send_message_3">Message(3)</string>
    <string name="send_3">Send(3)</string>
    <string name="free_input_3">free text input(3)</string>
    <string name="in_group_3">in group(3)</string>
    <string name="all_operation_3">the entire Wokring(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_list_3">Message list(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_null_3">please enter a push message.(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_over_3">The push message is too long.(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_success_3">we sent a push message.(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_fail_3">Failed to send push message.(3)</string>
    <string name="respons_fix_push_message_fail_3">Failed to acquire fixed form sentences.(3)</string>
    <string name="title_help_3">help(3)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_main_3">It is the ABookCheck home screen. Completed projects are not displayed. When "Search result" is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. When you clear the condition in search, all items are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_search_3">You can search for projects. Please enter the name and the execution period and search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_setting_3">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_pano_3">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_sync_3">If the button is blue, it indicates that there is new information. Please push the button to update instructions and related materials. Please perform operation in a communicable state.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_direction_3">To do work instructions, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_report_3">To do work report, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_detail_3">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_detail_main_3">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_home_3">You will return to the home screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_add_3">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add_3">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save_3">After adding scenes etc, save it. "Temporary storage" is temporarily saved on the terminal, "Save" is transmitted to the ABookCheck server and reflected on the terminal of the project member.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_main_3">The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_report_search_3">Enter a work name and search for work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_add_3">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_edit_3">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_task_main_3">The input content may be composed of multiple pages. Although it can be saved in the middle of input, it can not save if mandatory items are not entered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_save_3">Save your entries.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_delete_3">Delete saved instruction contents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_prev_3">You will return to the previous page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_next_3">You will proceed to the next page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_close_3">Close the entry screen. Input contents not saved are discarded.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_director_list_3">Display the work instruction list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_pano_zoom_3">Enlarges / reduces the 360-degree panoramic image. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_director_main_3">Double-tap the pdf to register new instruction contents. To modify already registered instructions, tap the operation code on the drawing. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_report_main_3">Please tap the operation code on the pdf when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_director_main_3">Double tap on the space to register new instruction contents. If you wish to modify already registered instruction content, tap on the working code in the space. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_report_main_3">Please tap the operation code on the space when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_main_3">It is not possible to report jobs until the job start time. Pressing the [Update List] button displays the [Job Report] button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_refresh_3">Refresh the screen with the latest information.</string>

    <string name="msg_help_drawing_zoom_3">Scale the drawing. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_director_3">Display the contents of the instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_report_3">Proceed to the work report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_comfirm_3">You can check the instruction content.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_main_3">Display the work registered to all scenes in the list. The work of the currently displayed scene is displayed, and the work of the other scenes is collapsed. The color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_search_3">Search work by partial match.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_scene_move_3">You can move to each scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_show_list_up_3">Display the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_down_3">Hide the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_close_3">Close the list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_main_3">The contents registered by the instructor are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_input_3">The work report screen is displayed.</string>

    <string name="title_permission_dialog_3">Application authority(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update_3">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_location_3">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_camera_3">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_location_search_fail_3">Failed to acquire location information.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_pano_image_no_selected_3">Base file has not been selected.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album_3">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.(3)</string>

    <string name="msg_send_error_task_report_data_3">An error occurred while sending work report data. \n Untransmitted data is automatically transmitted at the next transmission.(3)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.400-->
    <string name="pull_to_refresh_label_3">Pull to refresh…(3)</string>
    <string name="release_to_refresh_label_3">Release to refresh…(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_failed_3">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_api_failed_3">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.(3)</string>
    <string name="communication_3">communication(3)</string>
    <string name="operation_select_3">Wokring choice(3)</string>
    <string name="detail_3">detail(3)</string>
    <string name="title_message_detail_3">message detail(3)</string>
    <string name="push_message_sender_3">Sender(3) :</string>
    <string name="title_operation_report_form_3">Task report (3)</string>
    <string name="title_preview_3">preivew</string>
    <string name="title_input_3">input</string>
    <string name="title_common_content_3">Related Content(Commmon)(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_related_content_3">The content can not be opened because It is not related data.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_common_processing_3">processing...(3)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_communication_menu_3">You can use push messages and remote assistance. If there is an unread push message, a red circle is displayed at the upper right of the icon.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_menu_3">Go to the screen that references materials that all users can view.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_3">It is a material that all users can view. Save the document and view it. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_code_hide_3">Hide the working code while pressing this button.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_related_content_3">It will be displayed if relevant information is available for the question.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_form_explain_3">An explanation about each question of the input form is displayed.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_first_back_3">You will return to the first page.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_end_go_3">You will proceed to the last page.(3)</string>
    <string name="recent_update_date_3">recent update date:%1$s(3)</string>

    <string name="label_operation_report_type_3">Kind(3)</string>
    <string name="date_label_routineTask_3">Working time(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_report_data_3">There is no work data.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_mic_3">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_list_3">It is not possible to transition to the inspection work report screen except for Wokring list screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing_3">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room_3">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated_3">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation_3">Since Wokring does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_available_from_3">Information can be updated from「%s」(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_common_content_3">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.(3)</string>

    <string name="room_list_3">Room List(3)</string>
    <string name="create_room_3">Create Room(3)</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.0.1 -->
    <string name="temp_save_3">Temporarily saved(3)</string>
    <string name="temp_save_info_3">Do you want to temporarily save it?(3)</string>
    <string name="save_info_3">Save it and send it to the server?(3)</string>
    <string name="msg_temp_save_result_3">It has been saved.(3)</string>
    <string name="delete_info_3">Do you want to delete the saved data?(3)</string>
    <string name="Report_3">Report(3)</string>
    <string name="Routine_3">Routine(3)</string>
    <string name="ReportReply_3">ReportReply(3)</string>

    <!-- 1.0.1 Resource Pattern 4 -->
    <string name="meetingroom_setting_4">Meeting room setting(4)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_setting_4">Marking sharing setting(4)</string>
    <string name="chairman_marking_share_4">Publisher marking sharing(4)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_auto_save_4">Auto-save sharing marking(4)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.3-->
    <string name="date_label_4">Period(4)</string>
    <string name="operation_name_4">Wokring Name(4)</string>
    <string name="operation_list_4">Wokring(4)</string>
    <string name="operation_search_count_4">%1$s cases have been searched.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_date_validation_4">Start date must be before the end date(4)</string>
    <string name="search_result_4">Search Results(4)</string>
    <string name="pano_edit_4">360edit(4)</string>
    <string name="information_update_4">Update(4)</string>
    <string name="work_report_4">Report(4)</string>
    <string name="synchronizing_4">Syncing...(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_receiving_failed_4">An error occurred while receiving work data.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_report_receiving_failed_4">An error occurred while receiving work report data.(4)</string>
    <string name="file_initialization_4">Initializing file(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_entry_scene_4">Would you like to register the selected image as a scene image?(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_save_pano_edit_4">Do you want to end the editing? \n (Unsaved changes are discarded)(4)</string>

    <string name="operation_manual_4">Operation manual(4)</string>
    <string name="operation_related_content_4">Related Content(4)</string>
    <string name="new_content_4">New(4)</string>
    <string name="save_all_4">Save All(4)</string>
    <string name="content_update_4">update(4)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_4">Remote Support(4)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_list_4">Remote Support List(4)</string>
    <string name="new_make_4">New Make(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_data_4">There are not registered data.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_exit_meeting_room_4">All the participants will be disconnected, will you leave the room?(4)</string>
    <string name="room_name_4">Room Name(4)</string>
    <string name="room_no_4">Room No.(4)</string>
    <string name="password_setting_4">Password Setting(4)</string>
    <string name="exist_4">exist(4)</string>
    <string name="not_exist_4">not exist(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_cancel_download_4">Are you sure you want to stop the download?(4)</string>
    <string name="pano_entry_title_4">360 Content registration(4)</string>
    <string name="label_entry_4">Registration(4)</string>
    <string name="label_base_file_4">Base file(4)</string>
    <string name="select_image_4">Image selection(4)</string>
    <string name="error_msg_open_pano_edit_4">The content can not be edited because the content is being edited on another terminal.(4)</string>

    <string name="P001_4">Hankaku katakana can not be used for content name.(4)</string>
    <string name="P002_4">Content has already been registered.(4)</string>
    <string name="P003_4">Wokring can not be newly registered, modified, or deleted.(4)</string>
    <string name="P004_4">Wokring is being viewed on the server. Please execute the synchronization process again after a while.(4)</string>
    <string name="P005_4">It is already checked. Check data can not be sent.(4)</string>

    <string name="no_ozd_viewer_4">Viewer doesn\'t exist.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_save_fail_4">Document save failed. Please save again.(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_4">send push message(4)</string>
    <string name="send_destination_4">Destination(4)</string>
    <string name="send_message_4">Message(4)</string>
    <string name="send_4">Send(4)</string>
    <string name="free_input_4">free text input(4)</string>
    <string name="in_group_4">in group(4)</string>
    <string name="all_operation_4">the entire Wokring(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_list_4">Message list(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_null_4">please enter a push message.(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_over_4">The push message is too long.(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_success_4">we sent a push message.(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_fail_4">Failed to send push message.(4)</string>
    <string name="respons_fix_push_message_fail_4">Failed to acquire fixed form sentences.(4)</string>
    <string name="title_help_4">help(4)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_main_4">It is the ABookCheck home screen. Completed projects are not displayed. When "Search result" is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. When you clear the condition in search, all items are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_search_4">You can search for projects. Please enter the name and the execution period and search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_setting_4">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_pano_4">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_sync_4">If the button is blue, it indicates that there is new information. Please push the button to update instructions and related materials. Please perform operation in a communicable state.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_direction_4">To do work instructions, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_report_4">To do work report, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_detail_4">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_detail_main_4">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_home_4">You will return to the home screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_add_4">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add_4">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save_4">After adding scenes etc, save it. "Temporary storage" is temporarily saved on the terminal, "Save" is transmitted to the ABookCheck server and reflected on the terminal of the project member.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_main_4">The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_report_search_4">Enter a work name and search for work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_add_4">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_edit_4">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_task_main_4">The input content may be composed of multiple pages. Although it can be saved in the middle of input, it can not save if mandatory items are not entered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_save_4">Save your entries.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_delete_4">Delete saved instruction contents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_prev_4">You will return to the previous page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_next_4">You will proceed to the next page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_close_4">Close the entry screen. Input contents not saved are discarded.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_director_list_4">Display the work instruction list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_pano_zoom_4">Enlarges / reduces the 360-degree panoramic image. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_director_main_4">Double-tap the pdf to register new instruction contents. To modify already registered instructions, tap the operation code on the drawing. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_report_main_4">Please tap the operation code on the pdf when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_director_main_4">Double tap on the space to register new instruction contents. If you wish to modify already registered instruction content, tap on the working code in the space. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_report_main_4">Please tap the operation code on the space when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_main_4">It is not possible to report jobs until the job start time. Pressing the [Update List] button displays the [Job Report] button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_refresh_4">Refresh the screen with the latest information.</string>

    <string name="msg_help_drawing_zoom_4">Scale the drawing. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_director_4">Display the contents of the instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_report_4">Proceed to the work report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_comfirm_4">You can check the instruction content.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_main_4">Display the work registered to all scenes in the list. The work of the currently displayed scene is displayed, and the work of the other scenes is collapsed. The color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_search_4">Search work by partial match.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_scene_move_4">You can move to each scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_show_list_up_4">Display the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_down_4">Hide the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_close_4">Close the list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_main_4">The contents registered by the instructor are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_input_4">The work report screen is displayed.</string>

    <string name="title_permission_dialog_4">Application authority(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update_4">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_location_4">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_camera_4">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_location_search_fail_4">Failed to acquire location information.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_pano_image_no_selected_4">Base file has not been selected.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album_4">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.(4)</string>

    <string name="msg_send_error_task_report_data_4">An error occurred while sending work report data. \n Untransmitted data is automatically transmitted at the next transmission.(4)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.400-->
    <string name="pull_to_refresh_label_4">Pull to refresh…(4)</string>
    <string name="release_to_refresh_label_4">Release to refresh…(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_failed_4">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_api_failed_4">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.(4)</string>
    <string name="communication_4">communication(4)</string>
    <string name="operation_select_4">Wokring choice(4)</string>
    <string name="detail_4">detail(4)</string>
    <string name="title_message_detail_4">message detail(4)</string>
    <string name="push_message_sender_4">Sender(4) :</string>
    <string name="title_operation_report_form_4">Task report (4)</string>
    <string name="title_preview_4">preivew</string>
    <string name="title_input_4">input</string>
    <string name="title_common_content_4">Related Content(Commmon)(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_related_content_4">The content can not be opened because It is not related data.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_common_processing_4">processing...(4)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_communication_menu_4">You can use push messages and remote assistance. If there is an unread push message, a red circle is displayed at the upper right of the icon.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_menu_4">Go to the screen that references materials that all users can view.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_4">It is a material that all users can view. Save the document and view it. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_code_hide_4">Hide the working code while pressing this button.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_related_content_4">It will be displayed if relevant information is available for the question.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_form_explain_4">An explanation about each question of the input form is displayed.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_first_back_4">You will return to the first page.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_end_go_4">You will proceed to the last page.(4)</string>
    <string name="recent_update_date_4">recent update date:%1$s(4)</string>

    <string name="label_operation_report_type_4">Kind(4)</string>
    <string name="date_label_routineTask_4">Working time(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_report_data_4">There is no work data.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_mic_4">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_list_4">It is not possible to transition to the inspection work report screen except for Wokring list screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing_4">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room_4">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated_4">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation_4">Since Wokring does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_available_from_4">Information can be updated from「%s」(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_common_content_4">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.(4)</string>

    <string name="room_list_4">Room List(4)</string>
    <string name="create_room_4">Create Room(4)</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.0.1 -->
    <string name="temp_save_4">Temporarily saved(4)</string>
    <string name="temp_save_info_4">Do you want to temporarily save it?(4)</string>
    <string name="save_info_4">Save it and send it to the server?(4)</string>
    <string name="msg_temp_save_result_4">It has been saved.(4)</string>
    <string name="delete_info_4">Do you want to delete the saved data?(4)</string>
    <string name="Report_4">Report(4)</string>
    <string name="Routine_4">Routine(4)</string>
    <string name="ReportReply_4">ReportReply(4)</string>

    <!-- 1.0.1 Resource Pattern 5 -->
    <string name="meetingroom_setting_5">Meeting room setting(5)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_setting_5">Marking sharing setting(5)</string>
    <string name="chairman_marking_share_5">Publisher marking sharing(5)</string>
    <string name="marking_share_auto_save_5">Auto-save sharing marking(5)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.3-->
    <string name="date_label_5">Period(5)</string>
    <string name="operation_name_5">Wokring Name(5)</string>
    <string name="operation_list_5">Wokring(5)</string>
    <string name="operation_search_count_5">%1$s cases have been searched.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_date_validation_5">Start date must be before the end date(5)</string>
    <string name="search_result_5">Search Results(5)</string>
    <string name="pano_edit_5">360edit(5)</string>
    <string name="information_update_5">Update(5)</string>
    <string name="work_report_5">Report(5)</string>
    <string name="synchronizing_5">Syncing...(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_receiving_failed_5">An error occurred while receiving work data.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_task_report_receiving_failed_5">An error occurred while receiving work report data.(5)</string>
    <string name="file_initialization_5">Initializing file(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_entry_scene_5">Would you like to register the selected image as a scene image?(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_save_pano_edit_5">Do you want to end the editing? \n (Unsaved changes are discarded)(5)</string>

    <string name="operation_manual_5">Operation manual(5)</string>
    <string name="operation_related_content_5">Related Content(5)</string>
    <string name="new_content_5">New(5)</string>
    <string name="save_all_5">Save All(5)</string>
    <string name="content_update_5">update(5)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_5">Remote Support(5)</string>
    <string name="remote_support_list_5">Remote Support List(5)</string>
    <string name="new_make_5">New Make(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_data_5">There are not registered data.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_exit_meeting_room_5">All the participants will be disconnected, will you leave the room?(5)</string>
    <string name="room_name_5">Room Name(5)</string>
    <string name="room_no_5">Room No.(5)</string>
    <string name="password_setting_5">Password Setting(5)</string>
    <string name="exist_5">exist(5)</string>
    <string name="not_exist_5">not exist(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_cancel_download_5">Are you sure you want to stop the download?(5)</string>
    <string name="pano_entry_title_5">360 Content registration(5)</string>
    <string name="label_entry_5">Registration(5)</string>
    <string name="label_base_file_5">Base file(5)</string>
    <string name="select_image_5">Image selection(5)</string>
    <string name="error_msg_open_pano_edit_5">The content can not be edited because the content is being edited on another terminal.(5)</string>

    <string name="P001_5">Hankaku katakana can not be used for content name.(5)</string>
    <string name="P002_5">Content has already been registered.(5)</string>
    <string name="P003_5">Wokring can not be newly registered, modified, or deleted.(5)</string>
    <string name="P004_5">Wokring is being viewed on the server. Please execute the synchronization process again after a while.(5)</string>
    <string name="P005_5">It is already checked. Check data can not be sent.(5)</string>

    <string name="no_ozd_viewer_5">Viewer doesn\'t exist.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_save_fail_5">Document save failed. Please save again.(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_5">send push message(5)</string>
    <string name="send_destination_5">Destination(5)</string>
    <string name="send_message_5">Message(5)</string>
    <string name="send_5">Send(5)</string>
    <string name="free_input_5">free text input(5)</string>
    <string name="in_group_5">in group(5)</string>
    <string name="all_operation_5">the entire Wokring(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_list_5">Message list(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_null_5">please enter a push message.(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_input_over_5">The push message is too long.(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_success_5">we sent a push message.(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_send_fail_5">Failed to send push message.(5)</string>
    <string name="respons_fix_push_message_fail_5">Failed to acquire fixed form sentences.(5)</string>
    <string name="title_help_5">help(5)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_main_5">It is the ABookCheck home screen. Completed projects are not displayed. When "Search result" is displayed at the top of the page, search conditions are set. When you clear the condition in search, all items are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_search_5">You can search for projects. Please enter the name and the execution period and search.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_setting_5">You can change the password, check the version of the application, view the operation manual of the application, and so on.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_pano_5">Go to the screen to add 360-degree panoramic images (scenes) and radar maps. It is displayed when you register a project of 360 format.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_sync_5">If the button is blue, it indicates that there is new information. Please push the button to update instructions and related materials. Please perform operation in a communicable state.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_direction_5">To do work instructions, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_report_5">To do work report, press this button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_list_detail_5">Proceed to the screen that references documents related to the project, such as manuals, work procedures manuals.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_detail_main_5">Save related documents and browse. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_operation_home_5">You will return to the home screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_add_5">you save the captured 360 degree panorama image on the ABookCheck server.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_add_5">You add a 360 degree panorama image (scene) saved on the ABookCheck server. You can also add a radar map.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_edit_server_save_5">After adding scenes etc, save it. "Temporary storage" is temporarily saved on the terminal, "Save" is transmitted to the ABookCheck server and reflected on the terminal of the project member.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_list_main_5">The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_report_search_5">Enter a work name and search for work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_add_5">You will add a new work instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_edit_5">Correct the instruction contents already registered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_director_task_main_5">The input content may be composed of multiple pages. Although it can be saved in the middle of input, it can not save if mandatory items are not entered.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_save_5">Save your entries.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_delete_5">Delete saved instruction contents.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_prev_5">You will return to the previous page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_next_5">You will proceed to the next page.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_close_5">Close the entry screen. Input contents not saved are discarded.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_director_list_5">Display the work instruction list.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_pano_zoom_5">Enlarges / reduces the 360-degree panoramic image. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_director_main_5">Double-tap the pdf to register new instruction contents. To modify already registered instructions, tap the operation code on the drawing. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_drawing_report_main_5">Please tap the operation code on the pdf when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_director_main_5">Double tap on the space to register new instruction contents. If you wish to modify already registered instruction content, tap on the working code in the space. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_pano_report_main_5">Please tap the operation code on the space when confirming instruction contents and reporting work. The background color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_main_5">It is not possible to report jobs until the job start time. Pressing the [Update List] button displays the [Job Report] button.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_routineTask_list_refresh_5">Refresh the screen with the latest information.</string>

    <string name="msg_help_drawing_zoom_5">Scale the drawing. \n + can be enlarged, - can be shrunk.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_director_5">Display the contents of the instruction.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_show_report_5">Proceed to the work report.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_comfirm_5">You can check the instruction content.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_main_5">Display the work registered to all scenes in the list. The work of the currently displayed scene is displayed, and the work of the other scenes is collapsed. The color of the working code indicates the work status, the orange color is incomplete, and the blue color is completed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_search_5">Search work by partial match.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_scene_move_5">You can move to each scene.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_show_list_up_5">Display the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_down_5">Hide the work.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_dicrector_task_list_close_5">Close the list screen.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_main_5">The contents registered by the instructor are displayed.</string>
    <string name="msg_help_report_task_director_input_5">The work report screen is displayed.</string>

    <string name="title_permission_dialog_5">Application authority(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_update_5">To upgrade the version of the application, you need the external storage usage authority. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_location_5">Position information usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_camera_5">Camera usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_location_search_fail_5">Failed to acquire location information.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_pano_image_no_selected_5">Base file has not been selected.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_storage_album_5">In order to use local photos,you need the external storage usage authority. \ nTo transition to the application setting screen.(5)</string>

    <string name="msg_send_error_task_report_data_5">An error occurred while sending work report data. \n Untransmitted data is automatically transmitted at the next transmission.(5)</string>

    <!-- 1.9.400-->
    <string name="pull_to_refresh_label_5">Pull to refresh…(5)</string>
    <string name="release_to_refresh_label_5">Release to refresh…(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_failed_5">The addition of a scene failed.\nSince the selected image is registered as the scene material, you must manually add the scene.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_sence_regist_api_failed_5">The addition of a scene failed.\nSelect an image again to add a scene.(5)</string>
    <string name="communication_5">communication(5)</string>
    <string name="operation_select_5">Wokring choice(5)</string>
    <string name="detail_5">detail(5)</string>
    <string name="title_message_detail_5">message detail(5)</string>
    <string name="push_message_sender_5">Sender(5) :</string>
    <string name="title_operation_report_form_5">Task report (5)</string>
    <string name="title_preview_5">preivew</string>
    <string name="title_input_5">input</string>
    <string name="title_common_content_5">Related Content(Commmon)(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_related_content_5">The content can not be opened because It is not related data.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_common_processing_5">processing...(5)</string>

    <string name="msg_help_communication_menu_5">You can use push messages and remote assistance. If there is an unread push message, a red circle is displayed at the upper right of the icon.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_menu_5">Go to the screen that references materials that all users can view.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_common_content_5">It is a material that all users can view. Save the document and view it. Save each document or collectively in a communicable state. Tap the [Open] button to browse the document. When the content of the document changes, [Update] button will be displayed. When you tap [Delete] button, the data saved on the terminal will be deleted.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_code_hide_5">Hide the working code while pressing this button.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_related_content_5">It will be displayed if relevant information is available for the question.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_form_explain_5">An explanation about each question of the input form is displayed.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_first_back_5">You will return to the first page.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_help_task_end_go_5">You will proceed to the last page.(5)</string>
    <string name="recent_update_date_5">recent update date:%1$s(5)</string>

    <string name="label_operation_report_type_5">Kind(5)</string>
    <string name="date_label_routineTask_5">Working time(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_no_report_data_5">There is no work data.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_permission_dialog_mic_5">Mic usage authority is required. \n To transition to the application setting screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_list_5">It is not possible to transition to the inspection work report screen except for Wokring list screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_refreshing_5">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while updating information.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_meeting_room_5">You can not enter the inspection work report screen while conference room is connected.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_not_updated_5">In the state where information is not updated, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_disable_no_operation_5">Since Wokring does not exist, it can not transit to the inspection work report screen.(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_routineTask_report_available_from_5">Information can be updated from「%s」(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_not_common_content_5">You can not view it because it is contents that are not set in common data.(5)</string>

    <string name="room_list_5">Room List(5)</string>
    <string name="create_room_5">Create Room(5)</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.0.1 -->
    <string name="temp_save_5">Temporarily saved(5)</string>
    <string name="temp_save_info_5">Do you want to temporarily save it?(5)</string>
    <string name="save_info_5">Save it and send it to the server?(5)</string>
    <string name="msg_temp_save_result_5">It has been saved.(5)</string>
    <string name="delete_info_5">Do you want to delete the saved data?(5)</string>
    <string name="Report_5">Report(5)</string>
    <string name="Routine_5">Routine(5)</string>
    <string name="ReportReply_5">ReportReply(5)</string>

    <string name="msg_confirm_close_edit_page">Are you sure you want to finish editing?\n(Unsaved changes will be discarded.)</string>
    <string name="msg_error_edit_page_save">An unexpected error has occurred while saving the image.\nClosing the editing Page.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_edit_page_open">Failed to open the edit tool.</string>

    <!-- ABookCheck 1.2.300 -->
    <string name="title_scene_image_select">Select scene image</string>
    <string name="msg_image_select_max_count_over">The maximum number of scene images that can be selected is %s.</string>
    <string name="msg_image_select_send_comfirm">Register the selected scene image?</string>
    <string name="msg_image_select_send_success">You have successfully registered a scene image.</string>
    <string name="msg_image_select_send_fail_retry">Registration of the scene image failed. Do you want to register again?</string>
    <string name="msg_access_registing">Registring</string>
    <string name="title_theta_camera">THETA Camera</string>
    <string name="title_theta_camera_shoot">Shoot</string>
    <string name="title_theta_library">THETA Library</string>
    <string name="title_theta_image_preview">THETA Preview</string>
    <string name="title_theta_connect">Camera Select</string>
    <string name="msg_wifi_connecting">Wi-Fi connecting...</string>
    <string name="msg_fail_connect_theta_wifi">THETA camera connection failed. Check the Wi-Fi settings of THETA camera.</string>
    <string name="title_theta_wifi_saved">Registered device</string>
    <string name="title_theta_wifi_not_saved">Unregistered device</string>
    <string name="title_theta_image_save">transfer</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_send_confirm">Would you like to transfer this image?</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_delete_confirm">Are you sure you want to delete this image?</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_send_success">Image transfer successful.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_send_fail">Image transfer failed.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_delete_success">Image delete successful.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_delete_fail">Image delete failed.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_image_load_fail">Failed to load image.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="msg_deleting">Deleting...</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_shoot_fail">The THETA camera failed to shoot.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="msg_transferred">Transferred</string>
    <string name="msg_error_device_wifi_off">Set the Wi-Fi of the device to ON.</string>
    <string name="msg_transferring">transferring...</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_live_image_fail">Failed to acquire live video information from THETA camera.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_set_exposure_fail">Failed to set exposure value.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_get_exposure_fail">Failed to acquire exposure value.\nPlease check the Wi-Fi connection status.</string>
    <string name="title_theta_exposure_value">EV:%s</string>
    <string name="msg_device_location_off">Set the location information function of the Device to ON.</string>
    <string name="msg_theta_wifi_disconnect">THETA camera Wi-Fi connection has been lost. return to Select scene image screen.</string>

    <!-- Chat -->
    <string name="chat">Chat</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_disconnected">Disconnected from the server.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_connect">There was a problem with the network.\n Please check the connection status of the network.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_server">App will not be able to communicate with the server. \n After a few moments, please try again.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat">Failed to connect to chat server.\n After a few moments, please try again.</string>
    <string name="msg_chat_confirm_exit">Do you want to leave this room?</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_room_not_found">This chat room has already been deleted.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_500">System error occurred on the chat server.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_join">Failed to connect to chat server.\nplease try again.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_text_length">Message length is 0. please type 1 or more character.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_input_roomname">Please enter a room name.</string>
    <string name="msg_chat_confirm_member">Do you want to remove selected members from the list?</string>
    <string name="msg_chat_confirm_delete">Do you want to delete this room?</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_room_name_too_long">Please enter room name less than 20 characters.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_name_has_invalid_character">The character ;/?:@&amp;=+$,-_.!~*\'()#\\\"` cannot be included in the roomname.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_chat_room_sc_forbidden">Failed to authenticate. Please login again.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_all_process_delete">Failed to send all deletes.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_already_exist_same_room">Already exist same room.\n do you want enter exist room?</string>
    <string name="msg_ozd_file_could_not_opened">Report file could not opened.</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_send_host_change">Do you want to receive host permissions?</string>
    <string name="host_confirm">request host permission</string>
    <string name="msg_confirm_share_image">Do you want to share captured image?</string>
    <string name="msg_invite_collaboration">You are invited to collaboration.</string>
    <string name="msg_wait_for_host">Please wait for selecting document by host</string>
    <string name="msg_rejected_by_host">Rejected host request.</string>
    <string name="msg_invalid_parameters">Communication failed. Return to the chat room.</string>
    <string name="not_found_camera">Not found camera device.</string>
    <string name="msg_destroy_exist_collaboration">Ongoing collaboration exist. Do you want to terminate exist collaboration and start new?</string>
    <string name="error_fail_record">Recording failed. Please contact the administrator.</string>
    <string name="chat_open_fail_meeting_connected">Can’t open chat room during distance support. </string>
    <string name="chat_open_fail_collaborattion_connected">Chat rooms cannot be opened while the document collaboration is connected.</string>
    <!-- Communication 会議室 -->
    <string name="msg_error_favorites_100_over">You can have up to 100 favorites.</string>
    <string name="msg_eroor_network_offline">There is no network connected.</string>
    <string name="msg_error_connection_error_meeting_room">Could not connect to the meeting room server.</string>