lang-en.json 5.66 KB
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Masaru Abe committed
1 2
"sysErrorCallApi01":"System error.<br/>Please close this window and contact administrator.",
Masaru Abe committed
"sysErrorCallApi02":"I am terribly sorry to cause you inconvenience.<br />A certification error occurred.<br />return to a login screen.",
Masaru Abe committed
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
"sysInfoScrLock01":"Click to unlock.",
"sysInfoWithoutLogout":"Are you sure to close this window without logout?\nIncorrect logout will cause login problem next time.",

"txtUsrCap":"User Infomation",
"txtLastLoginTime":"Last login date:",
"txtOpt001":"Initial Screen",
"txtOpt002":"Repeat movie and audio",
"txtOpt003":"Show marking when opening contents.",
"txtBkResCap":"Backup / Restore",
"txtOptBkCfm":"Confirm backup at every logout.",
"txtBkMsg":"Backup to server?",
"txtResMsg":"Restore from Server?",
"msgPwdEmpty":"Password is required.",
"msgPwdOldWrong":"Current Password mismatch.",
"msgPwdNotMatch":"New Password doesn't match.",
"msgLoginErrWrong":"LoginId or Password wrong: {0}",
"dspPubDt2":"Distributed Date:",
"dspShioriDelConf":"Are you sure to delete bookmark?",
"dspRegDt":"Registered Date",
"txtLoginAccPath":"Account Path:",
"txtLoginId":"Login Id:",
"txtLoginPwdRbr":"Remember Account Path and Login Id.",
"txtPwdCurr":"Current Password",
"txtPwdNew":"New Password",
"txtPwdRemind":"This message won't be shown during 30days if skip selected.",
"txtPubDt":"Released Date",
"txtRecordNum":" ",
"txtRecordTotal":"    ",
"dspViewMore":">> Next {0} contents",
"txtViewDt":"Accessed Date",
"txtCtnNm":"Content Name",
"txtContTxt":"Body Text",
"txtLogoutBkMsg":"Backup before logout?",
"txtLogoutOptBkCfm":"Remember this operation",
"dspBkOK":"Backup and Logout",
Masaru Abe committed
Masaru Abe committed
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
"txtMkToolBar":"Marking Toolbar",
"dspPgClear":"Clear this page",
"txtShioriCtnLs":"Bookmark list",
"txtTextCopy":"Copy Body Text",
"txtNoTextCopy":"No Text",
"txtNoSearchResult":"No Result",
"msgShioriNotExists":"no Bookmark",
"msgPwdChangeNG":"Failed.<br/>Password requires at least both of character and numeric.",
"msgSearchNotExist":"No content",
"txtTooltipBookmark":"Add/Delete Bookmark",
"txtTooltipShowMemo":"Show/Hide memo",
"txtTooltipAddMemo":"Add memo",
"txtTooltipShowMarking":"Show/Hide Marking",
"txtTooltipShowMarkingTool":"Show/Hide Marking Panel",
"msgShioriDeleted":"Page was deleted.",
"msgLoginEmpty":"Please fill empty field.",
"txtOpt004":"Show when content will be opened.",
"txtRestoreTitle":"Restore confirmation",
"txtBackupTitle":"Backup confirmation",
"txtResMsgNotice":"This operation will override current data and all of your data will be lost.",
"msgNoIndex":"No index.",
"msgBackupSuccess":"Backup success.",
"msgBackupFailed":"Backup failed.",
"msgRestoreSuccess":"Restore success.",
"msgRestoreFailed":"Restore failed.",
"txtDeleteConfirmTitle":"Delete confirmation",
"msgHistoryNotExist":"No history",
"msgChangePassword":"Change Password",
"txtMemoEdit":"Edit memo",
"msgPageImgErr":"Unable to show contents. Maybe it was deleted at server. Back home and choose another content.",
"sysAppTitle":"Viewer for Web",
"sysLockScrPwdInput":"Input password",
"txtOpt005":"Show alert when press F5.close tab.broswer.",
"txtMemoMenu":"Edit memo",
"msgBGMPlayConfirm":"Content BGM will be played automatically.",
"msgPWDNeedChange":"Change password is required. Please back Setting view.",
"msgBGMPagePlayConfirm":"Page BGM will be played automatically.",
"txtBkSelectData":"Please select data to backup.",
"txtResSelect":"Please select data to restore.",
"txtBkDefault":"Backup default:",
"txtOptPageTrans":"Animation type in View",
"txtOptPageTransPeriod":"Animation period",
"msgPushAlert":"Has new message(s) !",
"txtNext":"Next >",
"txtPrevious":"< Previous",
"msgAnonymousLoginErr":"Can not login. (Error code: {0})",
"msgAnonymousLoginErr2":"Can not login. ",
"txtContentPWTitle":"Password Confirm",
"txtContentPWMsg":"Please input password to view this content.",
"txtMediaAutoPlayWarning":"Media will be played  automatically.",
Masaru Abe committed
152 153
"txtPreventLink": "This function is not available in the preview.",
"msgContentNotExist": "Content does not exist.",
Masaru Abe committed
"txtShare": "share",
"txtDashMark": "-",
Masaru Abe committed
156 157
"txtUrlValidDate": "validated period",
"txtMaxDownloadCount": "number of max dl",
"msgShareUrlPassword": "When you set a password, please input below.",
159 160
"msgStreamingOpenError": "It is the contents that I cannot read in the streaming.",
"txtBkContentStatus": "Content Status"
Masaru Abe committed