lang-en.json 2.15 KB
Newer Older
Masaru Abe committed
1 2
"sysErrorCallApi01":"System error.<br/>Please close this window and contact administrator.",
Masaru Abe committed
"sysErrorCallApi02":"I am terribly sorry to cause you inconvenience.<br />A certification error occurred.<br />return to a login screen.",
Masaru Abe committed
4 5 6 7
"sysInfoWithoutLogout":"Are you sure to close this window without logout?\nIncorrect logout will cause login problem next time.",

"txtUsrCap":"User Infomation",
"txtLastLoginTime":"Last login date:",

Masaru Abe committed
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
"msgPwdEmpty":"Password is required.",
"msgPwdOldWrong":"Current Password mismatch.",
"msgPwdNotMatch":"New Password doesn't match.",
"msgLoginErrWrong":"LoginId or Password wrong: {0}",
"txtLoginAccPath":"Account Path:",
"txtLoginId":"Login Id:",
"txtLoginPwdRbr":"Remember Account Path and Login Id.",
"txtPwdCurr":"Current Password",
"txtPwdNew":"New Password",
"txtPwdRemind":"This message won't be shown during 30days if skip selected.",
"msgPwdChangeNG":"Failed.<br/>Password requires at least both of character and numeric.",
"msgLoginEmpty":"Please fill empty field.",
"msgChangePassword":"Change Password",
"sysAppTitle":"Viewer for Web",
"sysLockScrPwdInput":"Input password",
"msgPWDNeedChange":"Change password is required. Please back Setting view.",
"msgAnonymousLoginErr":"Can not login. (Error code: {0})",
NGO THI HONG committed
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
"msgAnonymousLoginErr2":"Can not login. ",

"dashboardSettings":"Dashboard Settings",
"pickup":"Pick up",
"workList":"Work list",
"account_setting":"Account setting",
"newRegistrationTitle":"New Registration",
"continousWorkTitle":"Continous Work",
"processWorkTitle":"Process work",
"reportWarningTitle":"Report With Warning",
"workWithWarningsTitle":"Work with warnings",
"messageListTitle":"Message List",
"sendMessageTitle":"Send Message",
"makeDashboardAsHome":"Make dashboard your home screen",
56 57
"messageListEmpty":"No Messages"
NGO THI HONG committed
