Commit 40f4663e by Takumi Imai


parent d434b3ce
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ RF.initFormView = function () {
if (replyNo) params.replyNo = replyNo;
if (processKey) params.processKey = processKey;
if (phaseNo) params.phaseNo = phaseNo;
if (reportStartDate) prarams.reportStartDate = reportStartDate;
if (reportStartDate) params.reportStartDate = reportStartDate;
const url = COMMON.format(ClientData.conf_checkApiUrl(), ClientData.userInfo_accountPath()) + CONSTANT.URL.CMS.HTML.BASE + CONSTANT.URL.CMS.HTML.LIST_REPORT_FORM;
$('#report-form').load(url, params, function () {
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