Commit 518c4d71 by Masaru Abe

#10735 PDF以外のコンテンツでしおり登録して一覧で見ると、内容のところにコンテンツ名が表示される

parent 2b27f937
......@@ -305,13 +305,14 @@ function ShowBookmark() {
contentTitleKana = collection_contents[nIndex2].contentTitleKana;
contentType = collection_contents[nIndex2].contentType;
if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF){
// Search in pages
for (var nIndex3 = 0; nIndex3 < collection_contents[nIndex2].pages.length; nIndex3++) {
if (pageNo == collection_contents[nIndex2].pages[nIndex3].pageNo) {
pageDetail = collection_contents[nIndex2].pages[nIndex3];
if(contentType != COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF){
pageDetail.pageText = "";
......@@ -341,26 +342,10 @@ function ShowBookmark() {
// Hide all sorting symbol
function HideSorting() {
// $("#txtTitleNmAsc").hide();
// $("#txtTitleNmDesc").hide();
// $("#txtTitleNmKnAsc").hide();
// $("#txtTitleNmKnDesc").hide();
// $("#txtPubDtAsc").hide();
// $("#txtPubDtDesc").hide();
$('#menu_sort li a').removeClass('ascending_sort').removeClass('descending_sort');
// Sort by title name
function SortTitleName(isAsc) {
// HideSorting();
// if (isAsc) {
// $("#txtTitleNmAsc").show();
// }
// else {
// $("#txtTitleNmDesc").show();
// }
HEADER.setStatusSort('#dspTitleNm', isAsc);
......@@ -415,24 +400,9 @@ function ClearGrid() {
//if (TotalThread == 0) {
//$('#grid tr').remove();
// var arrSelectedBookmarks = $("input[name='chkDelete']");
// Sort by title name kana
function SortTitleNameKana(isAsc) {
// HideSorting();
// if (isAsc) {
// $("#txtTitleNmKnAsc").show();
// }
// else {
// $("#txtTitleNmKnDesc").show();
// }
HEADER.setStatusSort('#dspTitleNmKn', isAsc);
......@@ -481,14 +451,6 @@ function SortTitleNameKana(isAsc) {
// Sort by publish date
function SortPubDate(isAsc) {
// HideSorting();
// if (isAsc) {
// $("#txtPubDtAsc").show();
// }
// else {
// $("#txtPubDtDesc").show();
// }
HEADER.setStatusSort('#dspPubDt', isAsc);
......@@ -566,9 +528,6 @@ function insertRowError(contentid, pageTitle, pageNo) {
newRow += "<section class='sectionBookmark'>";
newRow += " <div class='cnt_section'>";
// newRow += " <div class='check'>";
// newRow += " <input type='checkbox' name='chkDelete' value='{\"contentid\":" + contentid + ", \"pageNo\":" + pageNo + "}'/>";
// newRow += " </div>";
newRow += '<span class="check">';
newRow += "<input type='checkbox' name='chkDelete' value='{\"contentid\":" + contentid + ", \"pageNo\":" + pageNo +"}' />";
......@@ -593,86 +552,11 @@ function insertRow(contentid, pageThumbnail, pageTitle, pageText, pageNo, hasMem
var imgMarking = '<img class="pen" alt="" src="./img/list/icon_pen.png" />';
var imgMemo = '<img class="sticker" alt="" src="./img/list/icon_sticker.png" />';
var newRow = "";
/*newRow += "<section class='sectionBookmark'>";
newRow += "<div class='cnt_section'>";
newRow += "<span class='check'>";
newRow += "<input type='checkbox' name='chkDelete' value='{\"contentid\":" + contentid + ", \"pageNo\":" + pageNo + ", \"index\": " + index+ "}'/>";
newRow += "</span>";
newRow += "<a class='img'>";
newRow += '<img id="pageImg' + contentid + '" src="' + pageThumbnail + '" width="160" height="120" style="display:none;">';
newRow += '<img id="loadingIcon' + contentid + "_" + pageNo + '" src="./img/data_loading.gif" height="25px" width="25px" style="padding: 46px; "/>';
newRow += "</a>";
newRow += "<div class='text'>";
//newRow += '<label id="Label1" class="name" style="color: #2D83DA;">' + COMMON.truncate(pageTitle, 20) + '</label>';
newRow += '<a class="name" href="#" id="Label1">' + COMMON.truncate(pageTitle, 20) + '</a>'; //<img src="img/bookshelf/icon_01.jpg" width="20" height="20" class="listIcon">
newRow += '<div class="info">';
newRow += '<ul class="date">';
newRow += '<li><label id="Label2" class="lang" lang="txtPage">' + I18N.i18nText('txtPage') + '</label><label id="Label3">' + pageNo + '</label></li>';
var contentText = COMMON.htmlEncode(COMMON.getLines(pageText, 3));
newRow += '<li><label id="Label1">' + COMMON.truncate(contentText, 80) + '</label></li>';
newRow += "</ul>";
newRow += '<ul class="pic" style="align:right">';
newRow += "<li>";
//Resize Image
var imgTemp = new Image();
imgTemp.onload = function () {
if (imgTemp.width > imgTemp.height) {
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).attr('height', '');
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).removeAttr('height');
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).attr('width', '120');
var realHeight = (120 * imgTemp.height) / imgTemp.width;
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).css('padding-top', (120 - realHeight) / 2 + 'px');
else {
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).attr('width', '');
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).removeAttr('width');
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).attr('height', '120');
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).css('padding-top', '0px');
$("#loadingIcon" + contentid + "_" + pageNo).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$("img#pageImg" + contentid).fadeIn('slow');
imgTemp.src = pageThumbnail;
if (hasMemo) {
newRow += imgMemo;
else {
newRow += imgMemoHide;
newRow += "</li>";
newRow += "<li>";
if (hasMarking) {
newRow += imgMarking;
else {
newRow += imgMarkingHide;
newRow += "</li>";
newRow += "<li><a class='read lang' name='dspRead' value='{\"contentid\":\"" + contentid + "\", \"pageNo\":\"" + pageNo + "\"}' lang='txtRead'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtRead') + "</a></li>";
newRow += "</ul>";
newRow += "</div>";
newRow += "</div>";
newRow += "</div>";
newRow += "</section>";
newRow += "<section class='sectionBookmark'>";
newRow +='<div class="cnt_section">';
newRow +='<span class="check">';
// newRow +="<input type='checkbox' name='chkDelete' value='{contentid:" + contentid + ", pageNo:" + pageNo + ", index: " + index+ "}' />";
newRow += "<input type='checkbox' name='chkDelete' value='{\"contentid\":" + contentid + ", \"pageNo\":" + pageNo + ", \"index\": " + index + "}'/>";
newRow +='</span>';
newRow +='<a class="img" href="#">';
......@@ -681,7 +565,6 @@ function insertRow(contentid, pageThumbnail, pageTitle, pageText, pageNo, hasMem
newRow +='</a>';
newRow +='<div class="text">';
//newRow += '<a class="name" href="#"><img src="img/bookshelf/icon_01.jpg" width="20" height="20" class="listIcon">' + COMMON.truncate(pageTitle, 20) + '</a>';
newRow += '<a class="name" href="#">' + COMMON.truncate(pageTitle, 20) + '</a>';
newRow +='<div class="info">';
......@@ -691,9 +574,6 @@ function insertRow(contentid, pageThumbnail, pageTitle, pageText, pageNo, hasMem
newRow += '<li><label id="Label1">' + COMMON.truncate(contentText, 60) + '</label></li>';
// newRow +='<li>公開日:2012/09/14</li>';
// newRow += '<li>閲覧日:2012/09/18</li>';
newRow +='</ul>';
newRow += '<ul class="pic">';
......@@ -731,8 +611,6 @@ function insertRow(contentid, pageThumbnail, pageTitle, pageText, pageNo, hasMem
else {
newRow += '<li><a href="#">' + imgMemoHide + '</a></li>';
// newRow += "</li>";
// newRow += "<li>";
if (hasMarking) {
newRow += '<li><a href="#">' + imgMarking + '</a></li>';
......@@ -744,11 +622,6 @@ function insertRow(contentid, pageThumbnail, pageTitle, pageText, pageNo, hasMem
newRow += '<li class="pageno"><label id="Label2" class="lang" lang="txtPage">' + I18N.i18nText('txtPage') + '</label><label id="Label3">' + pageNo + '</label></li>';
//newRow +='<li><a href="#"><img class="sticker" src="img/list/icon_sticker.png"></a></li>';
//newRow +='<li><a href="#"><img class="pen" src="img/list/icon_pen.png"></a></li>';
//newRow += "<li><a class='read lang' name='dspRead' value='{contentid:" + contentid + ", pageNo:" + pageNo + "}' lang='txtRead'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtRead') + "</a></li>";
newRow += "<li><a class='read lang' name='dspRead' value='{\"contentid\":\"" + contentid + "\", \"pageNo\":\"" + pageNo + "\", \"contentType\":\"" + contentType + "\" }' lang='txtRead'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtRead') + "</a></li>";
newRow +='</ul>';
newRow +='</div>';
......@@ -941,12 +814,6 @@ function changeLanguageCallBackFunction() {
if (ClientData.sortOpt_searchDivision() == 2) { // Kana
// if (ClientData.sortOpt_sortType() == 1) { // ASC
// $("#txtTitleNmKnAsc").show();
// }
// else {
// $("#txtTitleNmKnDesc").show();
// }
HEADER.setStatusSort('#dspTitleNmKn', orderSort == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc);
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