Commit 9c538b46 by Kim Eunchul

#40367 【TECSS(Biz) webviewer 1.9】コンテンツを開けない

parent aaca7c2a
......@@ -1481,4 +1481,4 @@ CONTENTSEARCH.downloadPdfFunction = function(e){
// Download content
......@@ -6003,11 +6003,11 @@ CONTENTVIEW.changeScale = function(scale) {
if (height < canvas.width) {
aspect = offscreen.height / offscreen.width
aspect = offscreen.height / offscreen.width;
if(offScreen.width < offScreen.height){
height = height * scale * aspect;
height = height * scale
height = height * scale;
//height = height * scale;
if (height > canvas.width) {
......@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getBookmarklist = function(pos) {
$("#divListBookmark").offset({ left: pos[0], top: (pos[1] + $('#bookmarkBoxHdBM').height()) });
else {
CONTENTVIEW.handleAPIWebContentPage(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.dataWebContentPage, pos)
CONTENTVIEW.handleAPIWebContentPage(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.dataWebContentPage, pos);
......@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ HEADER.DoBackup = function(isBackupMarking, isBackupMemo, isBackupBookmark,isLog
$('#divResultMessage .toast-item-loading').hide();
// active close toast button
$('.toast-item-close').click(function () { $().toastmessage('removeToast', $('#divResultMessage'), null) });
$('.toast-item-close').click(function () { $().toastmessage('removeToast', $('#divResultMessage'), null); });
if (isLogout) {
$('.toast-position-middle-center').css('width', '500px');
......@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ HEADER.downloadResourceById = function(contentId){
if (HEADER.isSafariNotOnIpad()) {
window.onbeforeunload = null;, "_self"); // open url to download file on safari not for ipad
var toogleTime = setTimeout(function () { COMMON.ToogleLogoutNortice() }, 200);
var toogleTime = setTimeout(function () { COMMON.ToogleLogoutNortice(); }, 200);
else {; //open url to download file on orther browser
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