Commit a0e179f8 by Masaru Abe

#17378 Chromeで差し替え動画の再生ボタンを連続クリックすると、動画が再生されなくなる

parent 3debc584
......@@ -4758,10 +4758,30 @@ CONTENTVIEW.showVideoObject = function(x, y, width, height, src, isFullscreen) {
pt1.y = pt1.y - CONTENTVIEW.marginY;
//CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPosVideo(x, y, (pt2.x - pt1.x), (pt2.y - pt1.y));
CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPosVideo(x, y, width, height);
if (isFullscreen === false) {
//#17378 Chromeで差し替え動画の再生ボタンを連続クリックすると、動画が再生されなくなる問題の対応
var isCreateVideo = true;
var pos = $('#playvideo').position();
if(pos.left == pt1.x && == pt1.y){
isCreateVideo = false;
if($('#videoOnPage').length && !isCreateVideo){
var videoObj = document.getElementById('videoOnPage');
videoObj.setAttribute("src", src);
} else {
$('#playvideo').attr('z-order', '10000');
$('#playvideo').css('left', pt1.x + 'px');
$('#playvideo').css('top', pt1.y + 'px');
......@@ -4788,6 +4808,7 @@ CONTENTVIEW.showVideoObject = function(x, y, width, height, src, isFullscreen) {
} else {
$('#playvideo').attr('z-order', '1000');
$('#playvideo').html('<video class="mov" id="videoOnPage" src="' + src + '" ' +
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