"sysErrorCallApi01":"A system error occured.<br/>Please reopen the browser and then log in again, or access the application later.",
"sysErrorCallApi01":"A system error occured.<br/>Please reopen the browser and then log in again, or access the application later.",
"sysInfoScrLock01":"Click to unlock.",
"sysInfoScrLock01":"Click to unlock.",
"sysInfoWithoutLogout":"You are about to exit without logging out. \nNote: You will be unable to use the application for a period of time unless you log out before exit.",
"sysInfoWithoutLogout":"You are about to exit without logging out. \nNote: You will be unable to use the application for a period of time unless you log out before exit.",
"txtUsrCap":"User Infomation",
"txtUsrCap":"User Infomation",
"txtLastLoginTime":"Last login date:",
"txtLastLoginTime":"Last login date:",
"txtOpt001":"Initial Screen",
"txtOpt001":"Initial Screen",
"txtOpt002":"Repeat movie and audio",
"txtOpt002":"Repeat movie and audio",
"txtOpt003":"Show marking when opening contents.",
"txtOpt003":"Show marking when opening contents.",
"txtBkResCap":"Backup / Restore",
"txtBkResCap":"Backup / Restore",
"txtOptBkCfm":"Confirm backup at every logout.",
"txtOptBkCfm":"Confirm backup at every logout.",
"txtBkMsg":"Backup to server?",
"txtBkMsg":"Backup to server?",
"txtResMsg":"Restore from Server?",
"txtResMsg":"Restore from Server?",
"msgPwdEmpty":"Password is required.",
"msgPwdEmpty":"Password is required.",
"msgPwdOldWrong":"Current Password mismatch.",
"msgPwdOldWrong":"Current Password mismatch.",
"msgPwdNotMatch":"New Password doesn't match.",
"msgPwdNotMatch":"New Password doesn't match.",
"msgLoginErrWrong":"LoginId or Password wrong: {0}",
"msgLoginErrWrong":"LoginId or Password wrong: {0}",
"dspPubDt2":"Distributed Date:",
"dspPubDt2":"Distributed Date:",
"dspShioriDelConf":"Are you sure to delete bookmark?",
"dspShioriDelConf":"Are you sure to delete bookmark?",
"dspRegDt":"Registered Date",
"dspRegDt":"Registered Date",
"dspPwdUpd":"Change Password",
"dspPwdUpd":"Change Password",
"txtLoginAccPath":"Account Path:",
"txtLoginAccPath":"Account Path:",
"txtLoginId":"User Id:",
"txtLoginId":"User Id:",
"txtLoginPwdRbr":"Remember the company ID and user ID",
"txtLoginPwdRbr":"Remember the company ID and user ID",
"txtPwdCurr":"Current Password",
"txtPwdCurr":"Current Password",
"txtPwdNew":"New Password",
"txtPwdNew":"New Password",
"txtPwdRemind":"This message won't be shown during 30days if skip selected.",
"txtPwdRemind":"This message won't be shown during 30days if skip selected.",
"txtPubDt":"Released Date",
"txtPubDt":"Released Date",
"txtRecordNum":" ",
"txtRecordNum":" ",
"txtRecordTotal":" ",
"txtRecordTotal":" ",
"dspViewMore":">> Next",
"dspViewMore":">> Next",
"txtViewDt":"Accessed Date",
"txtViewDt":"Accessed Date",
"txtCtnNm":"Content Name",
"txtCtnNm":"Content Name",
"txtContTxt":"Body Text",
"txtContTxt":"Body Text",
"txtLogoutBkMsg":"Backup before logout?",
"txtLogoutBkMsg":"Backup before logout?",
"txtLogoutOptBkCfm":"Remember this operation",
"txtLogoutOptBkCfm":"Remember this operation",
"dspBkOK":"Backup and Logout",
"dspBkOK":"Backup and Logout",
"txtMkToolBar":"Marking Toolbar",
"txtMkToolBar":"Marking Toolbar",
"dspPgClear":"Clear this page",
"dspPgClear":"Clear this page",
"txtShioriCtnLs":"Bookmark list",
"txtShioriCtnLs":"Bookmark list",
"txtTextCopy":"Copy Body Text",
"txtTextCopy":"Copy Body Text",
"txtNoTextCopy":"No Text",
"txtNoTextCopy":"No Text",
"txtNoSearchResult":"No Result",
"txtNoSearchResult":"No Result",
"msgShioriNotExists":"no Bookmark",
"msgShioriNotExists":"no Bookmark",
"msgPwdChangeNG":"Failed.<br/>Password requires at least both of character and numeric.",
"msgPwdChangeNG":"Failed.<br/>Password requires at least both of character and numeric.",