Commit e3e221f1 by Masaru Abe


parent 0f78c21c
SetEnvIf Referer "^http://web3\.agentec\.jp/web_test/" RefererCheck
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=RefererCheck
#SetEnvIf Referer "^http://web3\.agentec\.jp/web_test/" RefererCheck
#Order deny,allow
#Deny from all
#Allow from env=RefererCheck
<Files ~ "\.(js|json)$">
Header add Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Cache-Control no-cache
......@@ -156,5 +156,6 @@
"txtUrlValidDate": "validated period",
"txtMaxDownloadCount": "number of max dl",
"msgShareUrlPassword": "When you set a password, please input below.",
"msgStreamingOpenError": "It is the contents that I cannot read in the streaming."
"msgStreamingOpenError": "It is the contents that I cannot read in the streaming.",
"txtBkContentStatus": "Content Status"
......@@ -156,5 +156,6 @@
"txtUrlValidDate": "URL유효기간",
"txtMaxDownloadCount": "최대DL횟수",
"msgShareUrlPassword": "암호를 설정할경우 다음의 입력란에 입력하십시오.",
"msgStreamingOpenError": "스트리밍에서는 열람 할 수 없는 컨텐츠입니다."
"msgStreamingOpenError": "스트리밍에서는 열람 할 수 없는 컨텐츠입니다.",
"txtBkContentStatus": "콘텐츠 상태"
......@@ -881,192 +881,294 @@ CONTENTSEARCH.checkContentMarkingMemoOption = function(contentId){
//Check if User has read content
CONTENTSEARCH.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer) {
var imgThumb = new Image();
//imgThumb.src = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contId);
var imgIconNew = new Image();
var imgIconEdit = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail' + contId);
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var readFlg = false;
var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion();
var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion();
var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds();
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var contentThumbnail = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contId);
var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(contId);
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
if (readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined') {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
else {
//Check if user has read this content or not
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length; nIndex1++) {
if (ClientData.ReadingContentIds()[nIndex1].contentid == contId) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = true;
else {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Check if resource version has change
if (readFlg) {
if (versionArr == null || versionArr <= 0 || versionArr == 'undefined') {
else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < versionArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].resourceversion != resourceVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if (metaArr == null || metaArr <= 0 || metaArr == 'undefined') {
else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < metaArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].metaversion != metaVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = false;
var imgThumb = new Image();
//imgThumb.src = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contId);
var imgIconNew = new Image();
var imgIconEdit = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail' + contId);
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var readFlg = false;
var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion();
var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion();
var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds();
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var contentThumbnail = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contId);
var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(contId);
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var bkContentStatus = HEADER.getContentStatus(contId);
var contentStatus = null;
if( bkContentStatus == 0){
contentStatus = 0; //READ
} else if( bkContentStatus == 1 || bkContentStatus == 2 || bkContentStatus == 4 ){
contentStatus = 1; //NEW
} else if(bkContentStatus == 3){
contentStatus = 2; //UPDATE
if (readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined') {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
} else {
//Check if user has read this content or not
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < readArr.length; nIndex1++) {
if (readArr[nIndex1].contentid == contId) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = true;
} else {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Check if resource version has change
if (readFlg) {
if (versionArr == null || versionArr <= 0 || versionArr == 'undefined') {
} else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < versionArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].resourceversion != resourceVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if (metaArr == null || metaArr <= 0 || metaArr == 'undefined') {
else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < metaArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].metaversion != metaVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//readFlg = false;
} else {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//draw Edit Image
......@@ -620,7 +620,8 @@ HEADER.DoBackup = function(isBackupMarking, isBackupMemo, isBackupBookmark, isBa
if(ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length > 0){
for(var nIndex = 0; nIndex < ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length; nIndex++){
HEADER.setContentStatus(ClientData.ReadingContentIds()[nIndex].contentid, 0 );
......@@ -1218,8 +1219,39 @@ HEADER.setContentStatus = function(contentId, status) {
var newArray = [];
HEADER.addContentStatusRead = function(contentId) {
var arr = ClientData.ContentStatusData();
var hitFlg = false;
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < arr.length; nIndex1++) {
if(arr[nIndex1].contentId == contentId){
hitFlg = true;
if(hitFlg == false ){
var obj = new ContentStatusEntity();
obj.contentId = contentId;
obj.status = 0; //read
// Add object to client
var newArray = [];
HEADER.getContentStatus = function(contentId) {
var arr = ClientData.ContentStatusData();
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < arr.length; nIndex1++) {
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
if(ClientData.requirePasswordChange() != 1){
if(ClientData.ReadingContentIds() == null || ClientData.ReadingContentIds() == 'undefined' || ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length == 0){
if(ClientData.ReadingContentIds() == null || ClientData.ReadingContentIds() == 'undefined' || ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length == 0){
......@@ -128,123 +128,110 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
///Render Content
HISTORY.renderContent = function(id, text, division, type, order, from, to, cateid, grpid) {
var params = {
sid: id,
searchText: text,
searchDivision: division,
sortType: type,
sortOrder: order,
//recordFrom: from,
//recordTo: to,
categoryId: cateid,
groupId: grpid
AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), 'webContentList', 'POST', params,
function (data) {
//var htmlTemp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.contentList.length; i++) {
post = data.contentList[i];
var outputDate = COMMON.formatDeliveryDate(post.contentDeliveryDate);
var viewdate = HISTORY.renderViewDate(post.contentId);
if (viewdate != null && viewdate != 'undefined' && viewdate != '') {
var htmlTemp = '<section class="sectionhistory">'
+ ' <div class="cnt_section_list">'
+ ' <a class="img">'
+ ' <canvas height="110" width="150" id="content-thumbnail' + post.contentId + '" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" style="display:none;">'
+ ' </canvas>'
+ ' <img id="imgloading' + post.contentId + '" src="./img/data_loading.gif" height="25px" width="25px" style="padding: 46px; "/>'
+ ' </a>'
+ ' <div class="text">'
+ ' <a id="title' + post.contentId + '" class="name dialog" contentid="' + post.contentId + '">'
+ ' <img class="listIcon" src="' + HEADER.getIconTypeContent(post.contentType)+'" width="20" height="20">'
+ COMMON.truncate(COMMON.htmlEncode(post.contentTitle), 20)
+ ' </a>'
+ ' <div class="info">'
+ ' <ul class="date">'
+ ' <li><span class="lang" lang="txtPubDt"> </span> : ' + outputDate + '</li>'
+ ' <li><span class="lang" lang="txtViewDt"> </span>:<span id="lblVdate' + post.contentId + '"> </span></li>'
+ ' </ul>'
+ ' <ul class="pic">'
+ ' <li><img src="' + COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_OPTION_MEMO + '" id="imgMemo' + post.contentId + '" class="sticker" /></li>'
+ ' <li><img src="' + COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_OPTION_MARKING + '" id="imgBookMark' + post.contentId + '" class="pen" /></li>'
+ ' <li><ul class="iconList">{share}<li><a class="read lang button-details" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" lang="txtRead">'+I18N.i18nText("txtRead")+'</a></li></ul></li>'
+ ' </ul>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</section>';
var params = {
sid: id,
searchText: text,
searchDivision: division,
sortType: type,
sortOrder: order,
//recordFrom: from,
//recordTo: to,
categoryId: cateid,
groupId: grpid
function (data) {
//var htmlTemp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.contentList.length; i++) {
post = data.contentList[i];
var outputDate = COMMON.formatDeliveryDate(post.contentDeliveryDate);
var viewdate = HISTORY.renderViewDate(post.contentId);
// save alert message level
LIMIT_ACCESS_CONTENT.messageLevel[post.contentId] = { alertMessageLevel:post.alertMessageLevel, alertMessage:post.alertMessage};
if (viewdate != null && viewdate != 'undefined' && viewdate != '') {
var htmlTemp = '<section class="sectionhistory">'
+ ' <div class="cnt_section_list">'
+ ' <a class="img">'
+ ' <canvas height="110" width="150" id="content-thumbnail' + post.contentId + '" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" style="display:none;">'
+ ' </canvas>'
+ ' <img id="imgloading' + post.contentId + '" src="./img/data_loading.gif" height="25px" width="25px" style="padding: 46px; "/>'
+ ' </a>'
+ ' <div class="text">'
+ ' <a id="title' + post.contentId + '" class="name dialog" contentid="' + post.contentId + '">'
+ ' <img class="listIcon" src="' + HEADER.getIconTypeContent(post.contentType)+'" width="20" height="20">'
+ COMMON.truncate(COMMON.htmlEncode(post.contentTitle), 20)
+ ' </a>'
+ ' <div class="info">'
+ ' <ul class="date">'
+ ' <li><span class="lang" lang="txtPubDt"> </span> : ' + outputDate + '</li>'
+ ' <li><span class="lang" lang="txtViewDt"> </span>:<span id="lblVdate' + post.contentId + '"> </span></li>'
+ ' </ul>'
+ ' <ul class="pic">'
+ ' <li><img src="' + COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_OPTION_MEMO + '" id="imgMemo' + post.contentId + '" class="sticker" /></li>'
+ ' <li><img src="' + COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_OPTION_MARKING + '" id="imgBookMark' + post.contentId + '" class="pen" /></li>'
+ ' <li><ul class="iconList">{share}<li><a class="read lang button-details" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" lang="txtRead">'+I18N.i18nText("txtRead")+'</a></li></ul></li>'
+ ' </ul>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</section>';
var shareHtml = "";
if( post.readerShare == '1' ){
shareHtml ='<li><a class="read lang button-share" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" lang="txtShare">'+I18N.i18nText("txtShare")+'</a></li>';
htmlTemp = htmlTemp.replace(/\{share\}/g, shareHtml);
for (var i = 0; i < data.contentList.length; i++) {
post = data.contentList[i];
var viewdate = HISTORY.renderViewDate(post.contentId);
// save alert message level
LIMIT_ACCESS_CONTENT.messageLevel[post.contentId] = { alertMessageLevel:post.alertMessageLevel, alertMessage:post.alertMessage};
if (viewdate != null && viewdate != 'undefined' && viewdate != '') {
//assign thumbnail to array
var formatThumbnail = post.contentThumbnail;
if((formatThumbnail != null) && (formatThumbnail != 'undefined') && (formatThumbnail != '')){
formatThumbnail = COMMON.formatStringBase64(formatThumbnail);
HISTORY.thumbnailArr.push({ contentId: post.contentId, thumbnail: formatThumbnail});
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Assign content type to array to manage.
//assign content type to array
HISTORY.contentTypeArr.push({ contentId: post.contentId, contentType: post.contentType });
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Assign content type to array to manage.
//Check if user has read this content or not.
//HISTORY.checkUserHasReadContent(post.contentId, post.resourceVersion, post.metaVersion);
//assign version to array
COMMON.resourceVersionArr.push({ contentid: post.contentId, resourceversion: post.resourceVersion });
//assign meta version to array
COMMON.metaVersionArr.push({ contentid: post.contentId, metaversion: post.metaVersion });
//Check if content has marking or memo
//$('#lblVdate' + post.contentId).html(viewdate);
HISTORY.addReadContentToArray(post.contentId, post.resourceVersion, post.metaVersion, post.contentThumbnail, post.contentTitle, HISTORY.returnContentTitleKana(post.contentId), post.contentDeliveryDate,post.contentType, post.readerShare );
if (data.recordFrom) {
if (data.recordTo) {
HISTORY.totalPage = data.totalRecord;
//Render Page number
HISTORY.reRenderPageNumber(HISTORY.totalPage, HISTORY.totalPage);
}, null);
//assign thumbnail to array
var formatThumbnail = post.contentThumbnail;
if((formatThumbnail != null) && (formatThumbnail != 'undefined') && (formatThumbnail != '')){
formatThumbnail = COMMON.formatStringBase64(formatThumbnail);
HISTORY.thumbnailArr.push({ contentId: post.contentId, thumbnail: formatThumbnail});
HISTORY.contentTypeArr.push({ contentId: post.contentId, contentType: post.contentType });
//assign version to array
COMMON.resourceVersionArr.push({ contentid: post.contentId, resourceversion: post.resourceVersion });
//assign meta version to array
COMMON.metaVersionArr.push({ contentid: post.contentId, metaversion: post.metaVersion });
//Check if content has marking or memo
HISTORY.addReadContentToArray(post.contentId, post.resourceVersion, post.metaVersion, post.contentThumbnail, post.contentTitle, HISTORY.returnContentTitleKana(post.contentId), post.contentDeliveryDate,post.contentType, post.readerShare );
if (data.recordFrom) {
if (data.recordTo) {
HISTORY.totalPage = data.totalRecord;
//Render Page number
HISTORY.reRenderPageNumber(HISTORY.totalPage, HISTORY.totalPage);
}, null
//Handle language
......@@ -738,43 +725,42 @@ HISTORY.checkContentMarkingMemoOption = function(contentId){
//Check if User has read content
HISTORY.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer){
var imgThumb = new Image();
//imgThumb.src = HISTORY.returnThumbnail(contId);
var imgIconNew = new Image();
var imgIconEdit = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail'+contId);
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var readFlg = false;
var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion();
var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion();
var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds();
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var contentThumbnail = HISTORY.returnThumbnail(contId);
var contentType = HISTORY.returnContentType(contId);
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var bkContentStatus = HEADER.getContentStatus(contId);
var contentStatus = null;
if( bkContentStatus == 0){
contentStatus = 0; //READ
} else if( bkContentStatus == 1 || bkContentStatus == 2 || bkContentStatus == 3 ){
contentStatus = 1; //NEW
} else if(bkContentStatus == 5){
contentStatus = 2; //UPDATE
//imgThumb.src = HISTORY.returnThumbnail(contId);
var imgIconNew = new Image();
var imgIconEdit = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail'+contId);
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var readFlg = false;
var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion();
var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion();
var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds();
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var contentThumbnail = HISTORY.returnThumbnail(contId);
var contentType = HISTORY.returnContentType(contId);
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var bkContentStatus = HEADER.getContentStatus(contId);
var contentStatus = null;
if( bkContentStatus == 0){
contentStatus = 0; //READ
} else if( bkContentStatus == 1 || bkContentStatus == 2 || bkContentStatus == 4 ){
contentStatus = 1; //NEW
} else if(bkContentStatus == 3){
contentStatus = 2; //UPDATE
if(readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined'){
imgThumb.onload = function(){
if(readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined'){
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
......@@ -790,27 +776,26 @@ HISTORY.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer){
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//Check if user has read this content or not
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length; nIndex1++) {
if(ClientData.ReadingContentIds()[nIndex1].contentid == contId){
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
} else {
//Check if user has read this content or not
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < readArr.length; nIndex1++) {
if(readArr[nIndex1].contentid == contId){
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
......@@ -820,32 +805,29 @@ HISTORY.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer){
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
imgIconEdit.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
} else {
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = true;
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
readFlg = true;
} else {
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
......@@ -860,112 +842,151 @@ HISTORY.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer){
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Check if resource version has change
if(versionArr == null || versionArr <= 0 || versionArr == 'undefined'){
} else {
for(var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < versionArr.length; nIndex2++){
if(versionArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId){
if(versionArr[nIndex2].resourceversion != resourceVer){
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
imgIconEdit.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(metaArr == null || metaArr <= 0 || metaArr == 'undefined'){
} else{
for(var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < metaArr.length; nIndex2++){
if(metaArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId){
if(metaArr[nIndex2].metaversion != metaVer){
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = false;
//readFlg = false;
} else {
imgThumb.onload = function(){
var resizeImg = HISTORY.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width/2 - resizeImg[0]/2, 0);
} else {
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
......@@ -1474,7 +1495,7 @@ HISTORY.renderContentAfterSort = function(contentSortArr){
$('#lblVdate' + post.contentid).html(viewdate);
......@@ -1889,260 +1889,305 @@ HOME.checkContentMarkingMemoOption = function(contentId) {
//Check if User has read content
HOME.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer) {
var imgThumb = new Image();
//imgThumb.src = HOME.returnThumbnail(contId);
var imgIconNew = new Image();
var imgIconEdit = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail' + contId);
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var imgThumb = new Image();
//imgThumb.src = HOME.returnThumbnail(contId);
var imgIconNew = new Image();
var imgIconEdit = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail' + contId);
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
var readFlg = false;
var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion();
var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion();
var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds();
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var contentThumbnail = HOME.returnThumbnail(contId);
var contentType = HOME.returnContentType(contId);
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var bkContentStatus = HEADER.getContentStatus(contId);
//console.log("contId:" + contId + " bkStatus:" + bkContentStatus);
var contentStatus = null;
if( bkContentStatus == 0){
contentStatus = 0; //READ
} else if( bkContentStatus == 1 || bkContentStatus == 2 || bkContentStatus == 4 ){
contentStatus = 1; //NEW
} else if(bkContentStatus == 3){
contentStatus = 2; //UPDATE
var readFlg = false;
var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion();
var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion();
var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds();
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var contentThumbnail = HOME.returnThumbnail(contId);
var contentType = HOME.returnContentType(contId);
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Declare variable handle contentType and Thumbnail of content.
var bkContentStatus = HEADER.getContentStatus(contId);
console.log("contId:" + contId + " bkStatus:" + bkContentStatus);
var contentStatus = null;
if( bkContentStatus == 0){
contentStatus = 0; //READ
} else if( bkContentStatus == 1 || bkContentStatus == 2 || bkContentStatus == 3 ){
contentStatus = 1; //NEW
} else if(bkContentStatus == 5){
contentStatus = 2; //UPDATE
if (readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined') {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
else {
//Check if user has read this content or not
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length; nIndex1++) {
if (ClientData.ReadingContentIds()[nIndex1].contentid == contId) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = true;
else {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if (readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined') {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
} else {
//Check if user has read this content or not
for (var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < readArr.length; nIndex1++) {
if (readArr[nIndex1].contentid == contId) {
//console.log("ClientData.ReadingContentIds:" + contId + " status:" + contentStatus);
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = true;
} else {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Check if resource version has change
if (readFlg) {
if (versionArr == null || versionArr <= 0 || versionArr == 'undefined') {
else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < versionArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].resourceversion != resourceVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//Check if resource version has change
if (readFlg) {
if (versionArr == null || versionArr <= 0 || versionArr == 'undefined') {
} else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < versionArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (versionArr[nIndex2].resourceversion != resourceVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if (metaArr == null || metaArr <= 0 || metaArr == 'undefined') {
else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < metaArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].metaversion != metaVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
readFlg = false;
if (metaArr == null || metaArr <= 0 || metaArr == 'undefined') {
} else {
for (var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < metaArr.length; nIndex2++) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) {
if (metaArr[nIndex2].metaversion != metaVer) {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//readFlg = false;
} else {
imgThumb.onload = function () {
var resizeImg = HOME.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height);
ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]);
if(contentStatus == null || contentStatus == 1){
imgIconNew.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else if(contentStatus == 2){
imgIconEdit.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]);
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
} else {
$("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow');
//Start Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
if(contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null){
var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType);
if( src != '' ){
imgThumb.src = src;
imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail;
//End Function : No.12 -- Editor : Le Long -- Date : 07/31/2013 -- Summary : Check contentType to set thumbnail.
//draw Edit Image
......@@ -713,6 +713,8 @@ SETTINGS.dspOptReset_Click = function(e) {
$('#chkBkMemo').attr('checked', 'checked');
// set default backup bookmark
$('#chkBkShiori').attr('checked', 'checked');
// set default backup contentStatus
$('#chkBkContentStatus').attr('checked', 'checked');
// reset page transition no.4
......@@ -1044,6 +1046,13 @@ SETTINGS.initScreen = function() {
$("#chkBkShiori").attr('checked', 'checked');
if (ClientData.userOpt_bkContentStatusFlag() == 0) {
else {
$("#chkBkContentStatus").attr('checked', 'checked');
// load config page transition & page transition period No.4
......@@ -153,13 +153,15 @@
<label id="txtOptBkCfm" for="chkOptBkCfm" lang="txtOptBkCfm" class="lang"><!--毎回ログアウトの時、バックアップするかどうかは必ず確認する--></label>
<br />
<label class="option_backup">
<!--<label class="option_backup">-->
<p class="option_backup" style="font-size: 13px;margin-left:50px">
<label id="txtBkDefault" lang="txtBkDefault" class="lang"><!--バックアップのデフォルト : --></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkBkMarking" class="chkbx" checked="checked" /><label id="txtBkMarking" for="chkBkMarking" lang="txtBkMarking" class="lang"><!--マーキング--></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkBkMemo" class="chkbx" checked="checked" /><label id="txtBkMemo" for="chkBkMemo" lang="txtBkMemo" class="lang"><!--メモ--></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkBkShiori" class="chkbx" checked="checked" /><label id="txtBkShiori" for="chkBkShiori" lang="txtBkShiori" class="lang"><!--しおり--></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="chkBkContentStatus" class="chkbx" checked="checked" /><label id="txtBkContentStatus" for="chkBkContentStatus" lang="txtBkContentStatus" class="lang"><!--コンテンツ状態--></label>
<p class="backupbtn"><a class="backup lang" lang="dspOptBk" id="dspOptBk" href="#" style="display:none;"><!--バックアップ--></a><a href="#" id="dspOptRes" lang="dspOptRes" class="lang" style="visibility:hidden;"><!--リストア--></a></p>
<p class="savebtn"><a class="save lang" href="#" id="dspSave" lang="dspSave"><!--保存する--></a><a class="default lang" href="#" id="dspOptReset" lang="dspOptReset"><!--初期設定に戻る--></a><div style="clear:both;"></div></p>
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