var targetDiv; var targetX; var targetY; var targetMemoId; var EditIndex; var saveMode; var memoCallbackFunc; var conid; var pageid; function createMemoDialog(){; targetDiv.html(''); targetDiv.append( '<aside id="memoWrapper" class="MemoIndexBox">' + ' <h1 class="indexBoxHd">' + I18N.i18nText('txtMemo') +' <a class="delete"></a>' +' </h1>' +' <div id="memoArea" class="indexBoxBody_on">' +' <textarea id="txaMemoContent" style="resize: none; height: 302px; width: 452px; margin-bottom: 10px"></textarea>' +' <div style="width: 450px;">' + ' <a id="Memo_btnCancel" style="float:right" class="lang cancelbtn" lang="dspCancel">' + I18N.i18nText('dspCancel') + '</a>' + ' <a id="Memo_btnDel" style="float:right" class="lang cancelbtn" lang="dspDelete">' + I18N.i18nText('dspDelete') + '</a>' + ' <a id="Memo_btnSave" style="float:right" class="lang cancelbtn" lang="dspSave">' + I18N.i18nText('dspSave') + '</a>' +' </div>' +' </div>' +'</aside>'); $('#txaMemoContent').focus(); handleMemoEventFunction(); }; function handleMemoEventFunction(){ $('#Memo_btnSave').click(buttonSaveFunction); $('#Memo_btnDel').click(MemoDelFunction); $('#Memo_btnCancel').click(MemoCancelFunction); $('.delete').click(MemoCancelFunction); }; function memoSaveFunction(){ var tempArr = []; var memoObj = new MemoEntity(); memoObj.pageNo = pageid; memoObj.contentid = conid; memoObj.Text = $('#txaMemoContent').val(); var imagePt = screenToImage(targetX, targetY); //#11478 逆に縮める対応 var canvasWidth = $('#offscreen').width(); var canvasHeight = $('#offscreen').height(); //var tempRatioWidth = canvasWidth / widthEachPageApi; var tempRatioWidth = widthEachPageApi / canvasWidth; if( tempRatioWidth > 1 ){ tempRatioWidth = 1; } var tempRatioHeight = heightEachPageApi / canvasHeight; if( tempRatioHeight > 1 ){ tempRatioHeight = 1; } memoObj.posX = Math.round(imagePt.x * tempRatioWidth); memoObj.posY = Math.round(imagePt.y * tempRatioHeight); //memoObj.posX = imagePt.x; //memoObj.posY = imagePt.y; //=== Start Function : No.17 Editor : Long Date: 07/30/2013 Summary : Set UTC time and UUID when create new memo. memoObj.memoid = COMMON.getUUID(); memoObj.registerDate = new Date(); //=== End Function : No.17 Editor : Long Date: 07/30/2013 Summary : Set UTC time and UUID when create new memo. tempArr = ClientData.MemoData(); tempArr.push(memoObj); ClientData.MemoData(tempArr); if(memoCallbackFunc){ memoCallbackFunc(); } }; function MemoDelFunction(){ if(saveMode == 'Copy'){ //targetDiv.dialog('close'); targetDiv.fadeOut('medium', function(){ }); isCopyMemo = false; } else{ var resultArr = ClientData.MemoData(); resultArr.splice(EditIndex, 1); ClientData.MemoData(resultArr); //targetDiv.dialog('close'); if(memoCallbackFunc){ memoCallbackFunc(); } } $("#overlay").hide(); targetDiv.children().remove(); targetDiv.hide(); $("#pop_up_memo").hide(); /* draw again */ drawCanvas(); //START TRB00054 - EDITOR : Long - Date : 09/19/2013 - Summary : Fix for remove loading icon when del memo drawCanvas(1); //END TRB00054 - EDITOR : Long - Date : 09/19/2013 - Summary : Fix for remove loading icon when del memo /* enable controls after finish copy */ enableControlsCopyMemo(); }; function MemoCancelFunction(){ //targetDiv.dialog('close'); $("#overlay").hide(); targetDiv.children().remove(); targetDiv.hide(); isCopyMemo = false; $("#pop_up_memo").hide(); /* enable controls after finish copy */ enableControlsCopyMemo(); if(ClientData.IsAddingMemo() == true){ ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); //change class $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); } }; function AddMemo(contentId,pageNo,targetId, posX, posY, callback) { conid = contentId; pageid = pageNo; targetDiv = targetId; targetX = posX; targetY = posY; memoCallbackFunc = callback; createMemoDialog(); saveMode = 'New'; $('#Memo_btnDel').css('display','none'); //targetDiv.dialog({width: 466, height: 390, modal: true, position: [targetX, targetY], resizable: false}); //targetDiv.parent().removeClass('ui-draggable'); $("#overlay").show(); disableControlsCopyMemo(); targetDiv.css('z-index','1005'); //START TRB00097 if(targetY >= $('#wrapper').height()/2){ targetDiv.css('top', $('#wrapper').height()/3); targetDiv.css('left',targetX - ($('#memoWrapper').width() /2 )); } else{ targetDiv.css('top',targetY); targetDiv.css('left',targetX - ($('#memoWrapper').width() /2 )); } //END TRB00097 targetDiv.draggable({ handle: "h1" }); //editJqueryUIDialog(); }; function EditMemo(index, posXPlus, posYPlus, targetId, callback){ targetDiv = targetId; targetX = ClientData.MemoData()[index].posX + posXPlus; targetY = ClientData.MemoData()[index].posY + posYPlus; EditIndex = index; memoCallbackFunc = callback; createMemoDialog(); getMemoForEdit(); saveMode = 'Edit'; $('#Memo_btnDel').css('display','block'); //targetDiv.dialog({width: 466, height: 390, modal: true, position: [targetX, targetY], resizable: false}); //targetDiv.parent().removeClass('ui-draggable'); $("#overlay").show(); disableControlsCopyMemo(); targetDiv.css('z-index','1005'); var pt = imageToScreen(targetX, targetY); //START TRB00097 if(pt.y >= $('#wrapper').height()/2){ targetDiv.css('top', $('#wrapper').height()/3); targetDiv.css('left',pt.x - ($('#memoWrapper').width() /2 )); } else{ targetDiv.css('top',pt.y); targetDiv.css('left',pt.x - ($('#memoWrapper').width() /2 )); } //END TRB00097 targetDiv.draggable({ handle: "h1" }); //editJqueryUIDialog(); }; function CopyMemo(index,contentId,pageNo,targetId, posX, posY, callback){ conid = contentId; pageid = pageNo; targetDiv = targetId; targetX = posX; targetY = posY; EditIndex = index; memoCallbackFunc = callback; createMemoDialog(); //getMemoForEdit(); $('#txaMemoContent').val(index); saveMode = 'Copy'; $('#Memo_btnDel').css('display','none'); //targetDiv.dialog({width: 466, height: 390, modal: true, position: [targetX, targetY], resizable: false}); //targetDiv.parent().removeClass('ui-draggable'); $("#overlay").show(); disableControlsCopyMemo(); targetDiv.css('z-index','1005'); targetDiv.css('top',targetY); targetDiv.css('left',targetX - ($('#memoWrapper').width() /2 )); targetDiv.draggable({ handle: "h1" }); //editJqueryUIDialog(); }; function getMemoForEdit(){ var arrTemp = ClientData.MemoData(); var tempEntity = arrTemp[EditIndex]; $('#txaMemoContent').val(tempEntity.Text); }; function editMemoFunction(){ var arrTemp = ClientData.MemoData(); var tempEntity = arrTemp[EditIndex]; var editContent = $('#txaMemoContent').val(); tempEntity.Text = editContent; //=== Start Function : No.17 Editor : Long Date: 07/30/2013 Summary : Set UTC time when edit memo. tempEntity.registerDate = new Date(); //=== End Function : No.17 Editor : Long Date: 07/30/2013 Summary : Set UTC time when edit memo. arrTemp[EditIndex] = tempEntity; ClientData.MemoData(arrTemp); if(memoCallbackFunc){ memoCallbackFunc(); } /*refresh memo*/ //drawCanvas(); }; function buttonSaveFunction(){ if(saveMode == 'Edit'){ editMemoFunction(); } else if(saveMode == 'New'){ memoSaveFunction(); }else if(saveMode == 'Copy'){ memoSaveFunction(); } //targetDiv.dialog('close'); $("#overlay").hide(); targetDiv.children().remove(); targetDiv.hide(); isCopyMemo = false; $("#pop_up_memo").hide(); /* enable controls after finish copy */ enableControlsCopyMemo(); }; function editJqueryUIDialog(){ $('.ui-dialog-titlebar').hide(); targetDiv.addClass('memoDialogImportantCss'); targetDiv.parent().addClass('parentMemoDialogImportantCss'); };