/** * constant js * * @since & */ const CONSTANT = {}; CONSTANT.DEVICE_TYPE = { WEB: 4, }; CONSTANT.SORT_TYPE = { NAME: 0, START_DATE_DESC: 1, START_DATE_ASC: 2, TYPE: 3, LAST_EDIT_DATE: 4, }; CONSTANT.PAGE_NAME = { DASHBOARD: 'dashboard', OPERATION_LIST: 'operationList', FOOTER: 'main-footer.html', DEFAULT: 'index.html', LOGIN: './login.html', }; CONSTANT.PAGE_TAB = { DASHBOARD: 'dashboard', OPERATION_LIST: 'operationList', }; CONSTANT.REPORT_TYPE = { REPORT: '0', ROUTINE: '1', ANSWER: '2', WORKFLOW: '3', }; CONSTANT.ADD_REPORT_FLG = { UNABLE: '0', ABLE: '1', }; CONSTANT.URL = { CMS: { // BASE_CMS: 'https://' + location.host + '/checkapi/web/', BASE: 'http://localhost:8080/acms/', API: { BASE: '/checkapi/web/', ALL_OPERATION_LIST: 'operationListWeb/getOperationList', AUTH_SESSION: 'getSession/checkAuthUser', OPERATION_VIEW_LOG: 'operationViewLog/saveLog', }, HTML: { BASE: '/checkapi/web/html/', TASK_REPORT_LIST: 'getTaskReport/', LIST_REPORT_FORM: 'ListReportForm/showReport', }, }, WEB: { BASE: '', OPERATION_LIST: 'index', }, }; CONSTANT.LANG = { SAVE_NAME: 'lang', JAPAN: 'ja', KOREA: 'ko', ENGLISH: 'en', }; CONSTANT.KEYS = { userInfo_loginId: 'loginId', // Local: UserInfo_Account Path: String userInfo_accountPath: 'accountPath', // Local: UserInfo_Account Information Storage Flag: Char (Y: Yes, N: No) userInfo_rememberLogin: 'rememberLogin', // Local: UserInfo_Last login date and time: Datetime userInfo_lastLoginTime: 'lastLoginTime', // Local: UserInfo_Password Skip Date and Time: Datetime userInfo_pwdSkipDt: 'pwdSkipDt', // Local: User Options (userOpt)_Video Repeated Flag: Interger (0: No Repeated, 1: Repeated) // Session/local:UserInfo_Session ID:String userInfo_sid: 'sid', userInfo_sid_preview: 'sidPreview', // Session: Enterprise Option (serviceOpt)_Forced password change on first login: Integer (0: None, 1: Urgent, 2: Forced) serviceOpt_force_pw_change_on_login: 'force_pw_change_on_login', // Session: Enterprise Option (serviceOpt)_Forced password change on periodic login: Integer (0: None, 1: Urgent, 2: Forced) serviceOpt_force_pw_change_periodically: 'force_pw_change_periodically', // Session: Enterprise Options (serviceOpt)_Using Memo Marking Data Backup: Char (Y: Yes, N: No) userInfo_userName: 'userInfo_userName', // Local:Session ID: String userInfo_sid_bak: 'sid_bak', // Session: Notification Information (pushInfo)_Number of new arrivals: Interger pushInfo_newMsgNumber: 'pushInfo_newMsgNumber', conf_apiUrl: 'conf_apiUrl', conf_apiLoginUrl: 'conf_apiLoginUrl', conf_checkApiLoginUrl: 'conf_checkApiLoginUrl', conf_apiResourceDlUrl: 'conf_apiResourceDlUrl', // Session :ABookCheck:Char (Y: Yes, N: No) serviceOpt_abook_check: 'abook_check', // Session: Enterprise Option (serviceOpt)_Any push message: Char (Y: Yes, N: No) serviceOpt_usable_push_message: 'usable_push_message', // Local IsJumpBack: 'IsJumpBack', // Local: JumpQueue: 'JumpQueue', }; CONSTANT.MSG_MAP = { all: { ja: '全て', ko: '전체', en: 'All' }, dateError: { ja: '開始日は終了日の前に設定してください。', ko: '잘못된 검색일입니다.', en: 'Please enter correct search date.' }, operationListTitle: { ja: 'トップページ|A Book Check', ko: '톱 페이지|A Book Check', en: 'Top Page|A Book Check' }, buttonCategory: { ja: 'カテゴリー', ko: '카테고리', en: 'Category' }, buttonRefresh: { ja: '更新', ko: '갱신', en: 'Refresh' }, buttonBack: { ja: '戻る', ko: 'Back', en: 'Back' }, placeholderOperationName: { ja: '作業名', ko: '작업명', en: 'Working Name' }, labelPeriod: { ja: '期間', ko: '기간', en: 'Period' }, labelStartDate: { ja: '開始日', ko: '시작일', en: 'Start date' }, labelEndDate: { ja: '終了日', ko: '종료일', en: 'End date' }, placeholderSelect: { ja: '選択', ko: '선택', en: 'Choice' }, labelSort: { ja: '並び替え', ko: '정렬', en: 'Sort' }, labelSortName: { ja: '作業名順', ko: '작업명순', en: 'By working name' }, labelSortNew: { ja: '作業期間が新しい順', ko: '작업기간이 최신순', en: 'By newest period' }, labelSortOld: { ja: '作業期間が古い順', ko: '작업기간이 오래된순', en: 'By oldest period' }, labelSortOpen: { ja: '閲覧日が新しい順', ko: '열람순', en: 'By newest viewing date' }, labelReset: { ja: 'クリア', ko: '클리어', en: 'Clear' }, headerItemName: { ja: '作業名', ko: '작업명', en: 'Working Name' }, headerStartDate: { ja: '開始日', ko: '시작일', en: 'Start date' }, headerEndDate: { ja: '終了日', ko: '종료일', en: 'End date' }, buttonHome: { ja: 'ホーム', ko: '홈', en: 'Home' }, buttonSetting: { ja: '設定', ko: '설정', en: 'Setting' }, buttonOperationList: { ja: '作業一覧', ko: '작업일람', en: 'Operations List' }, operationListHeaderTitle: { ja: '作業一覧', ko: '작업일람', en: 'Operations List' }, buttonDashboard: { ja: 'ダッシュボード', ko: '대시보드', en: 'Dashboard' }, buttonDashboardSetting: { ja: '設定', ko: '설정', en: 'Setting' }, Processing_w_dot: { ja: '処理中...', ko: '처리중', en: 'Processing...' }, errorCommunicationFailed: { ja: '通信エラーが発生しました', ko: '통신 오류가 발생했습니다', en: 'A communication error has occurred' }, errorOccurred: { ja: 'エラーが発生しました', ko: '오류가 발생했습니다', en: 'Error Occurred' }, };