"sysErrorCallApi01":"Already logged in with a different screen .<br/>Close this screen , please operate on the screen during login .",
"sysErrorCallApi02":"Already logged in with a different screen .<br/>Close this screen , please operate on the screen during login .",
"sysInfoScrLock01":"Click to unlock.",
"sysInfoWithoutLogout":"Are you sure to close this window without logout?\nIncorrect logout will cause login problem next time.",

"txtUsrCap":"User Infomation",
"txtLastLoginTime":"Last login date:",
"txtOpt001":"Initial Screen",
"txtOpt002":"Repeat movie and audio",
"txtOpt003":"Show marking when opening contents.",
"txtBkResCap":"Backup / Restore",
"txtOptBkCfm":"Confirm backup at every logout.",
"txtBkMsg":"Backup to server?",
"txtResMsg":"Restore from Server?",
"msgPwdEmpty":"Password is required.",
"msgPwdOldWrong":"Current Password mismatch.",
"msgPwdNotMatch":"New Password doesn't match.",
"msgLoginErrWrong":"LoginId or Password wrong: {0}",
"dspPubDt2":"Distributed Date:",
"dspShioriDelConf":"Are you sure to delete bookmark?",
"dspRegDt":"Registered Date",
"txtLoginAccPath":"Account Path:",
"txtLoginId":"Login Id:",
"txtLoginPwdRbr":"Remember Account Path and Login Id.",
"txtPwdCurr":"Current Password",
"txtPwdNew":"New Password",
"txtPwdRemind":"This message won't be shown during 30days if skip selected.",
"txtPubDt":"Released Date",
"txtRecordNum":" ",
"txtRecordTotal":"    ",
"dspViewMore":">> Next {0} contents",
"txtViewDt":"Accessed Date",
"txtCtnNm":"Content Name",
"txtContTxt":"Body Text",
"txtLogoutBkMsg":"Backup before logout?",
"txtLogoutOptBkCfm":"Remember this operation",
"dspBkOK":"Backup and Logout",
"txtMkToolBar":"Marking Toolbar",
"dspPgClear":"Clear this page",
"txtShioriCtnLs":"Bookmark list",
"txtTextCopy":"Copy Body Text",
"txtNoTextCopy":"No Text",
"txtNoSearchResult":"No Result",
"msgShioriNotExists":"no Bookmark",
"msgPwdChangeNG":"Failed.<br/>Password requires at least both of character and numeric.",
"msgSearchNotExist":"No content",
"txtTooltipBookmark":"Add/Delete Bookmark",
"txtTooltipShowMemo":"Show/Hide memo",
"txtTooltipAddMemo":"Add memo",
"txtTooltipShowMarking":"Show/Hide Marking",
"txtTooltipShowMarkingTool":"Show/Hide Marking Panel",
"msgShioriDeleted":"Page was deleted.",
"msgLoginEmpty":"Please fill empty field.",
"txtOpt004":"Show when content will be opened.",
"txtRestoreTitle":"Restore confirmation",
"txtBackupTitle":"Backup confirmation",
"txtResMsgNotice":"This operation will override current data and all of your data will be lost.",
"msgNoIndex":"No index.",
"msgBackupSuccess":"Backup success.",
"msgBackupFailed":"Backup failed.",
"msgRestoreSuccess":"Restore success.",
"msgRestoreFailed":"Restore failed.",
"txtDeleteConfirmTitle":"Delete confirmation",
"msgHistoryNotExist":"No history",
"msgChangePassword":"Change Password",
"txtMemoEdit":"Edit memo",
"msgPageImgErr":"Unable to show contents. Maybe it was deleted at server. Back home and choose another content.",
"sysAppTitle":"Viewer for Web",
"sysLockScrPwdInput":"Input password",
"txtOpt005":"Show alert when press F5.close tab.broswer.",
"txtMemoMenu":"Edit memo",
"msgBGMPlayConfirm":"Content BGM will be played automatically.",
"msgPWDNeedChange":"Change password is required. Please back Setting view.",
"msgBGMPagePlayConfirm":"Page BGM will be played automatically.",
"txtBkSelectData":"Please select data to backup.",
"txtResSelect":"Please select data to restore.",
"txtBkDefault":"Backup default:",
"txtOptPageTrans":"Animation type in View",
"txtOptPageTransPeriod":"Animation period",
"msgPushAlert":"Has new message(s) !",
"txtNext":"Next >",
"txtPrevious":"< Previous",
"msgAnonymousLoginErr":"Can not login. (Error code: {0})",
"msgAnonymousLoginErr2":"Can not login. ",
"txtContentPWTitle":"Password Confirm",
"txtContentPWMsg":"Please input password to view this content.",
"txtMediaAutoPlayWarning":"Media will be played  automatically.",
"txtPreventLink": "This function is not available in the preview.",
"msgContentNotExist": "Content does not exist.",
"txtShare": "share",
"txtDashMark": "-",
"txtUrlValidDate": "validated period",
"txtMaxDownloadCount": "number of max dl",
"msgShareUrlPassword": "When you set a password, please input below.",
"msgStreamingOpenError": "It is the contents that I cannot read in the streaming."