//名前空間用のオブジェクトを用意する var CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS = {}; /* add memo click */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.handleAddMemo = function(event) { if (ClientData.IsAddingMemo() == true) { ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isCopyMemo = false; /* draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //Start Function : No.4 if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(1); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(2); } //End Function : No.4 ////Start Function : No.4 //if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ // CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(1); //} // //if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ // CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(2); //} ////End Function : No.4 //change class $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); } else { ClientData.IsDisplayMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(true); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isCopyMemo = false; /* draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //Start Function : No.4 if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(1); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(2); } //End Function : No.4 //change class $('#imgmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgmemo').addClass('memoDisplay_hover'); $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd_hover'); if (ClientData.memo_copyText()) { $("#overlay").show(); $('#boxAddMemo').css('z-index', '101'); $('#boxAddMemo').css('display', 'block'); $('#boxAddMemo').draggable({ handle: "h1" }); $("#boxAddMemo").offset({ left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY }); $("#divAddMemo").show(); $("#divAddMemo").offset({ left: event.pageX, top: (event.pageY + $('#bookmarkBoxHdMemo').height() - 2) }); } } }; /* Marking toolbar*/ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.imgmarking_click = function() { if (ClientData.IsDisplayMarking() == false) { ClientData.IsDisplayMarking(true); CONTENTVIEW.drawCanvas(); //Start Function : No.4 if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawCanvas(1); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawCanvas(2); } //End Function : No.4 $("#dlgMarking").hide(); // change class /*$('#imgmarking').removeClass(); $('#imgmarking').addClass('marking_hover');*/ } else { ClientData.IsDisplayMarking(false); ClientData.IsAddingMarking(false); $('#draw_canvas').css('display', 'none'); /*// change class $('#imgmarking').removeClass(); $('#imgmarking').addClass('marking');*/ CONTENTVIEW.drawCanvas(); //Start Function : No.4 if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawCanvas(1); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ CONTENTVIEW.drawCanvas(2); } } //End Function : No.4 }; /* event for list bookmark: changePageNo */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.clickBookmark = function() { var targetPageIndex = $(this).attr('id'); if(targetPageIndex != CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()){ CONTENTVIEW.changePage(targetPageIndex); } /* close popup */ // $('#divListBookmark').dialog("close"); $("#overlay").hide(); $('#listbookmark').removeClass(); $('#listbookmark').addClass('bmList'); $("#divListBookmark").hide(); $('#boxBookMark').css('display', 'none'); }; /* event close list bookmark box */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.closeBookmarkBox = function() { $("#divListBookmark").hide(); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isSendingData = false; $('#boxBookMark').css('display', 'none'); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isDisplayBookMarkList = false; /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); //change class $('#listbookmark').removeClass(); if (COMMON.isTouchDevice() == true) { $('#listbookmark').addClass('bmList_device'); } else { $('#listbookmark').addClass('bmList'); } }; /*event click show dialog bookmark */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.showListBookMark = function(e) { var array = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isDisplayBookMarkList = true; //change class $('#listbookmark').removeClass(); $('#listbookmark').addClass('bmList_hover'); /* display dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").show(); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getBookmarklist(array); }; /*event click show dialog index*/ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.showListPageIndex = function(e) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isDisplayListIndex = true; var array = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndexJson(array); //change class $('#listindex').removeClass(); $('#listindex').addClass('index_hover'); /* display dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").show(); }; /* event close list bookmark box */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.closeIndexBox = function() { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isDisplayListIndex = false; $("#divListIndex").hide(); $('#boxIndex').css('display', 'none'); //change class $('#listindex').removeClass(); if (COMMON.isTouchDevice() == true) { $('#listindex').addClass('index_device'); } else { $('#listindex').addClass('index'); } /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); }; /* event click on list index */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.listIndex_Callback = function(selectedNode) { var node = new TreeNode(); node = selectedNode; // Hide dialog index $("#divListIndex").dialog('close'); CONTENTVIEW.changePage(node.Value - 1); }; /*event click show copy text */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.showCopyText = function(e) { /* display dialog overlay */ if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid()) { CONTENTVIEW.copyText(); } else { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isDisplayCopyText = true; //change class $('#copytext').removeClass(); $('#copytext').addClass('copy_hover'); $("#overlay").show(); var array = [e.pageX, e.pageY]; var contentPage = CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.dataWebContentPage.pages; CONTENTVIEW.handleCopyTextData(contentPage, array) } }; /* event close copy text box */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.closeCopyTextBox = function() { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isDisplayCopyText = false; $("#divCopyText").hide(); $('#boxCopyText').css('display', 'none'); //change class $('#copytext').removeClass(); if (COMMON.isTouchDevice() == true) { $('#copytext').addClass('copy_device'); } else { $('#copytext').addClass('copy'); } /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); }; /*event click show dialog search*/ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.showListSearchResult = function() { $('#txtSearch').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { CONTENTVIEW.searchHandle(); /* display dialog overlay */ //$("#overlay").show(); return false; } }); }; /* event close searching result box */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.closeSearchingBox = function() { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isSendingData = false; $("#divSearchResult").hide(); $('#boxSearching').css('display', 'none'); /* unlock dialog overlay */ //$("#overlay").hide(); }; /* event for list search results */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.clickSearchDetail = function() { // Hide dialog $("#divSearchResult").dialog('close'); CONTENTVIEW.changePage($(this).attr('id')); }; //Start: Function : No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/09/2013 - Summary : /* event next page */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click = function() { if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()) { var pageNo = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() + 1; COMMON.SetPageLog( CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, pageNo); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfContent(); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfPage(pageNo); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject = true; CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = true; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.disableAllControl(); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'block'); var tran = new CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.Transition(); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.createLockLayout(true); tran.flipNextPage(); } }; /* event prev page */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click = function() { if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()) { var pageNo = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() - 1; COMMON.SetPageLog( CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, pageNo); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfContent(); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfPage(pageNo); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject = true; CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = true; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.disableAllControl(); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'block'); var tran = new CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.Transition(); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.createLockLayout(true); tran.flipPreviousPage(); } }; //End: Function : No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/09/2013 - Summary : /* event first page */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.firstPage_click = function() { if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().pageIndex != 0) { if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().pageIndex == 1){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); } else{ //abe //alert("firstPage_click:" + CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID ); COMMON.SetPageLog( CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, 0 ); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfContent(); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfPage(0); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.disableAllControl(); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'block'); // Clear canvas offscreen CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.clearCanvas(document.getElementById("offscreen")); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF){ AVWEB.avwGrabContentPageImage(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), { contentId: CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), pageNo: 1 }, function (data) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages = data; /* get page Objects */ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, 0); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().setPageImages(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages).setPageObjects(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'none'); CONTENTVIEW.checkDisableButtonZoom(); var tran = new CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.Transition(); tran.flipToPage(0); }, function (xmlHttpRequest, txtStatus, errorThrown) { CONTENTVIEW.showErrorScreen(); } ); } //START : TRB00032 - Editor : Long - Date: 09/10/2013 - Summary : type none process else if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, 0); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().setPageImages(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages).setPageObjects(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'none'); //START TRB00097 //CONTENTVIEW.userScale = 1; //CONTENTVIEW.changeScale(CONTENTVIEW.userScale); //END TRB00097 CONTENTVIEW.checkDisableButtonZoom(); var tran = new CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.Transition(); tran.flipToPage(0); } //END : TRB00032 - Editor : Long - Date: 09/10/2013 - Summary : type none process } } }; /* event last page */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.lastPage_click = function() { if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().pageIndex != (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1)) { if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().pageIndex == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 2){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); } else{ //abe //alert("lastPage_click:" + CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID ); COMMON.SetPageLog( CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1 ); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfContent(); CONTENTVIEW.playBGMOfPage(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.disableAllControl(); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'block'); // Clear canvas offscreen CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.clearCanvas(document.getElementById("offscreen")); //CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getURLPageImage("webContentPageImage") + "?contentId=" + CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID + "&sid=" + CONTENTVIEW.getSessionId() + "&pageNo=" + (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF){ AVWEB.avwGrabContentPageImage( ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), { contentId: CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), pageNo: CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage }, function (data) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages = data; /* get page Objects */ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().setPageImages(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages).setPageObjects(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'none'); CONTENTVIEW.checkDisableButtonZoom(); var tran = new CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.Transition(); tran.flipToPage(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1); }, function (xmlHttpRequest, txtStatus, errorThrown) { CONTENTVIEW.showErrorScreen(); } ); } //START : TRB00032 - Editor : Long - Date: 09/10/2013 - Summary : type none process else if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().setPageImages(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages).setPageObjects(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects); $('#divImageLoading').css('display', 'none'); CONTENTVIEW.checkDisableButtonZoom(); var tran = new CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.Transition(); tran.flipToPage(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1); } //END : TRB00032 - Editor : Long - Date: 09/10/2013 - Summary : type none process } } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.createLockLayout = function(opt){ if(opt == true){ if(!$('#locking').size()){ var $html = $('<div id="locking" style="z-index: 100; position: absolute; height: 100%; width: 100%; background: white; opacity: 0 "></div>'); $('#wrapper').append($html); $html.show(); $('#locking').live('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }); } else{ $('#locking').show(); } } else{ //$('body').append($html); if($('#locking').size()){ $('#locking').hide(); $('#locking').remove(); } } }; //START TRB00049 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/26/2013 - Summary : Add short key alt /* handle keydown */ $(document).keydown(function (e) { /* set fag true when click ctrl */ if (e.ctrlKey) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.ctrlMode = true; } if(e.altKey){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.altMode = true; } /* set hot key */ if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.ctrlMode == true && CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.altMode == false) { if (ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject == true) { /* do nothing*/ } else { switch (e.keyCode) { /* move page */ case COMMON.ShortKeys.MovePrevious: /* move prev */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); } } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.MoveNext: /* move next */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); } } break; /* zoom */ case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoomIn: /* zoomIn */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.zoomIn(); } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoomOut: /* zoomOut */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.zoomOut(); } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoomFit: /* screenFit*/ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.screenFit(); } break; /* marking && toolbar */ case COMMON.ShortKeys.ShowHideToolbar: /* handle toolbar */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.handleDisplayToolbar(); } else{ if(CONTENTVIEW.isZoomingContent){ CONTENTVIEW.originalScreenForNotPdfType(); } else{ CONTENTVIEW.fullScreenForNotPdfType(); } } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.ShowHideMarking: /* hide marking */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.imgmarking_click(); } break; } } } if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.altMode == true && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.ctrlMode == false){ if (ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject == true) { /* do nothing*/ } else { switch (e.keyCode) { /* zoom */ case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoomInAlt: /* zoomIn */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.zoomIn(); } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoomOutAlt: /* zoomOut */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.zoomOut(); } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoominAlt_Firefox: /* zoomIn */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.browser == 'firefox'){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.zoomIn(); } } break; case COMMON.ShortKeys.ZoomOutAlt_Firefox: /* zoomOut */ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.browser == 'firefox'){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ CONTENTVIEW.zoomOut(); } } break; } } } }); /* handle keydown */ $(document).keyup(function (e) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.ctrlMode = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.altMode = false; }); //END TRB00049 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/26/2013 - Summary : Add short key alt //START TRB - Editor : Long -Date : 10/01/2013 - Summary : Re Assign sid for image 3d CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.update3DImagesArr = function(){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._object3DImageArr.length > 0){ var temp3DArr = []; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._object3DImageArr = []; //ここで初期化? for(var i = 0; i < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._object3DImageArr; i++){ var object3D = CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._object3DImageArr[i]; var temp3dview = object3d["3dview"]; var tempCurrX = object3d["_currFrameX"]; var tempCurrY = object3d["_currFrameY"]; var tempLastSelectedFrame = object3d["lastSelectedFrame"]; var tempActionType = object3d["actionType"]; var tempHeight = object3d["height"]; var tempHorizonCnt = object3d["horizonCount"]; var tempId = object3d["id"]; var tempInitImage = object3d["initImage"]; var tempMediaType = object3d["mediaType"]; var tempVerticalCnt = object3d["verticalCount"]; var tempVisible = object3d["visible"]; var tempWidth = object3d["width"]; var tempX = object3d["x"]; var tempY = object3d["y"]; tempInitImage = AVWEB.getURL("webResourceDownload") + "&sid=" + CONTENTVIEW.getSessionId() + "&resourceId=" + COMMON.getUrlParam('resourceId',tempInitImage); for(var j = 0; j< temp3dview.length; j++){ var url = temp3dview[j]; var id = COMMON.getUrlParam('resourceId',url); temp3dview[j] = AVWEB.getURL("webResourceDownload") + "&sid=" + CONTENTVIEW.getSessionId() + "&resourceId=" + id; } var arr3D = []; arr3D["3dview"] = temp3dview; arr3D["_currFrameX"] = tempCurrX; arr3D["_currFrameY"] = tempCurrY; arr3D["lastSelectedFrame"] = tempLastSelectedFrame; arr3D["actionType"] = tempActionType; arr3D["height"] = tempHeight; arr3D["horizonCount"] = tempHorizonCnt; arr3D["id"] = tempId; arr3D["initImage"] = tempInitImage; arr3D["mediaType"] = tempMediaType; arr3D["verticalCount"] = tempVerticalCnt; arr3D["visible"] = tempVisible; arr3D["width"] = tempWidth; arr3D["x"] = tempX; arr3D["y"] = tempY; temp3DArr.push(arr3D); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._object3DImageArr = temp3DArr; } }; //END TRB - Editor : Long -Date : 10/01/2013 - Summary : Re Assign sid for image 3d CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onUnlock = function() { CONTENTVIEW.removeObject(); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.update3DImagesArr(); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, 0); /* handle play BGM of content jump */ for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects.length; nIndex++) { if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects[nIndex].mediaType == '3' && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects[nIndex].playType == '1') { if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos()) { $('#play_audio_1').attr('src', CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects[nIndex].audioFile); //document.getElementById("play_audio_1").load(); document.getElementById("play_audio_1").play(); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isPlayBGMUnlock = true; } else { CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.createAudio(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects[nIndex].audioFile, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects[nIndex].playType); } } } //Start Function: No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/12/2013 - Summary : ReDraw canvas when has new sid CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().setPageImages(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageImages).setPageObjects(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjects).setUpPage(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()); //START : TRB00028 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/10/2013 - Summary : Fix For Page BGM CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.createPageBGM(); //END : TRB00028 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/10/2013 - Summary : Fix For Page BGM if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1){ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getNextPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() + 1); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.renderNextPage(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPrevPageObjectsByPageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.pageObjectsData, CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() - 1); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.renderPrevPage(); } //End Function: No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/12/2013 - Summary : ReDraw canvas when has new sid }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onClick_CanvasMain = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ return; } else{ CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = false; } if (!CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick) { //change coordinates var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(event.pageX, event.pageY); var canvasWidth = $('#offscreen').width(); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posXPopupMemo = event.pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posYPopupMemo = event.pageY; if ((event.pageX - CONTENTVIEW.marginX) >= CONTENTVIEW.destRect.left && (event.pageX - CONTENTVIEW.marginX) <= CONTENTVIEW.destRect.right) { /* click add memo */ if (ClientData.IsAddingMemo() == true) { if (!ClientData.memo_copyText()) { CONTENTVIEW_MEMO.AddMemo(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()), $('#divDialogMemo'), event.pageX, event.pageY, function () { //set flag change memo ClientData.isChangedMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* refresh draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //change image $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }); } else { if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.typeSelectMemo == 1) { /* add new */ CONTENTVIEW_MEMO.AddMemo(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()), $('#divDialogMemo'), CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posXPopupMemo, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posYPopupMemo, function () { //set flag change memo ClientData.isChangedMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* refresh draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //change image $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }); } else if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.typeSelectMemo == 2) { /* copy */ CONTENTVIEW_MEMO.CopyMemo(ClientData.memo_copyText(), CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()), $('#divDialogMemo'), CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posXPopupMemo, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posYPopupMemo, function () { //set flag change memo ClientData.isChangedMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* refresh draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //change image $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }); } } } else { var isClickMemo = false; if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpText == true) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpText = false; CONTENTVIEW_POPUPTEXT.ClosePopupText(); } if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpMemo == true) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpMemo = false; $("#pop_up_memo").hide(); } /* click memo edit */ if (ClientData.IsDisplayMemo() == true) { CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getAllMemoOfPage(); /* check exist object memo in mouse position */ for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.memoObjects.length; nIndex++) { var hitPageObjMemo = CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.memoObjects[nIndex]; if (hitPageObjMemo.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y)) { //console.log("PageObject Hit!! Id: " + hitPageObjMemo.id); //hitPageObjMemo.action(); /* save object memo */ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.objEditMemo = hitPageObjMemo; var posMemoX = event.pageX; var posMemoY = event.pageY; if (imagePt.y > CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.heightEachPage - $("#pop_up_memo").height()) { posMemoY = posMemoY - $("#pop_up_memo").height(); } if (imagePt.x > CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.widthEachPage - $("#pop_up_memo").width()) { posMemoX = posMemoX - $("#pop_up_memo").width(); } /*display pop-up-memo */ $("#pop_up_memo").css('top', posMemoY).css('left', posMemoX); $("#pop_up_memo").show(); /*set true for flag click memo */ isClickMemo = true; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpMemo = true; } } } /* click pageObject */ if (isClickMemo == false) { var isClickLinkList = false; /* check exist object in mouse position */ var hitPageObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); if (hitPageObj) { if(!CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitPageObj)){ hitPageObj.action(); } else{ //event.preventDefault(); } } else { /* check click link list */ for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.webGetContentType4Objects.length; nIndex++) { var hitPageObjLinkList = CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.webGetContentType4Objects[nIndex]; if (hitPageObjLinkList.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y)) { //console.log("PageObject Hit!! Id: " + hitPageObjLinkList.id); if(hitPageObjLinkList.pageNo == CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex())){ hitPageObjLinkList.action(); /*set true for flag click memo */ isClickLinkList = true; } } } if (isClickLinkList == false && ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == false) { /* area next and prev page */ var cwMain = $('#main').width(); if (event.pageX > 0 && event.pageX < 300) { if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick){ //START TRB00097 if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale == 1){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); } //END TRB00097 } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = false; } } else if (event.pageX > (cwMain - 300) && event.pageX < cwMain) { if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick){ //START TRB00097 if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale == 1){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); } //END TRB00097 } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = false; } } if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick){ //その他のエリア //console.log("click!!"); } } } } } } else { if (ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isCopyMemo == false) { var cwMain = $('#main').width(); //Start : TRB00005, TRB00006 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/28/2013 - Summary : Prevent click when transit if (event.pageX > 0 && event.pageX < 300) { if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); //CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = true; } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = false; } } else if (event.pageX > (cwMain - 300) && event.pageX < cwMain) { if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = false; } } //End : TRB00005, TRB00006 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/28/2013 - Summary : Prevent click when transit } } } CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = false; }; //#12408 ホイール対応 CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.mouseWheel_CanvasMain = function(event, detail) { //console.log("mouseWheel:" + detail); //event.preventDefault(); if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching){ return; } if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = false; } /* base image move when userScale over 1 */ if ( CONTENTVIEW.userScale != 1) { //$('#main').css('cursor', 'pointer'); //var sx = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; var sy = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; // calc scaling moving distance //CONTENTVIEW.moveX = Math.round(detail * sx); CONTENTVIEW.moveY = Math.round(detail * sy * 20); //20は感覚的な移動量の補正 // redraw CONTENTVIEW.flip(); CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); CONTENTVIEW.closeDialogPopUpText(); } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.mouseMove_CanvasMain = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //Start Function : No.20 - Editor : Long if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching){ //CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; return; } if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = false; } //End Function : No.20 - Editor : Long //event.preventDefault(); /* base image move when userScale over 1 */ if (CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag && CONTENTVIEW.userScale != 1) { $('#main').css('cursor', 'pointer'); //START TRB00097 CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = true; //END TRB00097 var mx; var my; // calc mouse moving distance if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { mx = event.pageX - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px; my = event.pageY - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py; } else { mx = event.targetTouches[0].pageX - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px; my = event.targetTouches[0].pageY - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py; } var sx = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; var sy = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; // calc scaling moving distance CONTENTVIEW.moveX = Math.round(-mx * sx); CONTENTVIEW.moveY = Math.round(-my * sy); // store current mouse point if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = event.pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = event.pageY; } else { //event.preventDefault(); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = event.targetTouches[0].pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = event.targetTouches[0].pageY; } // redraw CONTENTVIEW.flip(); CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); CONTENTVIEW.closeDialogPopUpText(); } //Start Function : No.20 else if(CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag && CONTENTVIEW.userScale == 1){ //Prevent 3d animate when moving CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = true; //Start : TRB00005, TRB00006 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/28/2013 - Summary : Prevent click when transit CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = true; //End : TRB00005, TRB00006 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/28/2013 - Summary : Prevent click when transit var x = event.pageX; var y = event.pageY; var deltaX = x - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px; var deltaY= y - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = x; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = y; currPos = {x:event.pageX,y:event.pageY}; // pevious page not exist -> do not move if(!CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ if(currPos.x >= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._clickFirstPos.x){ return; } } // next page not exist -> do not move if(!CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ if(currPos.x <= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._clickFirstPos.x){ return; } } //examinate direction if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && deltaX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 2; // go from right to left => next page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==2 && deltaX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 1; // go from right to left and back to right => no move } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==1 && deltaX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 2; // go from right to left + back to right + go to left => next page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && deltaX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -2; // go from left to right=> priveous page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==-2 && deltaX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -1; // go from left to right and back to left => no move } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && deltaX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -2; // go from left to right + back to left + go to right=> priveous page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateType == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateTypeKeys.Type_Slide){ var left = $('#canvasWrapper').css('left').replace("px",""); left = parseInt(left) + deltaX; $('#canvasWrapper').css('left', left + "px"); } } if(CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag == false && CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate == true){ var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(event.pageX, event.pageY); var hitObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); if(hitObj){ if(CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitObj)){ CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchMove_MouseMove; hitObj.action(imagePt); } } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; } } //End Function : No.20 var cwMain = $('#main').width(); var chMain = $('#main').height(); /* handle image prev on canvas */ if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()) { $('#button_pre_canvas').mousemove(function () { if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()) { $(this).css('opacity', '1'); } else { $(this).css('opacity', '0'); } }); if (event.pageX > 0 && event.pageX < 300) { $('#button_pre_canvas').css('opacity', '0.25'); } else { $('#button_pre_canvas').css('opacity', '0'); } } else { $('#button_pre_canvas').css('opacity', '0'); } /* handle image next on canvas */ if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()) { $('#button_next_canvas').mousemove(function () { if (CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()) { $(this).css('opacity', '1'); } else { $(this).css('opacity', '0'); } }); if (event.pageX > (cwMain - 300) && event.pageX < cwMain) { $('#button_next_canvas').css('opacity', '0.25'); } else { $('#button_next_canvas').css('opacity', '0'); } } else { $('#button_next_canvas').css('opacity', '0'); } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.mouseDown_CanvasMain = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //Start Function : No.20 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/17/2013 - Summary : if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching){ // //CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; return; } if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } //End Function : No.20 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/17/2013 - Summary : if(!CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = true; } else{ CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = false; } //event.preventDefault(); $('#main').css('cursor', 'default'); if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = event.pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = event.pageY; //Start Function : No.20 CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._clickFirstPos = {x:event.pageX, y: event.pageY}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._clickLastPos = {x:event.pageX, y: event.pageY}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 0; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateType == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateTypeKeys.Type_Slide){ $('#mainPre').css("display",'block'); $('#mainNext').css("display",'block'); } //End Function : No.20 //Start Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py); var hitPageObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = true; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; if(CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitPageObj)){ //START TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date : 09/26/2013 - Summary : remove time to detect 3d animate if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = true; CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchStart_MouseDown; CONTENTVIEW_3D._curr3dObject = hitPageObj; hitPageObj.action(imagePt); CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = false; } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = true; } //END TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date : 09/26/2013 - Summary : remove time to detect 3d animate } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; } //End Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary: } else { //event.preventDefault(); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = event.targetTouches[0].pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = event.targetTouches[0].pageY; } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.mouseUp_CanvasMain = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } if(CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag) { CONTENTVIEW.moveFlag = false; $('#main').css('cursor', 'default'); // navigate page if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum == 2){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); }else if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum == -2){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); }else { CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.correctCanvasPosition(); } //Check if mouse move is fired to prevent click next/ prev page //isInMouseMove = false; } if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate == true){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchEnd_MouseUp; CONTENTVIEW_3D._curr3dObject.action(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = false; } //End Function : No.20 }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.imgBack_click = function() { /* set end log */ COMMON.SetEndLog(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID); COMMON.RegisterLog(); //window.onbeforeunload = null; //画面クリア CONTENTVIEW_INITOBJECT.clearViewerComponent(); if (ClientData.JumpQueue()) { var oldDataBack = ClientData.JumpQueue(); if (oldDataBack.length > 0) { //AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.ContentView); CONTENTVIEW.screenMove(); ClientData.IsJumpBack(true); } else { /*check back */ //if (ClientData.BookmarkScreen()) { // AVWEB.avwScreenMove(ClientData.BookmarkScreen()); //} else { // window.history.back(); //} //元の画面に戻って画面復帰 CONTENTVIEW.screenBack(); } } else { /*check back */ //if (ClientData.BookmarkScreen()) { // AVWEB.avwScreenMove(ClientData.BookmarkScreen()); //} else { // window.history.back(); //} //元の画面に戻って画面復帰 CONTENTVIEW.screenBack(); } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.imgHome_click = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); /* set end log */ COMMON.SetEndLog(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID); COMMON.RegisterLog(); //window.location.href = COMMON.ScreenIds.Home; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.Home); }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.closePopUpCopyMemo = function() { $('#boxAddMemo').hide(); //ClientData.memo_copyText(null); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); //change class $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.click_liAddMemo = function(event) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.typeSelectMemo = 1; $('#boxAddMemo').hide(); /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); //ClientData.memo_copyText(null); //ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.click_liCopyMemo = function() { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.typeSelectMemo = 2; $('#boxAddMemo').hide(); /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); //ClientData.memo_copyText(null); //ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.click_liDeleteMemo = function() { $('#boxAddMemo').hide(); ClientData.memo_copyText(null); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* unlock dialog overlay */ $("#overlay").hide(); //change class $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }; //Start Funcion : No.20 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/13/2013 - Summary : Win 8 touch handle /* * reset navi action as point session increase */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetNaviAction = function(){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = true; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 0; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.touchStartedTime = new Date(); $('#mainPre').css("display",'none'); $('#mainNext').css("display",'none'); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos = null; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos=null; //console.log("================correctCanvasPosition==============="); CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.correctCanvasPosition(); }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onTouchstart = function(evt){ if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } //evt.preventDefault(); //$('#debug').html("CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onTouchstart"); //CONTENTVIEW_STREAMING.handleDisplayToolbar(); var bContinue = true; if( CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bTouchDeviceEnabled || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bWin8TouchEnabled){ evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ bContinue = false; } if( evt.pointerType != null ){ //console.log("evt.pointerType:" + evt.pointerType); //evt.pointerType は IE以外 undef switch (evt.pointerType) { case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = true; break; case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN: bContinue = false; break; case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; bContinue = false; break; } } else { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = true; } if(!bContinue){ return; } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageZoomTouch = false; var touch1 = null; var touch2 = null; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos = null; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos = null; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bWin8TouchEnabled){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints = []; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.length == 0){ // start navi page case touch1 = {clientX: evt.clientX, clientY: evt.clientY,pointerId: evt.pointerId}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.push(touch1); if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale != 1){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = evt.pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = evt.pageY; } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosX = evt.clientX; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosY = evt.clientY; //Start Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(evt.pageX, evt.pageY); var hitPageObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; if (hitPageObj) { //START TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date : 09/26/2013 - Summary : remove time to detect 3d animate if(CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitPageObj)){ if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; } else{ CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchStart_MouseDown; CONTENTVIEW_3D._curr3dObject = hitPageObj; hitPageObj.action(imagePt); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = true; } } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; } //END TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date : 09/26/2013 - Summary : remove time to detect 3d animate } //End Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary: } } else if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.length == 1){ // start zoom page action if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ // reset navi page action if exists CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetNaviAction(); } touch1 = CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints[0]; touch2 = {clientX: evt.clientX, clientY: evt.clientY,pointerId: evt.pointerId}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.push(touch2); //set last dist CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastDist = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.getDistance({ x: touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientY }, { x: touch2.clientX, y: touch2.clientY }); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = touch1.clientX+touch2.clientX/2; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = touch1.clientY+touch2.clientY/2; } else { //when CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.length > 1 touch1 = {clientX: evt.clientX, clientY: evt.clientY,pointerId: evt.pointerId}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.push(touch1); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetNaviAction(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageZoomTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetZoomAction(); } } } else{ // not is win 8 touch event touch1 = evt.touches[0]; touch2 = evt.touches[1]; if(touch2 == null){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = true; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX = evt.touches[0].pageX; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageY = evt.touches[0].pageY; //set touch to move page flag if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale == 1){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateType == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateTypeKeys.Type_Slide){ $('#mainPre').css("display",'block'); $('#mainNext').css("display",'block'); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = true; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 0; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.touchStartedTime = new Date(); // set first and last Pos CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos = {x:touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientX}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos = {x:touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientX}; //Start Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(touch1.pageX, touch1.pageY); var hitPageObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); if (hitPageObj) { if(CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitPageObj)){ //START TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date : 09/26/2013 - Summary : remove time to detect 3d animate if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = true; } else{ CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchStart_MouseDown; CONTENTVIEW_3D._curr3dObject = hitPageObj; hitPageObj.action(imagePt); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = true; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; } //END TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date : 09/26/2013 - Summary : remove time to detect 3d animate } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = true; } } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = true; } //End Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary: } else if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale != 1){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; //CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = evt.pageX; //CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = evt.pageY; //試験 CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = evt.touches[0].pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = evt.touches[0].pageY; } else { //ここにこない CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; } } //set begin value for zoom if(touch1 && touch2) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastDist = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.getDistance({ x: touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientY }, { x: touch2.clientX, y: touch2.clientY }); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = touch1.clientX+touch2.clientX/2; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = touch1.clientY+touch1.clientY/2; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; } } }; //CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.TouchmoveCount = 0; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onTouchmove = function(evt){ if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } var bContinue = true; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ bContinue = false; } if( evt.pointerType != null ){ //evt.pointerType は IE以外 undef switch (evt.pointerType) { case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = true; break; case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN: bContinue = false; break; case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; bContinue = false; break; } } else { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = true; } if(!bContinue){ return; } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bTouchDeviceEnabled || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bWin8TouchEnabled){ evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } //if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid()) { // CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.TouchmoveCount = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.TouchmoveCount + 1; //} var touch1 = null; var touch2 = null; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bWin8TouchEnabled){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.length == 1){ //move page case //when change from zoom mode if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale != 1){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; //START TRB00097 CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = true; //END TRB00097 $('#main').css('cursor', 'pointer'); var mx; var my; // calc mouse moving distance if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { mx = evt.pageX - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px; my = evt.pageY - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py; } else { mx = evt.targetTouches[0].pageX - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px; my = evt.targetTouches[0].pageY - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py; } var sx = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; var sy = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; // calc scaling moving distance CONTENTVIEW.moveX = Math.round(-mx * sx); CONTENTVIEW.moveY = Math.round(-my * sy); // store current mouse point if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = evt.pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = evt.pageY; } else { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = evt.targetTouches[0].pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = evt.targetTouches[0].pageY; } // redraw CONTENTVIEW.flip(); CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); CONTENTVIEW.closeDialogPopUpText(); } else{ if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(evt.pageX, evt.pageY); var hitObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); if(hitObj){ CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchMove_MouseMove; hitObj.action(imagePt); } } else{ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = true; //Detect is page transition to prevent 3d object animate var posDiffX = evt.clientX - CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosX ; var posDiffY = evt.clientY - CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosY ; if(Math.abs(posDiffX) < CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.clickLimitArea && Math.abs(posDiffY) < CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.clickLimitArea){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = false; } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = true; //Start : TRB00005, TRB00006 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/28/2013 //Prevent CLick when page is being transit CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = true; //End : TRB00005, TRB00006 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/28/2013 } touch1 = {clientX: evt.clientX, clientY: evt.clientY, pointerId: evt.pointerId}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints.push(touch1); // add to buffer to use for another action if occur. ex: zoom page if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateType == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateTypeKeys.Type_Slide){ $('#mainPre').css("display",'block'); $('#mainNext').css("display",'block'); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.touchStartedTime = new Date(); var temp = CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints[0]; // set first and last Pos if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos == null){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos = {x:temp.clientX, y: temp.clientX}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 0; } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos==null){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos = {x:temp.clientX, y: temp.clientX}; } } } } else if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints.length == 2){ //zoom page case CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageZoomTouch = true; //rest navi touch if active if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetNaviAction(); } //console.log("zoom page case"); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints.length == 0) { //first point so that wait to next point touch1 = {clientX: evt.clientX, clientY: evt.clientY, pointerId: evt.pointerId}; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints.push(touch1); return; }else if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints.length == 1) { // second point so that get first point and process zoom page touch1 = CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints[0]; // check pointer id if(touch1.pointerId == evt.pointerId){ // one touch session is identify by one pointerId // in this case do nothing and go to get next pointerId return; }else if(touch1.pointerId > evt.pointerId){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints = []; // reset buffer to get pointerId with correct order from begin return; } touch2 = {clientX: evt.clientX, clientY: evt.clientY, pointerId: evt.pointerId}; //console.log("_bufferPoints.length:" + CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints.length); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints = []; } } else { //reset navi touch if active if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetNaviAction(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageZoomTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetZoomAction(); } return; } //process if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ currPos = {x:touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientY}; if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.processNaviPage(currPos)){ // can not move to previous or next page return; } } // zoom page case if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageZoomTouch) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.processZoomPage(touch1, touch2); } } else{ //CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; // for android or ipad touch1 = evt.touches[0]; touch2 = evt.touches[1]; if( touch2 != null ){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; } if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate){ var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(touch1.pageX, touch1.pageY); var hitObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); //START TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date 09/30/2013 - Summary: Fix animate 3d object in ipad if(hitObj){ if(CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitObj)){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchMove_MouseMove; hitObj.action(imagePt); } } else{ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; //CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = true; } //END TRB00090 - Editor: Long - Date 09/30/2013 - Summary: Fix animate 3d object in ipad } else{ //update last touch position if(touch2 == null && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = true; currPos = {x:touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientY}; if(!CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._transitionObject.processNaviPage(currPos)){ // can not move to previous or next page return; } } else{ //when change from zoom mode if(CONTENTVIEW.userScale != 1){ $('#main').css('cursor', 'pointer'); var mx; var my; mx = evt.targetTouches[0].pageX - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px; my = evt.targetTouches[0].pageY - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py; var sx = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; var sy = 1 / CONTENTVIEW.userScale; // calc scaling moving distance CONTENTVIEW.moveX = Math.round(-mx * sx); CONTENTVIEW.moveY = Math.round(-my * sy); //移動量調整 if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid()) { CONTENTVIEW.moveX = CONTENTVIEW.moveX * 10; CONTENTVIEW.moveY = CONTENTVIEW.moveY * 10; } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.px = evt.targetTouches[0].pageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.py = evt.targetTouches[0].pageY; // redraw CONTENTVIEW.flip(); CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); CONTENTVIEW.closeDialogPopUpText(); } } // zoom page case if(touch1 && touch2) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.processZoomPage(touch1, touch2); } } } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onTouchend = function(evt){ if(ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == true){ return; } var bContinue = true; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ bContinue = false; } if( evt.pointerType != null ){ //evt.pointerType は IE以外 undef switch (evt.pointerType) { case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = true; break; case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; bContinue = false; break; case evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE: CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; bContinue = false; break; } } else { //タッチ操作終了 CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; } if(!bContinue){ return; } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bTouchDeviceEnabled || CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bWin8TouchEnabled){ evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastScaleDelta = CONTENTVIEW.userScale -1; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bWin8TouchEnabled){ // reset all flag CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._startPoints = []; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bufferPoints = []; if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate == true){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchEnd_MouseUp; CONTENTVIEW_3D._curr3dObject.action(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosX = 0; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosY = 0; } } //move page if enough condition if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bTransitionEnable){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageNaviTouch = false; //calculate time period from last time of touchstart event var currDate = new Date(); var period = currDate - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.touchStartedTime; if(period >= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchMoveTimePeriod && period < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchMoveTimePeriodInvalid){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.touchStartedTime= 0; if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum == 2){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); //変数後始末 CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; return; }else if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum == -2){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); //変数後始末 CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; return; }else { CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.correctCanvasPosition(); } } } } //Check if click event on ipad if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick == true){ if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isLoadingObject){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; return; } else{ CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = false; } if (!CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick) { var imagePt = CONTENTVIEW.screenToImage(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX, CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageY); var canvasWidth = $('#offscreen').width(); CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posXPopupMemo = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posYPopupMemo = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageY; if ((CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX - CONTENTVIEW.marginX) >= CONTENTVIEW.destRect.left && (CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX - CONTENTVIEW.marginX) <= CONTENTVIEW.destRect.right) { if (ClientData.IsAddingMemo() == true) { if (!ClientData.memo_copyText()) { CONTENTVIEW_MEMO.AddMemo(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()), $('#divDialogMemo'), CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX, CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageY, function () { //set flag change memo ClientData.isChangedMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* refresh draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //change image $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }); } else { if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.typeSelectMemo == 1) { /* add new */ CONTENTVIEW_MEMO.AddMemo(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()), $('#divDialogMemo'), CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posXPopupMemo, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posYPopupMemo, function () { //set flag change memo ClientData.isChangedMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* refresh draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //change image $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }); } else if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.typeSelectMemo == 2) { /* copy */ CONTENTVIEW_MEMO.CopyMemo(ClientData.memo_copyText(), CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.contentID, CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex()), $('#divDialogMemo'), CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posXPopupMemo, CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.posYPopupMemo, function () { //set flag change memo ClientData.isChangedMemo(true); ClientData.IsAddingMemo(false); /* refresh draw memo */ CONTENTVIEW.drawMemoOnScreen(); //change image $('#imgaddmemo').removeClass(); $('#imgaddmemo').addClass('memoAdd'); }); } } } else{ var isClickMemo = false; if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpText == true) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpText = false; CONTENTVIEW_POPUPTEXT.ClosePopupText(); } if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpMemo == true) { CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpMemo = false; $("#pop_up_memo").hide(); } /* click memo edit */ if (ClientData.IsDisplayMemo() == true) { CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getAllMemoOfPage(); /* check exist object memo in mouse position */ for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.memoObjects.length; nIndex++) { var hitPageObjMemo = CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.memoObjects[nIndex]; if (hitPageObjMemo.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y)) { //console.log("PageObject Hit!! Id: " + hitPageObjMemo.id); //hitPageObjMemo.action(); /* save object memo */ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.objEditMemo = hitPageObjMemo; var posMemoX = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX; var posMemoY = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageY; if (imagePt.y > CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.heightEachPage - $("#pop_up_memo").height()) { posMemoY = posMemoY - $("#pop_up_memo").height(); } if (imagePt.x > CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.widthEachPage - $("#pop_up_memo").width()) { posMemoX = posMemoX - $("#pop_up_memo").width(); } /*display pop-up-memo */ $("#pop_up_memo").css('top', posMemoY).css('left', posMemoX); $("#pop_up_memo").show(); /*set true for flag click memo */ isClickMemo = true; CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isOpenPopUpMemo = true; } } } /* click pageObject */ if (isClickMemo == false) { var isClickLinkList = false; /* check exist object in mouse position */ var hitPageObj = CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().currentPage.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y); if (hitPageObj) { if(!CONTENTVIEW.is3DObject(hitPageObj)){ hitPageObj.action(); } } else { /* check click link list */ for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.webGetContentType4Objects.length; nIndex++) { var hitPageObjLinkList = CONTENTVIEW_CREATEOBJECT.webGetContentType4Objects[nIndex]; if (hitPageObjLinkList.hitTest(imagePt.x, imagePt.y)) { if(hitPageObjLinkList.pageNo == CONTENTVIEW.changePageIndex(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex())){ hitPageObjLinkList.action(); /*set true for flag click memo */ isClickLinkList = true; } } } if (isClickLinkList == false && ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == false) { //Androidは遅いのでタッチエンドで描画 //if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid()) { // // redraw // CONTENTVIEW.flip(); // CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); // CONTENTVIEW.closeDialogPopUpText(); //} if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { /* area next and prev page */ var cwMain = $('#main').width(); if (CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX > 0 && CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX < 300) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); } else if (CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX > (cwMain - 300) && CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX < cwMain) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); } } //CONTENTVIEW_STREAMING.debugLog("CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.onTouchEnd"); if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isMobile()) { CONTENTVIEW.handleDisplayMobileToolbar(); } } } } } } else { if (ClientData.IsAddingMarking() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.isCopyMemo == false) { //Androidは遅いのでタッチエンドで描画 //if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid()) { // // redraw // CONTENTVIEW.flip(); // CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); // CONTENTVIEW.closeDialogPopUpText(); //} //if (CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isIos() == false && CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.avwUserEnvObj.isAndroid() == false) { var cwMain = $('#main').width(); if (CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX > 0 && CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX < 300) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.prevPage_click(); } else if (CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX > (cwMain - 300) && CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX < cwMain) { CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.nextPage_click(); } //} } } } CONTENTVIEW.cancelClick = false; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; } else{ //Do nothing if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate == true){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dAction = CONTENTVIEW_3D._3dActionType.TouchEnd_MouseUp; CONTENTVIEW_3D._curr3dObject.action(); } if(CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = false; } } }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.processZoomPage = function(touch1, touch2){ var dist = CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.getDistance({ x: touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientY }, { x: touch2.clientX, y: touch2.clientY }); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastDist != dist) { if(dist > CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastDist){ CONTENTVIEW.userScale += 0.05; if (CONTENTVIEW.userScale > 4) { CONTENTVIEW.userScale = 4; CONTENTVIEW.changeScale(CONTENTVIEW.userScale); }else { CONTENTVIEW.changeScale(CONTENTVIEW.userScale); CONTENTVIEW.flip(); //Start Function : No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/13/2013 - Summary : Fix for zooming if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1){ //START TRB00097 //CONTENTVIEW.flip(1); //END TRB00097 } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() > 0){ //START TRB00097 //CONTENTVIEW.flip(2); //END TRB00097 } //End Function : No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/13/2013 - Summary : Fix for zooming /* zoom video */ CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastDist = dist; } else if (dist < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._lastDist) { CONTENTVIEW.userScale -= 0.05; if (CONTENTVIEW.userScale < 1) { CONTENTVIEW.userScale = 1; CONTENTVIEW.changeScale(CONTENTVIEW.userScale); }else{ CONTENTVIEW.changeScale(CONTENTVIEW.userScale); CONTENTVIEW.flip(); //Start Function : No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/13/2013 - Summary : Fix for zooming if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() < CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.totalPage - 1){ //START TRB00097 //CONTENTVIEW.flip(1); //END TRB00097 } if(CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getPageIndex() > 0){ //START TRB00097 //CONTENTVIEW.flip(2); //END TRB00097 } //End Function : No.4 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/13/2013 - Summary : Fix for zooming /* zoom video */ CONTENTVIEW.zoomVideo(); } } } CONTENTVIEW.checkDisableButtonZoom(); }; /* * Process navi page after touch event */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.processNaviPage = function(currPos){ if(!CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bTransitionEnable){ return; } // get moved delta period var lMoveX = currPos.x - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos.x; // pevious page not exist -> do not move if(!CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ if(currPos.x >= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos.x){ return false; } } // next page not exist -> do not move if(!CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ if(currPos.x <= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos.x){ return false; } } //examinate direction if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && lMoveX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 2; // go from right to left => next page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==2 && lMoveX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 1; // go from right to left and back to right => no move } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==1 && lMoveX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 2; // go from right to left + back to right + go to left => next page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && lMoveX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -2; // go from left to right=> priveous page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==-2 && lMoveX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -1; // go from left to right and back to left => no move } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && lMoveX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -2; // go from left to right + back to left + go to right=> priveous page } //console.log("_moveNum:" +CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateType == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateTypeKeys.Type_Slide){ var left = $('#canvasWrapper').css('left').replace("px",""); left = parseInt(left) + lMoveX ; $('#canvasWrapper').css('left', left + "px"); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos = {x:currPos.x, y: currPos.y}; return true; }; /* * reset zoom action as point session increase */ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.resetZoomAction = function (){ //CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._isPageZoomTouch = false; }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.getDistance = function(p1, p2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((p2.x - p1.x), 2) + Math.pow((p2.y - p1.y), 2)); }; var TransitionObject = function () { }; TransitionObject.prototype.processNaviPage = function (currPos) { if(!CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._bTransitionEnable) return; // get moved delta period var lMoveX = currPos.x - CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos.x; // pevious page not exist -> do not move if(!CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasPreviousPage()){ if(currPos.x >= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos.x) return false; } // next page not exist -> do not move if(!CONTENTVIEW_GETDATA.getContent().hasNextPage()){ if(currPos.x <= CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchFirstPos.x) return false; } //examinate direction if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && lMoveX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 2; // go from right to left => next page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==2 && lMoveX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 1; // go from right to left and back to right => no move } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==1 && lMoveX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = 2; // go from right to left + back to right + go to left => next page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && lMoveX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -2; // go from left to right=> priveous page } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==-2 && lMoveX < 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -1; // go from left to right and back to left => no move } if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum==0 && lMoveX > 0){ CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum = -2; // go from left to right + back to left + go to right=> priveous page } //console.log("_moveNum:" +CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._moveNum); if(CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateType == CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL.animateTypeKeys.Type_Slide){ var left = $('#canvasWrapper').css('left').replace("px",""); left = parseInt(left) + lMoveX ; $('#canvasWrapper').css('left', left + "px"); } CONTENTVIEW_GENERAL._touchLastPos = {x:currPos.x, y: currPos.y}; return true; }; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._transitionObject = new TransitionObject(); $(function () { //CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.ready(); }); CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.ready = function(){ CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.altMode = false; //limit area to detech if it is click(on win8) CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.clickLimitArea = 20; //touch position CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosX = 0; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.touchDownFirstPosY = 0; //position for click event on touch device CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageX = 0; CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._touchPageY = 0; //Detect touch CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isTouching = false; //Detect click on touch device CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._isClick = false; //Detech if page is being transition CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPageTransition = false; //Is 3d animating CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS._3dAnimate = false; //is prevent click event CONTENTVIEW_EVENTS.isPreventClick = false; };