/// <reference path="../common/js/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.js" /> /// <reference path="../common/js/common.js" /> /// <reference path="contentview_VarDef.js" /> //Call API function abapi(name, param, method, callback) { avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), name, method, param, callback, null); }; //START TRB00097 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/30/2013 - Summary : Get All Page size of content /* get Json stored content info */ function getJsonContentInfo() { avwGrabContentPageImage(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), pageNo: 1, pid: pid }, function (data) { pageImages = data; webGetContentData(); getSearchDataFromJson(); getJsonDataPageTitle(); getJsonDataType4(); getJsonDataType5(); getDataJsonFile(); //webGetPageImageContentSize(); webGetContentPageSize(); }, function (xmlHttpRequest, txtStatus, errorThrown) { showErrorScreen(); }); }; //END TRB00097 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/30/2013 - Summary : Get All Page size of content function webGetPageImageContentSize() { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webContentPageSize", "GET", { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), pid: pid }, function (data) { widthContentImage = data.width; heightContentImage = data.height; }, null); }; //START TRB00097 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/30/2013 - Summary : Get All Page size of content function webGetContentPageSize(){ avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "GET", { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), getType: 6, pid: pid }, function (data) { $.each(data.contentData.pageInfoData.pagesInfo, function(i, n){ contentPageSizeArr.push(n); }); //Get Page size of firstPage getPageSizeByPageNo(1); }, null); }; //Get Pagesize by pageNo function getPageSizeByPageNo(pageNo){ for(var i = 0; i < contentPageSizeArr.length; i++){ var page = contentPageSizeArr[i]; if(page.pageNo == pageNo){ widthContentImage = page.pageWidth; heightContentImage = page.pageHeight; } } }; //END TRB00097 - Editor: Long - Date: 09/30/2013 - Summary : Get All Page size of content function webGetContentData() { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "GET", { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), getType: 1, pid: pid }, function (data) { totalPage = data.contentData.allPageNum; }, null); }; /* get Json stored page title */ function getJsonDataPageTitle() { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "GET", { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), getType: 3, pid: pid }, function (data) { dataPageTitle = []; for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < totalPage; nIndex++) { dataPageTitle.push(""); } if (data.contentData) { if (data.contentData.titleInfo) { dataPageTitle = data.contentData.titleInfo; } } }, null); }; /* get Json webGetContent4 */ function getJsonDataType4() { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "GET", { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), getType: 4, pid: pid }, function (data) { dataJsonType4 = data.contentData.linkData; }, null); }; /* get Json webGetContent5 */ function getJsonDataType5() { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "GET", { contentId: contentID, sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), getType: 5, pid: pid }, function (data) { dataJsonType5 = data.contentData.outlineData; }, null); }; /* read file Json -> get page objects */ function getDataJsonFile() { //get content from JSON avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "GET", { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), contentId: contentID, getType: 2, pid: pid }, function (data) { var JsonFile = data.contentData; pageObjectsData = []; if (JsonFile.vertical) { if (JsonFile.vertical.pages) { pageObjectsData = JsonFile.vertical.pages; //Start Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : if(data.contentDataSub != null && data.contentDataSub.length > 0){ for(var i = 0; i < pageObjectsData.length; i++){ var obj = pageObjectsData[i]; obj["contentDataSub"] = data.contentDataSub; } } //End Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : } } else if (JsonFile.horizontal) { if (JsonFile.horizontal.pages) { pageObjectsData = JsonFile.horizontal.pages; //Start Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : if(data.contentDataSub != null && data.contentDataSub.length > 0){ for(var i = 0; i < pageObjectsData.length; i++){ var obj = pageObjectsData[i]; obj["contentDataSub"] = data.contentDataSub; } } //End Function : No.9 - Editor : Long - Date : 08/16/2013 - Summary : } } //Start : Function : No.12 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/27/2013 - Summary : Get Page Object for content type none else{ pageObjectsData = JsonFile.content.pages; if(data.contentDataSub != null && data.contentDataSub.length > 0){ for(var i = 0; i < pageObjectsData.length; i++){ var obj = pageObjectsData[i]; obj["contentDataSub"] = data.contentDataSub; } } } //Get Data Of page to draw page if(contentType == ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ var pageDataInfo = []; pageDataInfo["height"] = JsonFile.height; pageDataInfo["width"] = JsonFile.width; pageDataInfo["alpha"] = JsonFile.backgroundAlpha; pageDataInfo["color"] = JsonFile.backgroundColor; totalPage = parseInt(JsonFile.totalPageNum); pageImages = returnImageString(pageDataInfo); widthContentImage = JsonFile.width; heightContentImage = JsonFile.height; } //End : Function : No.12 - Editor : Long - Date: 08/27/2013 - Summary : Get Page Object for content type none getPageObjectsByPageIndex(pageObjectsData, 0); }, null); }; function loadDataBookmark(lstPageNo) { if (isSendingData == true) { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webContentPage", "GET", { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), contentId: contentID, pageNos: lstPageNo[0], thumbnailFlg: 1, pid: pid }, function (data) { getDataLoaded(data.pages); //Resize Image var imgTemp = new Image(); $('#img_bookmark_' + data.pages[0].pageNo).attr('src', formatStringBase64(data.pages[0].pageThumbnail)); imgTemp.onload = function () { if (imgTemp.width > imgTemp.height) { $("img.imgbox").attr('height', ''); $("img.imgbox").removeAttr('height'); $("img.imgbox").attr('width', '43'); } else { $("img.imgbox").attr('width', ''); $("img.imgbox").removeAttr('width'); $("img.imgbox").attr('height', '43'); } }; imgTemp.src = formatStringBase64(data.pages[0].pageThumbnail); lstPageNo = jQuery.grep(lstPageNo, function (value) { return value != lstPageNo[0]; }); if (lstPageNo.length > 0) { loadDataBookmark(lstPageNo); } else { isSendingData = false; } }, null); } }; /* get data using for search */ function getSearchDataFromJson() { //get data from JSON file var arrPageNo = ''; for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < totalPage; nIndex++) { if (nIndex == 0) { arrPageNo += (nIndex + 1); } else { arrPageNo += "," + (nIndex + 1); } } avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webContentPage", "GET", { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), contentId: contentID, thumbnailFlg: 0 , pid: pid}, function (data) { contentName = data.contentTitle; dataWebContentPage = data; }, null); }; function loadDataSearch(lstPageNo) { if (isSendingData == true) { avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webContentPage", "GET", { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), contentId: contentID, pageNos: lstPageNo[0], thumbnailFlg: 1, pid: pid }, function (data) { getDataLoaded(data.pages); //Resize Image var imgTemp = new Image(); $('#img_search_' + data.pages[0].pageNo).attr('src', formatStringBase64(data.pages[0].pageThumbnail)); imgTemp.onload = function () { if (imgTemp.width > imgTemp.height) { $("img.imgbox").attr('height', ''); $("img.imgbox").removeAttr('height'); $("img.imgbox").attr('width', '43'); } else { $("img.imgbox").attr('width', ''); $("img.imgbox").removeAttr('width'); $("img.imgbox").attr('height', '43'); } }; imgTemp.src = formatStringBase64(data.pages[0].pageThumbnail); lstPageNo = jQuery.grep(lstPageNo, function (value) { return value != lstPageNo[0]; }); if (lstPageNo.length > 0) { loadDataSearch(lstPageNo); } else { isSendingData = false; } }, null); } };