/** * Send Message js in sendMessage.html * * @since cms: web:1.0 */ var SendMessage = {}; SendMessage.baseApiUrl = COMMON.format(ClientData.conf_checkApiUrl(), ClientData.userInfo_accountPath()) + CONSTANT.URL.CMS.API.SEND_PUSH_MESSAGE; SendMessage.contentMaxLength = 207; /** * Get input content * @returns string */ SendMessage.getCurrentMessageContent = function () { return $('#messageContent').val(); }; /** * Get operation id selected * @returns string */ SendMessage.getCurrentOperationId = function () { return $('#operationSelected').attr('data-operation-id'); }; /** * Get send type selected * @returns string */ SendMessage.getCurrentSendType = function () { return $('input[name="sendType"]:checked').val(); }; /** * Check data required when send message request to cms * @returns boolean */ SendMessage.checkValidation = function () { const message = SendMessage.getCurrentMessageContent(); if (!ValidationUtil.CheckRequiredForText(message)) { alert(I18N.i18nText('msgContentRequired')); return false; } if (!ValidationUtil.CheckMaxLengthForByte(message, SendMessage.contentMaxLength)) { alert(COMMON.format(I18N.i18nText('msgContentInvalidLength'), SendMessage.contentMaxLength)); return false; } const operationId = SendMessage.getCurrentOperationId(); if (!ValidationUtil.IsNumber(operationId)) { alert(I18N.i18nText('msgOperationRequired')); return false; } const sendType = SendMessage.getCurrentSendType(); if (!ValidationUtil.IsNumber(sendType)) { alert(I18N.i18nText('msgSendTypeRequired')); return false; } return true; }; /** * handle click event of send button */ SendMessage.onClickSend = function () { if (!SendMessage.checkValidation()) { return; } const message = SendMessage.getCurrentMessageContent(); const operationId = SendMessage.getCurrentOperationId(); const sendType = SendMessage.getCurrentSendType(); SendMessage.postMessage(message, operationId, sendType); }; /** * post message data to cms * @param {string} message * @param {long} operationId * @param {int} sendType - 0: Group, 1: All */ SendMessage.postMessage = function (message, operationId, sendType) { let param = { sid: COMMON.getSid(), message: message, operationId: operationId, sendType: sendType, }; COMMON.cmsAjax( SendMessage.baseApiUrl, param, false, function (json) {}, function () { console.log('SendMessage.postMessage error'); }, ); }; /** * operation selected callback * @param {Number} operationId * @param {*} operationName */ SendMessage.operationSelectedCallback = function (operationId, operationName) { $('#operationSelected').attr('data-operation-id', operationId); $('#operationSelected').text(operationName); }; /** * template selected callback * @param {*} template */ SendMessage.templateSelectedCallback = function (template) { $('#messageContent').val(template); }; /** * init data, action when screen onload */ SendMessage.init = function () { //Check if user is logged in COMMON.checkAuth(false); TEMPLATE.loadHearder('#includedHeader'); const navs = [ { titleLang: 'dashboard', href: 'dashboard.html', }, { titleLang: 'sendMessageTitle', }, ]; TEMPLATE.loadMainNavsTitle('#includedMainTitle', 'sendMessageTitle', navs, null); TEMPLATE.loadOperationSelect('#includeOperationSelect', SendMessage.operationSelectedCallback); TEMPLATE.loadNotificationSelect('#includeTemplateModal', SendMessage.templateSelectedCallback); $('#messageContent').attr('maxlength', SendMessage.contentMaxLength); //load lang for elements none class lang I18N.initi18n(); $("label[for='sendTypeGroup']").append(I18N.i18nText('labelSendTypeGroup')); $("label[for='sendTypeAll']").append(I18N.i18nText('labelSendTypeAll')); COMMON.closeLoading(); };