//名前空間用のオブジェクトを用意する var HEADER = {}; HEADER.timeWaitCloseNewInfoPushMessage = 5000; // time wait close info new push message 5 seconds HEADER.currentPagePushMessage = 1; HEADER.isHoverOn = false; HEADER.click = true; $(document).ready(function () { if (!AVWEB.avwCheckLogin(COMMON.ScreenIds.Login)) return; // Set event to prevent leave //AVWEB.avwSetLogoutNortice(); if (ClientData.requirePasswordChange() != 1) { COMMON.ToogleLogoutNortice(); } //Toggle Searchbox $('input#searchbox-key').click(HEADER.toggleSearchPanel); $("#searchbox-key").attr('placeholder', I18N.i18nText('msgPlaceHolder')); //Go to Search Page $('#searchbox-search').click(HEADER.searchHeaderButtonFunction); //Change Language JP $('#language-jp').click(HEADER.changeLanguageJa); //Change Language KR $('#language-kr').click(HEADER.changeLanguageKo); //Change Language EN $('#language-en').click(HEADER.changeLanguageEn); //Go To Bookmark Page $('#dspShiori').click(HEADER.bookmarkFunction); //Go To update configuration $('#dspSetting').click(HEADER.updateConfigFunction); // hide logout button with anonymous user if (COMMON.isAnonymousLogin()) { $('#dspLogout').hide(); $('#dspSetting').hide(); } else { //Go To Login Page $('#dspLogout').click(HEADER.logoutFunction); $('#dspLogout').show(); $('#dspSetting').show(); } $('#dspViewHistory').click(HEADER.historyClickFunction); $('#dspHome').click(HEADER.homeClickFunction); //Hide search panel until click on text field $('div#header-searchbox').css('display', 'none'); if (COMMON.isAnonymousLogin()) { $('#li-login-username').hide(); } else { //li-login-username $('#li-login-username').show(); //Display user name $('#login-username').text(ClientData.userInfo_userName()); $('#login-username').attr("title", ClientData.userInfo_userName()); } //ログアウト時バックアップ確認パーツ読み込み $("#inc_backup").load("./inc_backup.html", function (myData, myStatus, xhr){ I18N.i18nReplaceText(); $('#dlgConfirmBackup-backup').click(HEADER.confirmWithBackupFunction); $('#dlgConfirmBackup-withoutbackup').click(HEADER.confirmWithoutBackupFunction); $('#dlgConfirmBackup1').hide(); }); $('#searchbox-key').keydown(HEADER.headerSearchKeyDownEventFunction); $('#searchbox-content-header').click(HEADER.headerSearchContentClickFunction); $('#searchbox-tag-header').click(HEADER.headerSearchTagClickFunction); $('#searchbox-body-header').click(HEADER.headerSearchBodyClickFunction); //init push message HEADER.initPushMessage(); //$('*').click(handleHeaderSearchBoxEvent); if (COMMON.isTouchDevice() == false) { $('#searchbox-key').hover(HEADER.searchBoxHoverFunction, HEADER.searchBoxHoverOffFunction); $('#header-searchbox').hover(HEADER.searchBoxHoverFunction, HEADER.searchBoxHoverOffFunction); } if (COMMON.isTouchDevice() == true) { var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; bodyTag.addEventListener('touchstart', HEADER.bodyClickFunction, false); } else { $('body').click(HEADER.bodyClickFunction); } }); HEADER.searchBoxHoverFunction = function(){ HEADER.isHoverOn = true; }; HEADER.searchBoxHoverOffFunction = function() { HEADER.isHoverOn = false; }; // check disabled button HEADER.checkDisabledButton = function(selector, buttonid) { $(selector).click( function () { HEADER.setDisabledButton(selector, buttonid); }); HEADER.setDisabledButton(selector, buttonid); }; HEADER.setDisabledButton = function(selector, buttonid) { var isDisabled = $(selector + ':checked').length == 0; if (isDisabled) { $(buttonid).addClass('disabled'); } else { $(buttonid).removeClass('disabled'); } }; HEADER.bodyClickFunction = function(event) { if (COMMON.isTouchDevice()) { // Check mouse is in rectangle of searching panel if ($('#header-searchbox').is(":visible")) //if ($('#header-searchbox').css('display') != "none") { var currPosX, currPosY; var avwUserEnvObj = new UserEnvironment(); if (avwUserEnvObj.os == 'android') { //$("#searchbox-key").val(event.targetTouches[0].pageX + "_" + $('#header-searchbox').position().left + ":" + ($('#header-searchbox').position().left + $('#header-searchbox').width())); currPosX = event.targetTouches[0].pageX; currPosY = event.targetTouches[0].pageY; } else { currPosX = event.targetTouches[0].clientX; currPosY = event.targetTouches[0].clientY; } var leftsearch = $('#header-searchbox').offset().left; var topsearch = $('#header-searchbox').offset().top; var rightsearch = $('#header-searchbox').width() + leftsearch; var bottomsearch = $('#header-searchbox').height() + topsearch; // check mouse position in search region if (currPosX >= leftsearch && currPosX <= rightsearch && currPosY >= topsearch && currPosY <= bottomsearch) { HEADER.isHoverOn = true; } else { HEADER.isHoverOn = false; $('#header-searchbox').hide(); } // if (currPosX >= $('#header-searchbox').position().left // && currPosX <= ($('#header-searchbox').position().left + $('#header-searchbox').width()) // && currPosY >= $('#header-searchbox').position().top // && currPosY <= ($('#header-searchbox').position().top + $('#header-searchbox').height())) { // HEADER.isHoverOn = true; // } // else { // HEADER.isHoverOn = false; // } } } else { if (!HEADER.isHoverOn) { $('#header-searchbox').hide(); } } }; HEADER.headerSearchBodyClickFunction = function() { $('#searchbox-body').attr('checked','checked'); $('#searchbox-tag').removeAttr('checked'); $('#searchbox-content').removeAttr('checked'); HEADER.isHoverOn = true; }; HEADER.headerSearchTagClickFunction = function() { $('#searchbox-tag').attr('checked','checked'); $('#searchbox-body').removeAttr('checked'); $('#searchbox-content').removeAttr('checked'); HEADER.isHoverOn = true; }; HEADER.headerSearchContentClickFunction = function() { $('#searchbox-content').attr('checked','checked'); $('#searchbox-tag').removeAttr('checked'); $('#searchbox-body').removeAttr('checked'); HEADER.isHoverOn = true; }; //function header search box key down function HEADER.headerSearchKeyDownEventFunction = function(e){ var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if(code == 13) { //Enter keycode $('#searchbox-search').click(); } HEADER.isHoverOn = true; }; //Toggle Search Panel Click function HEADER.toggleSearchPanel = function(){ if ($("div#header-searchbox").is(":hidden")) { // show radio options $('div#header-searchbox').slideDown('slow'); // set default option search if ($('#header-searchbox input:checked').length == 0) { // set option default is searchbox content $('#searchbox-content').attr('checked', 'checked'); } } else { $('div#header-searchbox').hide(); } }; HEADER.overClick = function() { if (HEADER.click) { HEADER.click = !HEADER.click; // prevent clicking for 2 sec setTimeout(function () { HEADER.click = true; }, 1000); return false; } else { return true; } }; //Button Search Event function HEADER.searchHeaderButtonFunction = function(){ var content = $('#searchbox-content').attr('checked'); var tag = $('#searchbox-tag').attr('checked'); var body = $('#searchbox-body').attr('checked'); var searchDivision; var searchText = $('#searchbox-key').val(); if(searchText.length > 200){ alert('200字以下のテキストを入力してください'); return; } if ($('#txtSearch').val() != '') { try{ //seperate string var myRegexp = /[^\s"]+|"([^"]*)"/gi; var myArray = []; var myQuery; var myRegExpArr = []; var count = 0; do { var match = myRegexp.exec($('#searchbox-key').val()); if (match != null) { myArray.push(match[1] ? match[1] : match[0]); } } while (match != null); if(myArray[0].charAt(0) == "("){ if(myArray[0] == "("){ myRegExpArr[1] = new RegExp(myArray[1]); myQuery = '( true'; }else{ myRegExpArr[0] = new RegExp(myArray[0].slice(1)); myQuery = '( true'; count++; } }else{ myRegExpArr[0] = new RegExp(myArray[0]); myQuery = 'true'; count++; } for (var i = 1; i < myArray.length; i++){ if(myArray[i] == "OR"){ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i]); }else if(myArray[i].charAt(0) == "(" || myArray[i] == "("){ if(myArray[i] == "("){ if(myArray[i - 1] == "OR"){ myQuery += ' || ('; }else{ myQuery += ' && ('; } }else{ if(myArray[i - 1] == "OR"){ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i].slice(1)); myQuery += ' || ( true'; count++; }else{ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i].slice(1)); myQuery += ' && ( true'; count++; } } }else if(myArray[i].charAt(myArray[i].length - 1) == ")" || myArray[i] == ")"){ if(myArray[i] == ")"){ myQuery += ' )'; }else{ if(myArray[i - 1] == "OR"){ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i].slice(0, -1)); myQuery += ' || true )'; count++; }else{ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i].slice(0, -1)); myQuery += ' && true )'; count++; } } }else{ if(myArray[i - 1] == "OR"){ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i]); myQuery += ' || true'; count++; }else{ if(myArray[i - 1] == "("){ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i]); myQuery += ' true'; count++; }else{ myRegExpArr[i] = new RegExp(myArray[i]); myQuery += ' && true'; count++; } } } } if (eval(myQuery)) { //is not correct query } }catch(error){ alert('正しくない検索です'); return; } } if(count > 5){ alert('語句数は最大5つです'); return; } if(HEADER.overClick()){ return; } if(content == 'checked') { searchDivision = $('#searchbox-content').val(); } if(tag == 'checked') { searchDivision = $('#searchbox-tag').val(); } if(body == 'checked') { searchDivision = $('#searchbox-body').val(); } ClientData.searchCond_searchText(searchText); ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(searchDivision); //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.ContentSearch; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.ContentSearch); }; HEADER.homeClickFunction = function(){ //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.Home; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.Home); }; //Change Language Japanese function HEADER.changeLanguageJa = function(){ I18N.changeLanguage(COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ja); //ClientData.userInfo_language(COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ja); //$('#control-sort-titlekana').css('display','inline-block'); //$('#separate').css('display','inline-block'); //formatDisplayMoreRecord(); if(window.changeLanguageCallBackFunction){ changeLanguageCallBackFunction(); } $("#searchbox-key").attr('placeholder', I18N.i18nText('msgPlaceHolder')); }; //Change Language English functions HEADER.changeLanguageEn = function(){ I18N.changeLanguage(COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_En); //ClientData.userInfo_language(COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_En); //$('#control-sort-titlekana').css('display','none'); //$('#separate').css('display','none'); //formatDisplayMoreRecord(); if(window.changeLanguageCallBackFunction){ changeLanguageCallBackFunction(); } $("#searchbox-key").attr('placeholder', I18N.i18nText('msgPlaceHolder')); }; //Change Language English function HEADER.changeLanguageKo = function(){ I18N.changeLanguage(COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ko); //ClientData.userInfo_language(COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ko); //$('#control-sort-titlekana').css('display','none'); //$('#separate').css('display','none'); //formatDisplayMoreRecord(); if(window.changeLanguageCallBackFunction){ changeLanguageCallBackFunction(); } $("#searchbox-key").attr('placeholder', I18N.i18nText('msgPlaceHolder')); }; //Shiori function HEADER.bookmarkFunction = function(){ //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.BookmarkList; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.BookmarkList); }; //Update Config function HEADER.updateConfigFunction = function(){ //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.Setting; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.Setting); }; //Logout function HEADER.logoutFunction = function() { // check content is changed, update status option backup if (ClientData.isChangedBookmark()) { if (ClientData.userOpt_bkShioriFlag() == 0) { $("#chkBkAllShiori").removeAttr('checked'); } else { $("#chkBkAllShiori").attr('checked', 'checked'); } } else { $('#chkBkAllShiori').attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeAttr('checked'); } if (ClientData.isChangedMemo()) { if (ClientData.userOpt_bkMemoFlag() == 0) { $("#chkBkAllMemo").removeAttr('checked'); } else { $("#chkBkAllMemo").attr('checked', 'checked'); } } else { $('#chkBkAllMemo').attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeAttr('checked'); } if (ClientData.isChangedMarkingData()) { if (ClientData.userOpt_bkMakingFlag() == 0) { $("#chkBkAllMarking").removeAttr('checked'); } else { $("#chkBkAllMarking").attr('checked', 'checked'); } } else { $('#chkBkAllMarking').attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeAttr('checked'); } if (ClientData.isChangedBookmark() == true || ClientData.isChangedMarkingData() == true || ClientData.isChangedMemo() == true) { // In case: user_data_backup = "Y" -> backup if (ClientData.serviceOpt_user_data_backup() == "Y") { if (ClientData.userOpt_bkConfirmFlg() == 1) { // Show confirming dialog //$('#dlgConfirmBackup1').dialog({ width: 600, height: 200, modal: true }); COMMON.lockLayout(); $('#dlgConfirmBackup1').show(); $('#dlgConfirmBackup1').center(); // check disabled button backup HEADER.checkDisabledButton('#dlgConfirmBackup1 .option_backup input', '#dlgConfirmBackup-backup'); } else { // Do not show confirming dialog if (ClientData.userOpt_logoutMode() == null || ClientData.userOpt_logoutMode() == undefined) { //$('#dlgConfirmBackup1').dialog({ width: 600, height: 200, modal: true }); COMMON.lockLayout(); $('#dlgConfirmBackup1').show(); $('#dlgConfirmBackup1').center(); } else { if (ClientData.userOpt_logoutMode() == 0) { // Logout with backup var isBackupMarking=ClientData.userOpt_bkMakingFlag() == 1; var isBackupMemo=ClientData.userOpt_bkMemoFlag() == 1; var isBackupBookmark = ClientData.userOpt_bkShioriFlag() == 1; HEADER.DoBackup(isBackupMarking, isBackupMemo, isBackupBookmark, true); } else if (ClientData.userOpt_logoutMode() == 1) { // Logout without backup // Do nothing //Logout HEADER.webLogoutEvent(); } } } } // In case: user_data_backup != "Y" -> No backup, logout else { HEADER.webLogoutEvent(); } } else{ HEADER.webLogoutEvent(); } }; HEADER.historyClickFunction = function(){ //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.History; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.History); }; //Web Logout Event HEADER.webLogoutEvent = function(){ var isExisted = false; var params = { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid() }; AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webLogout", "GET", params, function (data) { isExisted = true; SessionStorageUtils.clear(); AVWEB.avwUserSetting().remove(COMMON.Keys.userInfo_sid); AVWEB.avwUserSetting().remove(COMMON.Keys.userInfo_sid_bak); // Move to login screen //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.Login; AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.Login); }, function (xmlHttpRequest, txtStatus, errorThrown) { if (xmlHttpRequest.status == 403) { isExisted = false; } else { // Show system error isExisted = true; } }); return isExisted; }; //Logout Without Backup function HEADER.confirmWithoutBackupFunction = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var remember = $('#chkRememberBackup').attr('checked'); if(remember == 'checked'){ ClientData.userOpt_bkConfirmFlg(0); // Do not show dialog in next time } else{ ClientData.userOpt_bkConfirmFlg(1); // Show dialog in next time } ClientData.userOpt_logoutMode(1); // In next time, if choose: [do not show dialog], will not backup and logout //window.location = COMMON.ScreenIds.Login; HEADER.webLogoutEvent(); }; //Logout With Backup function HEADER.confirmWithBackupFunction = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // check button is disabled if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) return; // update status flag update options No.17 var isBackupMarking=$("#chkBkAllMarking").attr('checked') == 'checked'; var isBackupMemo = $("#chkBkAllMemo").attr('checked') == 'checked'; var isBackupBookmark = $("#chkBkAllShiori").attr('checked') == 'checked'; var remember = $('#chkRememberBackup').attr('checked'); COMMON.unlockLayout(); $('#dlgConfirmBackup1').css('z-index', '99'); COMMON.lockLayout(); if (remember == 'checked') { ClientData.userOpt_bkConfirmFlg(0); // Do not show dialog in next time // update status backup in setting ClientData.userOpt_bkMakingFlag(isBackupMarking); ClientData.userOpt_bkMemoFlag(isBackupMemo); ClientData.userOpt_bkShioriFlag(isBackupBookmark); HEADER.DoBackup(isBackupMarking, isBackupMemo, isBackupBookmark, true); } else{ ClientData.userOpt_bkConfirmFlg(1); // Show dialog in next time HEADER.DoBackup(isBackupMarking, isBackupMemo, isBackupBookmark, true); } ClientData.userOpt_logoutMode(0); // In next time, if choose: [do not show dialog], will backup and logout //HEADER.webLogoutEvent(); }; //Confirm Back Up Ok HEADER.DoBackup = function(isBackupMarking, isBackupMemo, isBackupBookmark,isLogout,funcCallback) { // ---------------------------- // Process backup here // ---------------------------- //Bakup memo/marking/bookmark // var params = [ // { name: 'sid', content: ClientData.userInfo_sid() }, // { name: 'deviceType', content: '4' }, // { name: 'formFile', content: JSON.stringify(buildBackupData()), fileName: 'webBackupData.json', contentType: 'text-plain' } // ]; // AVWEB.avwUploadBackupFile(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), params, false, // function (data) { // if (JSON.parse(data).result == "success") { // ClientData.isChangedBookmark(false); // ClientData.isChangedMarkingData(false); // ClientData.isChangedMemo(false); // //alert(I18N.i18nText('msgBackupSuccess')); // // // Show message: msgBackupSuccess // $().toastmessage({ position: 'middle-center' }); // $().toastmessage('showToast', { // type: 'success', // sticky: true, // text: I18N.i18nText('msgBackupSuccess'), // }); // $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('width', '500px'); // $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('margin-left', '-250px'); // $('.toast-item-close').live('click', HEADER.webLogoutEvent); // } // else { // //alert(I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed')); // // Show error message: msgBackupFailed // $().toastmessage({ position: 'middle-center' }); // $().toastmessage('showToast', { // type: 'error', // sticky: true, // text: I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed') // }); // $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('width', '500px'); // $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('margin-left', '-250px'); // $('.toast-item-close').live('click', HEADER.webLogoutEvent); // } // }, // function (a, b, c) { // //alert(I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed')); // // Show error message: msgBackupFailed // $().toastmessage({ position: 'middle-center' }); // $().toastmessage('showToast', { // type: 'error', // sticky: true, // text: I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed') // }); // $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('width', '500px'); // $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('margin-left', '-250px'); // $('.toast-item-close').live('click', HEADER.webLogoutEvent); // }); // Backup for No.17 // if (!isBackupMarking && !isBackupMemo && !isBackupBookmark) // return; // check if data is changed and has option backup if ((ClientData.isChangedBookmark() == true && isBackupBookmark) || (ClientData.isChangedMarkingData() == true && isBackupMarking) || (ClientData.isChangedMemo() == true && isBackupMemo)) { if (isLogout) { COMMON.lockLayout(); } $().toastmessage({ position: 'middle-center' }); $().toastmessage('showToast', { type: '', sticky: true, text: '', customMessages: 'divResultMessage' }); // show item loading $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-loading'></div>"); setTimeout(function () { // backup Marking var isBackupMarkingOK = true; var isBackupMemoOK = true; var isBackupBookmarkOK = true; if (isBackupMarking && ClientData.isChangedMarkingData() == true) { isBackupMarkingOK = HEADER.sendSignalBackupStart(2); // start backup type marking if (isBackupMarkingOK) { isBackupMarkingOK = HEADER.backupFile(JSON.stringify({ "type": 2, "data": ClientData.MarkingData() }), 'Marking.json', 2); if (isBackupMarkingOK) { ClientData.isChangedMarkingData(false); $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-image-success toast-item-message'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtBkMarking') + " " + I18N.i18nText('msgBackupSuccess') + "</div>"); } // finish backup marking if start backup marking success HEADER.sendSignalBackupFinish(2); } if (!isBackupMarkingOK) { $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-image-error toast-item-message'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtBkMarking') + " " + I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed') + "</div>"); } } // Backup bookmark if (isBackupBookmark && ClientData.isChangedBookmark() == true) { isBackupBookmarkOK = HEADER.sendSignalBackupStart(4); // start backup type bookmark if (isBackupBookmarkOK) { isBackupBookmarkOK = HEADER.backupFile(JSON.stringify({ "type": 3, "data": ClientData.BookMarkData() }), 'Bookmark.json', 4); if (isBackupBookmarkOK) { ClientData.isChangedBookmark(false); $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-image-success toast-item-message'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtBkShiori') + " " + I18N.i18nText('msgBackupSuccess') + "</div>"); } // finish backup bookmark if start backup bookmark ok HEADER.sendSignalBackupFinish(4); } if (!isBackupBookmarkOK) { $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-image-error toast-item-message'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtBkShiori') + " " + I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed') + "</div>"); } } // Backup Memo if (isBackupMemo && ClientData.isChangedMemo() == true) { isBackupMemoOK = HEADER.sendSignalBackupStart(1); // start backup type memo if (isBackupMemoOK) { isBackupMemoOK = HEADER.backupFile(JSON.stringify({ "type": 1, "data": ClientData.MemoData() }), 'ContentMemo.json', 1); if (isBackupMemoOK) { ClientData.isChangedMemo(false); $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-image-success toast-item-message'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtBkMemo') + " " + I18N.i18nText('msgBackupSuccess') + "</div>"); } // finish backup memo if start backup memo ok HEADER.sendSignalBackupFinish(1); } if (!isBackupMemoOK) { $('#divResultMessage').append("<div class='toast-item-image-error toast-item-message'>" + I18N.i18nText('txtBkMemo') + " " + I18N.i18nText('msgBackupFailed') + "</div>"); } } // hide item loading $('#divResultMessage .toast-item-loading').hide(); // active close toast button $('.toast-item-close').click(function () { $().toastmessage('removeToast', $('#divResultMessage'), null) }); if (isLogout) { $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('width', '500px'); $('.toast-position-middle-center').css('margin-left', '-250px'); $('.toast-item-close').live('click', HEADER.webLogoutEvent); } // check call back function if (funcCallback) { funcCallback(); } }, 1000); } else { if (isLogout) { HEADER.webLogoutEvent(); } } }; HEADER.backupFile = function(data, file,type) { var result = false; var params = [ { name: 'sid', content: ClientData.userInfo_sid() }, //{ name: 'deviceType', content: '4' }, //{name: 'fileType', content: type }, { name: 'formFile', content: data, fileName: file, contentType: 'text-plain' } ]; AVWEB.avwUploadBackupFile(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), params, false, function (data) { if (JSON.parse(data).result == "success") { result = true; } }, function (a, b, c) { }); return result; }; // send signal backup start HEADER.sendSignalBackupStart = function(typeBackup) { var result = false; var params = { "sid": ClientData.userInfo_sid(), "fileType": typeBackup }; AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "notifyBackupStart", "post", params, function (data) { if (data.result == "success") { result = true; } }, function (xhr, b, c) { }); return result; }; // send signal backup finish HEADER.sendSignalBackupFinish = function(typeBackup) { var result = false; var params = { "sid": ClientData.userInfo_sid(), "fileType": typeBackup }; AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "notifyBackupFinish", "post", params, function (data) { if (data.result == "success") { result = true; } }, function (xhr, b, c) { }); return result; }; /* ------ */ HEADER.checkForceChangePassword = function(){ if(ClientData.BookmarkScreen() != COMMON.ScreenIds.Setting){ if(ClientData.requirePasswordChange() == 1){ //alert(I18N.i18nText('msgPWDNeedChange')); HEADER.showErrorScreenForceChangePassword(); } } }; HEADER.showErrorScreenForceChangePassword = function(){ var tags = '<div id="avw-auth-error">' + '<div style="display:table; width:100%; height:100%;">' + '<div style="display:table-cell; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;">' + '<p>'+I18N.i18nText('msgPWDNeedChange')+'</p>' + '<div><button id="avw-unauth-ok">OK</button></div>' + '</div></div></div>'; $('body').prepend(tags); $('#avw-auth-error').css( { 'opacity': 1, 'position': 'fixed', 'top': '0', 'left': '0', 'width': $(window).width(), 'height': $(window).height(), 'zIndex': '10000' }); // resize error page $(window).resize(function() { $('#avw-auth-error').css( { 'width': $(window).width(), 'height': $(window).height() }); }); $('#avw-unauth-ok').click(function() { ClientData.BookmarkScreen(COMMON.ScreenIds.Setting); AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.Setting); }); }; /* region for Push message */ // init for push message HEADER.initPushMessage = function() { $('#liPushMessage').click( function () { if ($(this).hasClass('show')) { $(this).removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); $('#accordion').slideUp(); } else { $('.notification-pushmessage').hide(); // hide notification $(this).removeClass('hide').addClass('show'); HEADER.currentPagePushMessage = 1; HEADER.getPushMessageList(); } } ); // set default hide list message $('#liPushMessage').removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); $('#prev-page-message').click(function (e) { HEADER.previousPushMessageClick(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $('#next-page-message').click(function (e) { HEADER.nextPushMessageClick(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); // $('#list-push-message').click( // function (e) { // $('#liPushMessage').removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); // $('#list-push-message').slideUp(); // e.stopPropagation(); // return false; // } // ); $('.notification-pushmessage').click( function () { $(this).slideUp(); } ); // check new push message if (COMMON.isAnonymousLogin() == false ) { if((ClientData.serviceOpt_apns() == 'Y') || (ClientData.serviceOpt_usable_push_message() == 'Y')) { HEADER.getPushMessageNew(); } } }; // get time wait check new push message HEADER.getTimeWaitCheckNewPushMessage = function() { return AVWEB.avwSysSetting().pushTimePeriod * 1000;// time unit is seconds }; // get message new HEADER.getPushMessageNew = function() { //ロック中かビューア画面ならチェックしない if ($("#viewer").length) { //表示状態か if( $('#viewer').is(':visible')){ return; } } //$('.notification-pushmessage').hide(); var params = { "sid": ClientData.userInfo_sid() }; AVWEB.avwCmsApi( ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webPushMessageNew", "post", params, HEADER.callbackGetPushMessageNewSuccess, function (xhr, b, c) { } ); }; // callback get number new message success HEADER.callbackGetPushMessageNewSuccess = function(data) { if (data) { // get current number message in session var currentMessage = parseInt(ClientData.pushInfo_newMsgNumber()); if (isNaN(currentMessage)) { currentMessage = 0; } var totalMessage = currentMessage + data.count; if ($('#liPushMessage').hasClass('hide')) { // update new number message to session ClientData.pushInfo_newMsgNumber(totalMessage); // only show number new message when total messages greater than 0 if (totalMessage > 0) { // show current number message $('#numbermessage').html(totalMessage); } else $('#numbermessage').html(''); } // show notification for new message if (data.count > 0) { $('.notification-pushmessage').html(I18N.i18nText("msgPushAlert")).slideDown(); // auto off notification push message after timeWaitCloseNewInfoPushMessage setTimeout(function () { $('.notification-pushmessage').slideUp(); }, HEADER.timeWaitCloseNewInfoPushMessage); } } // continue check new push message setTimeout(HEADER.getPushMessageNew, HEADER.getTimeWaitCheckNewPushMessage()); }; // get message HEADER.getPushMessageList = function() { var sysSettings = AVWEB.avwSysSetting(); var pushPageCount=sysSettings.pushPageCount; var from = (HEADER.currentPagePushMessage - 1) * pushPageCount + 1; var to = HEADER.currentPagePushMessage * pushPageCount; var params = { "sid": ClientData.userInfo_sid(), "recordFrom": from, "recordTo": to }; AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync( ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webPushMessageList", "post", params, function (data) { // reset number message ClientData.pushInfo_newMsgNumber(0); // hide number new message $('#numbermessage').html(''); HEADER.showListPushMessage(data); }, function (xhr, b, c) { AVWEB.showSystemError(); } ); }; // get string from date crate pushmessage HEADER.getDateCreatePushMessage = function(data) { var flagMonth = ""; var flagDate = ""; var flagHours = ""; var flagMinutes = ""; if((data.month >=1) && (data.month <= 9)) { flagMonth = "0"; } if((data.date >=1) && (data.date <= 9)) { flagDate = "0"; } if((data.hours >=1) && (data.hours <= 9)) { flagHours = "0"; } if((data.minutes >=1) && (data.minutes <= 9)) { flagMinutes = "0"; } return (data.year + 1900) + "/" + flagMonth +(data.month + 1) + "/" + flagDate + data.date + " " + flagHours + data.hours + ":" + flagMinutes + data.minutes; }; // show push message list HEADER.showListPushMessage = function(data) { $('#show-push-message').html(''); for (var i = 0; i < data.messageList.length && i <= (data.recordTo - data.recordFrom); i++) { var titleMessage = COMMON.truncate(data.messageList[i].messageDetail, 30).replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'); var detailMessage = data.messageList[i].messageDetail.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); var message = '<div class="newmsg">'; message += '<h5 class="postItem"><a href="#">' + titleMessage + '</a></h5>'; message += '<p>' + detailMessage + '<span class="date">' + HEADER.getDateCreatePushMessage(data.messageList[i].messageSendDate) + '</span></p></div>'; $('#show-push-message').append(message); } // hide all detail message $('#show-push-message .newmsg p').hide(); // show list title message $('#accordion').slideDown(); if (HEADER.currentPagePushMessage > 1 || data.recordTo < data.totalRecord) { $('#accordion .pagechange').show(); } else { $('#accordion .pagechange').hide(); } // check show next button if (data.recordTo < data.totalRecord) { $('#next-page-message').show(); } else { $('#next-page-message').hide(); } // check show previous button if (HEADER.currentPagePushMessage > 1) { $('#prev-page-message').css({ "visibility": "visible" }); } else { $('#prev-page-message').css({ "visibility":"hidden"}); } // show detail message when click at title $('#show-push-message .newmsg h5').click( function () { var isshow = !$(this).parent().find('p').is(':visible'); $('#show-push-message .newmsg p').slideUp(); if (isshow) { $(this).parent().find('p').slideDown(); } } ); }; // load next page message HEADER.nextPushMessageClick = function() { HEADER.currentPagePushMessage++; HEADER.getPushMessageList(); }; // load previous page message HEADER.previousPushMessageClick = function() { if (HEADER.currentPagePushMessage > 1){ HEADER.currentPagePushMessage--; } else { HEADER.currentPagePushMessage = 1; } HEADER.getPushMessageList(); }; HEADER.setStatusSort = function(currentid, isAsc) { $('#menu_sort li a').removeClass('descending_sort').removeClass('ascending_sort'); if($('#menu_sort li a#off-default').size()){ $('#menu_sort li a#off-default').addClass('descending_sort'); } $('#menu_sort li').removeClass('current'); $(currentid).addClass(isAsc ? 'ascending_sort' : 'descending_sort').parent().addClass("current"); }; // get icon of content type HEADER.getIconTypeContent = function(contentType) { var src = ''; switch (contentType) { case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PDF: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_01.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Enquete: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_09.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Exam: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_10.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Html: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_05.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_02.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Music: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_06.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_07.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Others: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_03.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Video: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_04.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Link: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_08.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PanoMovie: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_11.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_PanoImage: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_12.png'; break; } case COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_ObjectVR: { src = 'img/bookshelf/icon_13.png'; break; } default: break; } return src; }; // download resouce content id HEADER.downloadResourceById = function(contentId){ var params = { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), contentId: contentId, getType: '2' }; AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "get", params, function (data) { //Get resourceurl if( data.contentData.content ){ var resourceUrl = HEADER.getResourceByIdFromAPI(data.contentData.content.resourceId, contentId); // open url to download file if (HEADER.isSafariNotOnIpad()) { window.onbeforeunload = null; window.open(resourceUrl, "_self"); // open url to download file on safari not for ipad var toogleTime = setTimeout(function () { COMMON.ToogleLogoutNortice() }, 200); } else { window.open(resourceUrl); //open url to download file on orther browser } } else { alert("ダウンロード出来ません。"); } }, function (xhr, b, c) { } ); }; //Download resource HEADER.getResourceByIdFromAPI = function(resourceId, contentId){ return AVWEB.getURL("webResourceDownload") + "&sid=" + ClientData.userInfo_sid() + "&resourceId=" + resourceId + "&contentId=" + contentId + "&isDownload=true"; }; // check is browser safari on Mac and Window devide ( not Ipad ) HEADER.isSafariNotOnIpad = function() { if (!window.chrome) { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (!/ipad/.test(ua) && /safari/.test(ua)) { return true; } } return false; }; //link content HEADER.viewLinkContentById = function(contentId){ var params = { sid: ClientData.userInfo_sid(), contentId: contentId, getType: '2' }; AVWEB.avwCmsApiSync(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), "webGetContent", "get", params, function (data) { //Get linkUrl var linkUrl = data.contentData.content.url; if( !linkUrl ){ return; } window.open(linkUrl, "_blank", "new window, scrollbars=yes"); /* //httpで始まる場合は別ウィンドウで開く if (linkUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') === 0) { window.open(linkUrl, "_blank", "new window, scrollbars=yes"); } else if( linkUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf('mailto') === 0 ){ //window.open(linkUrl, "_self"); location.href=linkUrl; } else { // open url to download file if (HEADER.isSafariNotOnIpad()) { window.onbeforeunload = null; window.open(linkUrl, "_self"); // open url to download file on safari not for ipad var toogleTime = setTimeout(function () { COMMON.ToogleLogoutNortice() }, 200); } else { window.open(linkUrl); //open url to download file on orther browser } } */ }, function (xhr, b, c) { }); }; // get ThumbnailForOtherType HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType = function(contentType){ var src = ''; if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Image){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_ImageType; } else if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Music){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_MusicType; } else if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Video){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_VideoType; } else if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_NoFile){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_NoFileType; } else if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Others){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_OthersType; } else if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Html){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_HtmlType; } else if(contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Link){ src = COMMON.ThumbnailForOtherType.Thumbnail_LinkType; } return src; };