//名前空間用のオブジェクトを用意する var CONTENTSEARCH = {}; // Start Declare Variables // ----Constant-----------// CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_DISP_NUMBER_RECORD_FROM = 0; // CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_DISP_NUMBER_RECORD_TO = 15; CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_TYPE = '1'; CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = '1'; CONTENTSEARCH.iNumberOfNextRecord = 15; // Thumbnail array CONTENTSEARCH.thumbnailArr = []; // Content type array. CONTENTSEARCH.contentTypeArr = []; CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray = []; CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage; CONTENTSEARCH.chkSearchTextEmpty = false; CONTENTSEARCH.noRecordFlg = false; CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = false; // スクロール復帰 CONTENTSEARCH.scrollTop = 0; $(document).ready(function() { if (!AVWEB.avwCheckLogin(COMMON.ScreenIds.Login)) { return; } // ソート条件デフォルト設定 if (AVWEB.avwSysSetting().sortTypeSearch != undefined) { CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_TYPE = AVWEB.avwSysSetting().sortTypeSearch; } if (AVWEB.avwSysSetting().sortOrderSearch != undefined) { CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = AVWEB.avwSysSetting().sortOrderSearch; } if (ClientData.serviceOpt_encryption() != 'Y') { COMMON.LockScreen(); } document.title = I18N.i18nText('txtSearchResult') + ' | ' + I18N.i18nText('sysAppTitle'); // Set bookmark screen ClientData.BookmarkScreen(COMMON.ScreenIds.ContentSearch); // Check if Force Change password if (ClientData.requirePasswordChange() != 1) { // Format text display more record CONTENTSEARCH.formatDisplayMoreRecord(); // remove hover effect when is touch device CONTENTSEARCH.removeHoverCss(); // InitScreen CONTENTSEARCH.initialScreen(); // Render Grid CONTENTSEARCH.renderGridView(); // Go To Details Page $('#main-ws canvas').live('click', CONTENTSEARCH.canvasClickFunction); $('#main-ws canvas').live('touchend', CONTENTSEARCH.canvasClickFunction); $('#main-ws canvas').live('touchmove', function() { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = true; }); // Open dialog $('.dialog').live('click', CONTENTSEARCH.titleClickFunction); // $('.dialog').live('touchstart', CONTENTSEARCH.titleClickFunction); $('.dialog').live('touchend', CONTENTSEARCH.titleClickFunction); $('.dialog').live('touchmove', function() { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = true; }); // Show Next Record $('a#control-nextrecord').click(CONTENTSEARCH.showNextRecordFunction); // Sort Title $('#control-sort-title').click(CONTENTSEARCH.sortByTitleFunction); // Sort by title kana $('#control-sort-titlekana').click(CONTENTSEARCH.sortByTitleKanaFunction); // sort by release date $('#control-sort-releasedate').click(CONTENTSEARCH.sortByReleaseDateFunction); // Go To Details Page $('.button-details').live('click', CONTENTSEARCH.readSubmenuFunction); // $('.button-details').live('touchstart', // CONTENTSEARCH.readSubmenuFunction); $('.button-details').live('touchend', CONTENTSEARCH.readSubmenuFunction); $('.button-details').live('touchmove', function() { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = true; }); // Show Share Dialog $('.button-share').live('click', CONTENTSEARCH.showContentShareDlgFunction); $('.button-share').live('touchend', CONTENTSEARCH.showContentShareDlgFunction); $('.button-share').live('touchmove', function() { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = true; }); $('#main-search').click(CONTENTSEARCH.searchEventButtonFunction); $('#txtSearchWs').keydown(CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchKeyDownFunction); $('#main-search-content').click(CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchContentClickFunction); $('#main-search-tag').click(CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchTagClickFunction); $('#main-search-body').click(CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchBodyClickFunction); $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $(window).resize(function() { if ($("#contentDetail").css("display") != "none") { // Refresh panel of detail to center. $("#contentDetail").center(); if ($("#contentDetail").height() > $(window).height()) { $("#contentDetail").css('top', '0'); } } }); } else { // Check if Force Change password HEADER.checkForceChangePassword(); } if (COMMON.isAnonymousLogin()) { // プッシュメッセージ隠す $('#dspPushMessage').hide(); } else { if ((ClientData.serviceOpt_apns() == 'Y') || (ClientData.serviceOpt_usable_push_message() == 'Y')) { $('#dspPushMessage').show(); } else { $('#dspPushMessage').hide(); } } // 詳細、共有表示パーツ読み込み $("#inc_detail").load("./inc_detail.html?__UPDATEID__", function(myData, myStatus, xhr) { // 読み込み完了時の処理 I18N.i18nReplaceText(); $('.datepicker').pickadate({ format : 'yyyy-mm-dd' }); }); // ビューア、共有表示パーツ読み込み $("#viewer").load("./inc_contentview.html?__UPDATEID__", function(myData, myStatus, xhr) { // 読み込み完了時の処理 I18N.i18nReplaceText(); }); }); CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchBodyClickFunction = function() { $('#main-body').attr('checked', 'checked'); $('#main-tag').removeAttr('checked'); $('#main-content').removeAttr('checked'); }; CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchTagClickFunction = function() { $('#main-tag').attr('checked', 'checked'); $('#main-body').removeAttr('checked'); $('#main-content').removeAttr('checked'); }; CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchContentClickFunction = function() { $('#main-content').attr('checked', 'checked'); $('#main-tag').removeAttr('checked'); $('#main-body').removeAttr('checked'); }; CONTENTSEARCH.mainSearchKeyDownFunction = function(e) { var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (code == 13) { // Enter keycode $('#main-search').click(); } }; // Call API CONTENTSEARCH.abapi = function(name, param, method, callback) { AVWEB.avwCmsApi(ClientData.userInfo_accountPath(), name, method, param, callback, null); }; // Initial screen CONTENTSEARCH.initialScreen = function() { var searchText = ClientData.searchCond_searchText(); var searchDivision = ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(); $('#txtSearchWs').val(searchText); if (searchDivision == 1) { $('#main-tag').attr('checked', false); $('#main-body').attr('checked', false); $('#main-content').attr('checked', 'checked'); } else if (searchDivision == 2) { $('#main-content').attr('checked', false); $('#main-body').attr('checked', false); $('#main-tag').attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { $('#main-content').attr('checked', false); $('#main-tag').attr('checked', false); $('#main-body').attr('checked', 'checked'); } CONTENTSEARCH.handleLanguage(); }; // /Render Content CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent = function(id, text, division, type, order, offset, limit, cateid, grpid) { var params = { sid : id, searchText : text, searchDivision : division, sortType : type, sortOrder : order, recordFrom : offset, recordTo : limit, genreId : cateid, groupId : grpid }; CONTENTSEARCH.abapi('webContentList', params, 'POST', function(data) { var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion(); var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion(); var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds(); $.each(data.contentList, function(i, post) { var outputDate = ""; if (post.contentDeliveryDate != null && post.contentDeliveryDate != undefined && post.contentDeliveryDate != 'undefined') { outputDate = COMMON.formatDeliveryDate(post.contentDeliveryDate); } var htmlTemp = '<section class="sectionsearchlist">' + ' <div class="cnt_section_list">' + ' <a class="img">' + ' <canvas height="110" width="150" id="content-thumbnail' + post.contentId + '" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" style="display:none;"></canvas>' + ' <img id="loadingIcon' + post.contentId + '" src="./img/data_loading.gif" height="25px" width="25px" style="padding: 46px; "/>' + ' </a>' + ' <div class="text">' + ' <a id="title' + post.contentId + '" class="name dialog" contentid="' + post.contentId + '">' + ' <img class="listIcon" src="' + HEADER.getIconTypeContent(post.contentType) + '" width="20" height="20">' + ' <div class="contentsearch_title">' + post.contentTitle + '</div>' + ' </a>' + ' <div class="info">' + ' <ul class="date">' + ' <li><span class="lang" lang="txtPubDt"> </span> : ' + outputDate + '</li>' + ' <li><span class="lang" lang="txtViewDt"> </span>:<span id="lblVdate' + post.contentId + '"> </span></li>' + ' </ul>' + ' <ul class="pic">' + ' <li><img src="' + COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_OPTION_MEMO + '" id="imgMemo' + post.contentId + '" class="sticker" /></li>' + ' <li><img src="' + COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_OPTION_MARKING + '" id="imgBookMark' + post.contentId + '" class="pen" /></li>' + ' <li><ul class="iconList">{share}<li><a class="read lang button-details" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" lang="txtRead">読む</a></li></ul></li>' + ' </ul>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</section>'; var shareHtml = ""; if (post.readerShare == '1') { shareHtml = '<li><a class="read lang button-share" contentid="' + post.contentId + '" lang="txtShare">共有</a></li>'; } htmlTemp = htmlTemp.replace(/\{share\}/g, shareHtml); $('#content-grid').append(htmlTemp); CONTENTSEARCH.getNextRecordNumForList(); // assign thumbnail to array var formatThumbnail = post.contentThumbnail; if ((formatThumbnail != null) && (formatThumbnail != 'undefined') && (formatThumbnail != '')) { formatThumbnail = COMMON.formatStringBase64(formatThumbnail); } CONTENTSEARCH.thumbnailArr.push({ contentId : post.contentId, thumbnail : formatThumbnail }); // assign content type to array CONTENTSEARCH.contentTypeArr.push({ contentId : post.contentId, contentType : post.contentType }); // save alert message level LIMIT_ACCESS_CONTENT.messageLevel[post.contentId] = { alertMessageLevel : post.alertMessageLevel, alertMessage : post.alertMessage }; // Check if user has read this content or not. CONTENTSEARCH.checkUserHasReadContent(post.contentId, post.resourceVersion, post.metaVersion, versionArr, metaArr, readArr); // assign version to array COMMON.resourceVersionArr.push({ contentid : post.contentId, resourceversion : post.resourceVersion }); // assign meta version to array COMMON.metaVersionArr.push({ contentid : post.contentId, metaversion : post.metaVersion }); // Check if content has marking or memo CONTENTSEARCH.checkContentMarkingMemoOption(post.contentId); // renderViewDate var viewdate = CONTENTSEARCH.renderViewDate(post.contentId, readArr); if (viewdate != null || viewdate != 'undefined') { $('#lblVdate' + post.contentId).html(viewdate); } }); // Get Next record number for list CONTENTSEARCH.getNextRecordNumForList(); // if (data.totalRecord < data.recordTo) { // ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(data.totalRecord); // } else { // ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(data.recordTo); // } // ClientData.searchCond_recordFrom(data.recordFrom); ClientData.searchCond_recordFrom(data.recordFrom); ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(data.recordTo); CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage = data.totalRecord; // Render Page number if (CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage == 0) { CONTENTSEARCH.reRenderPageNumber(CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage, CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage); } else { CONTENTSEARCH.reRenderPageNumber(ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(), CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage); } // Toggle scroll to top Control CONTENTSEARCH.handleBackToTop(); // I18N.changeLanguage(ClientData.userInfo_language()); I18N.i18nReplaceText(); }); }; // Handle Back To Top Button CONTENTSEARCH.handleBackToTop = function() { if (ClientData.searchCond_recordTo() >= CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage) { $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'visible'); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage == 0) { $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); CONTENTSEARCH.displayResultNoRecord(); CONTENTSEARCH.noRecordFlg = true; } else { $('#msgSearchNotExist').hide(); $('#content-grid').removeClass('lang'); $('#content-grid').removeAttr('lang'); CONTENTSEARCH.enableSort(); CONTENTSEARCH.noRecordFlg = false; } }; // Handle language CONTENTSEARCH.handleLanguage = function() { if (I18N.getCurrentLanguage() == COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_En || I18N.getCurrentLanguage() == COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ko) { $('#control-sort-titlekana').css('display', 'none'); $('#separate').css('display', 'none'); $("#titlekana-sorttype").html(''); } else { if (ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder() != null && ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder() != 'undefined' || ClientData.searchCond_sortType() != '') { var typeSort = ClientData.searchCond_sortType(); var orderSort = ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(); HEADER.setStatusSort('#' + $('#menu_sort li.current a').attr('id'), orderSort == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.noRecordFlg) { $('#control-sort-titlekana').css('display', 'block'); $('#separate').css('display', 'block'); } else { $('#control-sort-titlekana').css('display', 'block'); $('#separate').css('display', 'block'); } } }; // Initial Screen CONTENTSEARCH.renderGridView = function() { //var fromPage = CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_DISP_NUMBER_RECORD_FROM; //var toPage = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); var sortType = CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_TYPE; var sortOrder = CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER; var searchText = ClientData.searchCond_searchText(); var searchDivision = ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(); var sid = ClientData.userInfo_sid(); var offsetPage = 0; var limitPage = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); ClientData.searchCond_recordFrom(0); ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(0); ClientData.searchCond_sortType(sortType); ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(searchDivision); ClientData.searchCond_genreId(''); ClientData.searchCond_groupId(''); var genreId = ClientData.searchCond_genreId(); var groupId = ClientData.searchCond_groupId(); // Handle display sort CONTENTSEARCH.handleSortDisp(); // Language Handle CONTENTSEARCH.handleLanguage(); // Refresh GridView CONTENTSEARCH.refreshGrid(); $('#msgSearchNotExist').hide(); CONTENTSEARCH.chkSearchTextEmpty = false; // Render Gridview CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent(sid, searchText, searchDivision, sortType, sortOrder, offsetPage, limitPage, genreId, groupId); $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'visible'); }; // Canvas Click function CONTENTSEARCH.canvasClickFunction = function(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove == true) { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = false; return; } var contentId = $(this).attr('id'); var outputId = contentId.substring(17); var checkflag = false; // Set content id for screen: content detail ClientData.contentInfo_contentId(outputId); // Get image of selected image var base64String = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(outputId); ClientData.contentInfo_contentThumbnail(base64String); var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(outputId); ClientData.contentInfo_contentType(contentType); // Store Content id that user has read CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray = ClientData.ReadingContentIds(); if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.length > 0) { for ( var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.length; nIndex++) { if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].contentid == outputId) { checkflag = true; break; } } if (!checkflag) { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.push({ contentid : outputId, viewdate : '', originviewdate : '' }); } } else { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.push({ contentid : outputId, viewdate : '', originviewdate : '' }); } // Renew ReadingContentID var newArray = []; ClientData.ReadingContentIds(newArray); // Set data for readingcontentid ClientData.ReadingContentIds(CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray); // Set ResouceVersion for content COMMON.setResourceVersionData(outputId); // Set MetaVersion for content COMMON.setMetaVersionData(outputId); // Close Submenu $('#dlgSubMenu').hide(); // Delete 'new' icon CONTENTSEARCH.drawEditImage(outputId); // Open content Detail DETAIL.openContentDetail(); }; // Re-render page from and total record CONTENTSEARCH.reRenderPageNumber = function(dispRecord, dispTotal) { if (dispTotal) { $('#dispPage').html(dispRecord); $('#totalPage').html(dispTotal); $('#dispPage').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#totalPage').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('.pageNumControl').css('visibility', 'visible'); } else { $('#dispPage').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('#totalPage').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('.pageNumControl').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } }; // Show Next Record Function CONTENTSEARCH.showNextRecordFunction = function() { var fromPage = ClientData.searchCond_recordFrom(); //var toPage = ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(); var sortType = ClientData.searchCond_sortType(); var sortOrder = ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(); var searchText = ClientData.searchCond_searchText(); var searchDivision = ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(); var genreId = ClientData.searchCond_genreId(); var groupId = ClientData.searchCond_groupId(); var sid = ClientData.userInfo_sid(); var totalrecord = CONTENTSEARCH.totalPage; var offsetPage = ClientData.searchCond_recordTo(); if (offsetPage == null || offsetPage == 'undefined') { offsetPage = 0; } var limitPage = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); if (fromPage <= totalrecord) { CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent(sid, searchText, searchDivision, sortType, sortOrder, offsetPage, limitPage, genreId, groupId); } }; // Sort By Title Function CONTENTSEARCH.sortByTitleFunction = function() { var sortOrder = ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(); var sortType = ClientData.searchCond_sortType(); var sid = ClientData.userInfo_sid(); var genreId = ClientData.searchCond_genreId(); var groupId = ClientData.searchCond_groupId(); var offset = 0; var limit = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); if (sortOrder == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc) { if (sortType == '1') { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Desc; } else { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc; } ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); } else { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc; ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); } HEADER.setStatusSort('#control-sort-title', sortOrder == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); sortType = '1'; ClientData.searchCond_sortType(sortType); // refresh Gridview CONTENTSEARCH.refreshGrid(); // refresh add more record $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent(sid, ClientData.searchCond_searchText(), ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(), sortType, sortOrder, offset, limit, genreId, groupId); }; // Sort By Title Kana function CONTENTSEARCH.sortByTitleKanaFunction = function() { var sortOrder = ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(); var sortType = ClientData.searchCond_sortType(); var sid = ClientData.userInfo_sid(); var genreId = ClientData.searchCond_genreId(); var groupId = ClientData.searchCond_groupId(); var offset = 0; var limit = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); if (sortOrder == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc) { if (sortType == '2') { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Desc; } else { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc; } ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); } else { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc; ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); } HEADER.setStatusSort('#control-sort-titlekana', sortOrder == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); sortType = '2'; // refresh gridview CONTENTSEARCH.refreshGrid(); // refresh add more record $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); ClientData.searchCond_sortType(sortType); CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent(sid, ClientData.searchCond_searchText(), ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(), sortType, sortOrder, offset, limit, genreId, groupId); }; // Sort By Release Date CONTENTSEARCH.sortByReleaseDateFunction = function() { var sortOrder = ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(); var sortType = ClientData.searchCond_sortType(); var sid = ClientData.userInfo_sid(); var genreId = ClientData.searchCond_genreId(); var groupId = ClientData.searchCond_groupId(); var offset = 0; var limit = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); if (sortOrder == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc) { if (sortType == '3') { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Desc; } else { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc; } ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); } else { sortOrder = COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc; ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); } HEADER.setStatusSort('#control-sort-releasedate', sortOrder == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); sortType = '3'; // refresh gridview CONTENTSEARCH.refreshGrid(); // refresh add more record $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); ClientData.searchCond_sortType(sortType); CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent(sid, ClientData.searchCond_searchText(), ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(), sortType, sortOrder, offset, limit, genreId, groupId); }; // Get Thumnail base on contentid CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail = function(contentid) { for ( var i = 0; i < CONTENTSEARCH.thumbnailArr.length; i++) { if (CONTENTSEARCH.thumbnailArr[i].contentId == contentid) { return CONTENTSEARCH.thumbnailArr[i].thumbnail; } } }; // Get content type base on contentid CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType = function(contentid) { // Array Length var iArrCnt = CONTENTSEARCH.contentTypeArr.length; // Get contentType in array by contentId for ( var i = 0; i < iArrCnt; i++) { if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentTypeArr[i].contentId == contentid) { return CONTENTSEARCH.contentTypeArr[i].contentType; } } }; // Dialog Read Button CLick CONTENTSEARCH.readSubmenuFunction = function(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove == true) { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = false; return; } var contentId = $(this).attr('contentid'); // check limit of content LIMIT_ACCESS_CONTENT.checkLimitContent(contentId, function() { CONTENTSEARCH.readSubmenuFunction_callback(contentId); }, function() { }); }; // read content callback CONTENTSEARCH.readSubmenuFunction_callback = function(contentId) { var contentThumbnail = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contentId); var date = new Date(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var day = date.getDate(); var outputDate = COMMON.formatNormalDate(day, month, date.getFullYear()); ClientData.contentInfo_contentId(contentId); ClientData.contentInfo_contentThumbnail(contentThumbnail); var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(contentId); ClientData.contentInfo_contentType(contentType); var checkflag = false; CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray = ClientData.ReadingContentIds(); // Store Content id that user has read if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.length > 0) { for ( var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.length; nIndex++) { if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].contentid == contentId) { checkflag = true; if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].viewdate == null || CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].viewdate == 'undefined' || CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].viewdate == '') { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].viewdate = outputDate; CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].originviewdate = date; } break; } } if (!checkflag) { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.push({ contentid : contentId, viewdate : outputDate, originviewdate : date }); } } else { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.push({ contentid : contentId, viewdate : outputDate, originviewdate : date }); } // Renew ReadingContentID var newArray = []; ClientData.ReadingContentIds(newArray); // Set ResouceVersion for content COMMON.setResourceVersionData(contentId); // Set MetaVersion for content COMMON.setMetaVersionData(contentId); // Set data for readingcontentid ClientData.ReadingContentIds(CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray); ClientData.IsRefresh(false); // For testing without other Type. if (contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Others) { // Download content HEADER.downloadResourceById(contentId); // redraw content remove new icon CONTENTSEARCH.drawEditImage(contentId); } else if (contentType == COMMON.ContentTypeKeys.Type_Link) { // link content HEADER.viewLinkContentById(contentId); // redraw content remove new icon CONTENTSEARCH.drawEditImage(contentId); } else { // Go to Conten view page // AVWEB.avwScreenMove(COMMON.ScreenIds.ContentView); CONTENTSEARCH.drawEditImage(contentId); CONTENTSEARCH.showContentView(); } }; // Check if Content Has marking or memo CONTENTSEARCH.checkContentMarkingMemoOption = function(contentId) { // Check if contentid has marking if (ClientData.MarkingData().length == 0) { $('#imgBookMark' + contentId).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { for ( var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < ClientData.MarkingData().length; nIndex1++) { if (ClientData.MarkingData()[nIndex1].contentid == contentId) { $('#imgBookMark' + contentId).css('visibility', 'visible'); break; } else { $('#imgBookMark' + contentId).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } } } if (ClientData.MemoData().length == 0) { $('#imgMemo' + contentId).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else { // Check if contentid has memo for ( var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < ClientData.MemoData().length; nIndex1++) { if (ClientData.MemoData()[nIndex1].contentid == contentId) { $('#imgMemo' + contentId).css('visibility', 'visible'); break; } else { $('#imgMemo' + contentId).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } } } }; // Check if User has read content CONTENTSEARCH.checkUserHasReadContent = function(contId, resourceVer, metaVer, versionArr, metaArr, readArr) { var imgThumb = new Image(); var imgIconNew = new Image(); var imgIconEdit = new Image(); var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail' + contId); var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); var readFlg = false; //var versionArr = ClientData.ResourceVersion(); //var metaArr = ClientData.MetaVersion(); //var readArr = ClientData.ReadingContentIds(); var contentThumbnail = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contId); var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(contId); if (readArr == null || readArr <= 0 || readArr == 'undefined') { imgThumb.onload = function() { var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height); ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]); imgIconNew.onload = function() { ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]); $("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow'); }); }; imgIconNew.src = COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_CONTENT_NEW; }; if (contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null) { if (!COMMON.isPdfContent(contentType)) { var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType); if (src != '') { imgThumb.src = src; } } } else { imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail; } } else { // Check if user has read this content or not for ( var nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < ClientData.ReadingContentIds().length; nIndex1++) { if (ClientData.ReadingContentIds()[nIndex1].contentid == contId) { imgThumb.onload = function() { var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height); ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]); $("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow'); }); }; if (contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null) { if (!COMMON.isPdfContent(contentType)) { var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType); if (src != '') { imgThumb.src = src; } } } else { imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail; } readFlg = true; break; } } } // Check if resource version has change if (readFlg) { if (versionArr == null || versionArr <= 0 || versionArr == 'undefined') { } else { for ( var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < versionArr.length; nIndex2++) { if (versionArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) { if (versionArr[nIndex2].resourceversion != resourceVer) { imgThumb.onload = function() { var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height); ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]); imgIconEdit.onload = function() { ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]); $("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow'); }); }; imgIconEdit.src = COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_CONTENT_EDIT; }; // thumbnail. if (contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null) { if (!COMMON.isPdfContent(contentType)) { var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType); if (src != '') { imgThumb.src = src; } } } else { imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail; } // thumbnail. break; } } } } if (metaArr == null || metaArr <= 0 || metaArr == 'undefined') { } else { for ( var nIndex2 = 0; nIndex2 < metaArr.length; nIndex2++) { if (metaArr[nIndex2].contentid == contId) { if (metaArr[nIndex2].metaversion != metaVer) { imgThumb.onload = function() { var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height); ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]); imgIconEdit.onload = function() { ctx.drawImage(imgIconEdit, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]); $("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow'); }); }; imgIconEdit.src = COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_CONTENT_EDIT; }; // thumbnail. if (contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null) { if (!COMMON.isPdfContent(contentType)) { var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType); if (src != '') { imgThumb.src = src; } } } else { imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail; } // thumbnail. break; } } } } } else { imgThumb.onload = function() { var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(imgThumb, c.width, c.height); ctx.drawImage(imgThumb, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]); imgIconNew.onload = function() { ctx.drawImage(imgIconNew, c.width / 2 - resizeImg[0] / 2, c.height - resizeImg[1]); $("#loadingIcon" + contId).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#content-thumbnail' + contId).fadeIn('slow'); }); }; imgIconNew.src = COMMON.DEFAULT_IMG_CONTENT_NEW; }; if (contentThumbnail == '' || contentThumbnail == null) { if (!COMMON.isPdfContent(contentType)) { var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType); if (src != '') { imgThumb.src = src; } } } else { imgThumb.src = contentThumbnail; } } }; // draw Edit Image CONTENTSEARCH.drawEditImage = function(id) { var img = new Image(); var imgSrc = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(id); if (imgSrc != null) { } else { var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(id); var src = HEADER.getThumbnailForOtherType(contentType); if (src != '') { imgSrc = src; } } var c = document.getElementById('content-thumbnail' + id); // use getContext to use the canvas for drawing var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); img.onload = function() { var resizeImg = CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail(img, c.width, c.height); ctx.drawImage(img, (c.width / 2) - (resizeImg[0] / 2) + 4, c.height - resizeImg[1] + 4, resizeImg[0], resizeImg[1]); $("#loadingIcon" + id).fadeOut('slow', function() { $('#content-thumbnail' + id).fadeIn('slow'); }); }; img.src = imgSrc; }; // Search Function CONTENTSEARCH.searchEventButtonFunction = function() { var sortType = CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_TYPE; var sortOrder = CONTENTSEARCH.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER; var searchText = $('#txtSearchWs').val(); var searchDivision; var content = $('#main-content').attr('checked'); var tag = $('#main-tag').attr('checked'); var body = $('#main-body').attr('checked'); var offset = 0; var limit = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); if (content == 'checked') { searchDivision = $('#searchbox-content').val(); } if (tag == 'checked') { searchDivision = $('#searchbox-tag').val(); } if (body == 'checked') { searchDivision = $('#searchbox-body').val(); } var genreId = ClientData.searchCond_genreId(); var groupId = ClientData.searchCond_groupId(); var sid = ClientData.userInfo_sid(); ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(sortOrder); ClientData.searchCond_sortType(sortType); ClientData.searchCond_searchText(searchText); ClientData.searchCond_searchDivision(searchDivision); // refresh grid CONTENTSEARCH.refreshGrid(); // Handle display sort CONTENTSEARCH.handleSortDisp(); $('#msgSearchNotExist').hide(); $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); // Render Gridview CONTENTSEARCH.chkSearchTextEmpty = false; CONTENTSEARCH.renderContent(sid, searchText, searchDivision, sortType, sortOrder, offset, limit, genreId, groupId); }; // Render User view date CONTENTSEARCH.renderViewDate = function(id,readingContentIds) { for ( var i = 0; i < readingContentIds.length; i++) { if (readingContentIds[i].contentid == id) { return readingContentIds[i].viewdate; } } }; // handle display sort direction CONTENTSEARCH.handleSortDisp = function() { var typeSort; var orderSort; if (ClientData.searchCond_sortType() == null || ClientData.searchCond_sortType() == 'undefined' || ClientData.searchCond_sortType() == '') { $('#title-sorttype').html(''); $('#title-sorttype').html(''); $('#titlekana-sorttype').html(''); $('#rDate-sorttype').html(''); } else { if (ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder() != null && ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder() != 'undefined' || ClientData.searchCond_sortType() != '') { typeSort = ClientData.searchCond_sortType(); orderSort = ClientData.searchCond_sortOrder(); if (typeSort == 1) { HEADER.setStatusSort('#control-sort-title', orderSort == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); } else if (typeSort == 2) { HEADER.setStatusSort('#control-sort-titlekana', orderSort == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); } else if (typeSort == 3) { HEADER.setStatusSort('#control-sort-releasedate', orderSort == COMMON.Consts.ConstOrderSetting_Asc); } } } }; // function Open SubMenu Dialog CONTENTSEARCH.titleClickFunction = function(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove == true) { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = false; return; } var checkflag = false; var contentid = $(this).attr('contentid'); // Get image of selected image var base64String = CONTENTSEARCH.returnThumbnail(contentid); ClientData.contentInfo_contentThumbnail(base64String); ClientData.contentInfo_contentId(contentid); var contentType = CONTENTSEARCH.returnContentType(contentid); ClientData.contentInfo_contentType(contentType); // Store Content id that user has read CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray = ClientData.ReadingContentIds(); if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.length > 0) { for ( var nIndex = 0; nIndex < CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.length; nIndex++) { if (CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray[nIndex].contentid == contentid) { checkflag = true; break; } } if (!checkflag) { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.push({ contentid : contentid, viewdate : '', originviewdate : '' }); } } else { CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray.push({ contentid : contentid, viewdate : '', originviewdate : '' }); } // Renew ReadingContentID var newArray = []; ClientData.ReadingContentIds(newArray); // Set data for readingcontentid ClientData.ReadingContentIds(CONTENTSEARCH.contentIdArray); // Set ResouceVersion for content COMMON.setResourceVersionData(contentid); // Set MetaVersion for content COMMON.setMetaVersionData(contentid); // Close Submenu $('#dlgSubMenu').hide(); // Delete 'new' icon CONTENTSEARCH.drawEditImage(contentid); // Open content Detail DETAIL.openContentDetail(); }; // Get Number Disp Record For List CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList = function() { var toPage = 0; var sysSettings = AVWEB.avwSysSetting(); toPage = sysSettings.bookListCount; return toPage; }; // Get number record disp next for list CONTENTSEARCH.getNextRecordNumForList = function() { CONTENTSEARCH.iNumberOfNextRecord = CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList(); }; // refresh GridView CONTENTSEARCH.refreshGrid = function() { $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('#content-grid').html(''); $('.pageNumControl').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }; // format text display more record CONTENTSEARCH.formatDisplayMoreRecord = function() { I18N.i18nReplaceText(); // I18N.changeLanguage(ClientData.userInfo_language()); $('#control-nextrecord').html(AVWEB.format(I18N.i18nText('dspViewMore'), CONTENTSEARCH.returnNumberDispRecordForList())); }; CONTENTSEARCH.displayResultNoRecord = function() { I18N.i18nReplaceText(); // $('#content-grid').html(I18N.i18nText('msgSearchNotExist')); // $('#content-grid').css({ 'text-align': 'left', 'margin-top': '20px', // 'clear': 'both' }); $('#content-grid').html(''); $('#msgSearchNotExist').show(); $('#msgSearchNotExist').css({ 'text-align' : 'left', 'margin-top' : '20px', 'clear' : 'both' }); $('#control-nextrecord').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('.control_sort_on').hide(); $('.control_sort_off').show(); if (I18N.getCurrentLanguage() == COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_En || I18N.getCurrentLanguage() == COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ko) { /* $('#control-sort-titlekana').hide(); */ $('#separate').hide(); $('#control-sort-titlekana').hide(); } }; CONTENTSEARCH.enableSort = function() { $('.control_sort_on').show(); $('.control_sort_off').hide(); if (I18N.getCurrentLanguage() == COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_En || I18N.getCurrentLanguage() == COMMON.Consts.ConstLanguage_Ko) { $('#control-sort-titlekana').hide(); $('#separate').hide(); } }; CONTENTSEARCH.resizeResourceThumbnail = function(mg, width, height) { var newWidth; var newHeight; var delta = Math.min(width / mg.width, height / mg.height); newHeight = parseInt(delta * mg.height); newWidth = parseInt(delta * mg.width); var result = [ newWidth, newHeight ]; return result; }; CONTENTSEARCH.removeHoverCss = function() { if (COMMON.isTouchDevice()) { $('#control-sort-title').removeClass('nottouchdevice'); $('#control-sort-titlekana').removeClass('nottouchdevice'); $('#control-sort-releasedate').removeClass('nottouchdevice'); } }; // Dialog Read Button CLick CONTENTSEARCH.showContentShareDlgFunction = function(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove == true) { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = false; return; } var contentId = $(this).attr('contentid'); // check limit of content LIMIT_ACCESS_CONTENT.checkLimitContent(contentId, function() { SHARE.contentId = contentId; SHARE.contentTitle = ""; SHARE.openContentShare(); }, function() { // console.log("checkLimitContent_bbb"); }); }; CONTENTSEARCH.showContentView = function() { // TOPに戻す var y = 0; if (document.documentElement.scrollTop) { y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } if (document.body.scrollTop) { if (y == undefined || y == 0) { y = document.body.scrollTop; } } if (y == undefined || y == null) { y = 0; } CONTENTSEARCH.scrollTop = y; window.scrollTo(0, 0); // 試験 $("#header-ws").hide(); $("#ws-body").hide(); $("#topcontrol").hide(); CONTENTVIEW_INITOBJECT.clearViewerComponent(); CONTENTVIEW.cssInit(); $("#viewer").show(); CONTENTVIEW.ready(); }; CONTENTSEARCH.cssInit = function() { $('html').css({ 'overflow-y' : 'scroll' }); $('html,body').css({ 'height' : '100%', 'margin' : '0', 'padding' : '0' }); $('html>body').css({ 'font-size' : '16px', 'font-size' : '68.75%' }); $('body').css({ 'font-family' : 'Verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' : '68.75%', 'background' : '#fff', 'color' : '#333' }); }; // ダウンロードButton CLick CONTENTSEARCH.downloadSubmenuFunction = function(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove == true) { CONTENTSEARCH.home_isMove = false; return; } var contentId = $(this).attr('contentid'); // Download content HEADER.downloadResourceById(contentId); };