Commit 38031dd9 by Kim Gyeongeun

#63855 【市川市】eモニ アンケート結果画面の並びについて

parent 48cd000a
......@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ SELECT R.member_id
WHERE Q.enquete_id = /*enquete_id*/ AND R.enquete_id = /*enquete_id*/ and R.member_id between /*minMemberId*/ and /*maxMemberId*/
and R.member_id is not null
ORDER BY R.member_id,Q.question_no,A.answer_no
ORDER BY R.member_id,Q.question_no,A.answer_id
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ SELECT Q.question_id,Q.question_no,Q.question_name,Q.question,A.answer,A.answer_
WHERE Q.enquete_id = /*enquete_id*/ AND Q.control_id <= 2 and Q.del_flg = 0
GROUP BY Q.question_id,Q.question_no,A.answer_id,A.answer,Q.question_name,Q.question
ORDER BY Q.question_no,A.answer_id
\ No newline at end of file
ORDER BY Q.question_no,A.answer_no
\ No newline at end of file
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