Commit 622c433e by NGO THI HONG

#19120 Update direct page

parent dfbfc4fc
......@@ -3148,8 +3148,7 @@ CHK.createOperationList = function(operationList, isSearched = false) {
} else {
operationNameTd = $("<td class='operationId_" + operationList[i].operationId
+ "'><a href=\"javascript:CHK_L.sendAppCommand('goOperation', '"
+ operationList[i].operationId + "', '" + operationList[i].contentId
+ "');\" class='d-block text-black text-decoration-none mb-1'>" + operationList[i].operationName
+ operationList[i].operationId + "', '" + operationList[i].contentId + " ', null ,'REPORT_LIST' ,'REPORT_LIST',null);\" class='d-block text-black text-decoration-none mb-1'>" + operationList[i].operationName
+ "</a><div class='fa-sm mobile_operation_date'><i class='far fa-clock fa-blue' style='color:blue;margin-right:10px'></i>"
+ setOperationDate(operationList[i].operationStartDate) + " ~ "
+ setOperationDate(operationList[i].operationEndDate) +"</div></td>");
......@@ -3325,7 +3324,7 @@ CHK.scanResult = function(scannedCode, scanType) {
return operation.permitCode == resultCode;
if (scannedOperation != null) {
CHK.sendScanResult('goOperation', scannedOperation.operationId, scannedOperation.contentId, scanType);
CHK.sendScanResult('goOperation', scannedOperation.operationId, scannedOperation.contentId, scanType ,'REPORT_LIST' ,'REPORT_LIST',null);
} else {
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