{{ resolvedDiscussionCount }}/{{ discussionCount }} {{ resolvedCountText }} resolved
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- 65e462e8 - Merge branch 'communication/develop' of…
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81 protected void onDestroy() { 82 Logger.d(TAG, "onDestroy"); 83 super.onDestroy(); 84 } 85 86 87 protected Uri attachmentImageProcessing(Uri uri) throws Exception { 88 if (uri == null) { 89 return null; 90 } 91 String[] operationion = {MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA}; 92 Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, operationion, null, null, null); 93 String photoFilePath = ABookCheckWebViewHelper.getInstance().contentSchemeUriToFilePath(cursor); 94 try { 95 int rotationAngle = ABookCheckWebViewHelper.getInstance().rotateBitmapOrientation(photoFilePath); 96 mLocalFile = new File(photoFilePath); -
321 325 boolean result = false; 322 326 // 画像が選択された場合 323 327 if (fileChooserParams.getAcceptTypes()[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(ABookKeys.IMAGE) != -1) { 324 result = startCameraIntent(ABOOK_CHECK_TASK_IMAGE, "Camera", ABookKeys.IMAGE, true); 328 result = startCameraIntent(103, "Camera", ABookKeys.IMAGE, true); -
[nits] 103 to
104 to
1738 } 1739 } 1740 1741 @Override 1742 public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { 1743 boolean eventPrevent = false; 1744 switch (keyCode) { 1745 case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: 1746 backToHome(); 1747 eventPrevent = true; 1748 } 1749 return eventPrevent; 1750 } 1751 1752 @Override 1753 public void onResume() { -
[nits] 必要のない @overideは削除してください。
1732 public void onDestroy(){ 1733 exitMettingRoom(); 1734 super.onDestroy(); 1735 if (receiver != null) { 1736 unregisterReceiver(receiver); 1737 receiver = null; 1738 } 1739 } 1740 1741 @Override 1742 public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { 1743 boolean eventPrevent = false; 1744 switch (keyCode) { 1745 case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: 1746 backToHome(); 1747 eventPrevent = true; -
[nits] case文には break; をつけてください。
1483 1453 finish(); 1484 1454 Intent intent = new Intent(); 1485 1455 intent.setClass(ChatWebviewActivity.this, OperationListActivity.class); 1486 intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); 1456 intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); 1487 1457 startActivity(intent, NaviConsts.Left); 1488 1458 } 1489 1459 1460 private void finishBeforeContentListActiviry() { 1461 OperationRelatedContentActivity beforeActiryty = activityHandlingHelper.getActivity(OperationRelatedContentActivity.class); 1462 if (beforeActiryty != null) { 1463 beforeActiryty.finish(); 1464 } 1465 } 1466 1467 public void exitMettingRoom() { -
1480 1449 */ 1481 1450 private void backToHome() { 1482 1451 mChatWebView.loadUrl("javascript:CHAT.leaveRoom()"); 1452 exitMettingRoom(); 1483 1453 finish(); 1484 1454 Intent intent = new Intent(); 1485 1455 intent.setClass(ChatWebviewActivity.this, OperationListActivity.class); 1486 intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); 1456 intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); 1487 1457 startActivity(intent, NaviConsts.Left); 1488 1458 } 1489 1459 1460 private void finishBeforeContentListActiviry() { -
111 113 * Created by AIS-NB-048 on 2019/07/31. 112 114 */ 113 115 114 public class ChatWebviewActivity extends ParentWebViewActivity { 116 public class ChatWebviewActivity extends CommunicationWebViewActivity { -
246 246 // ページの場合、0から始まるのでシーン設定は+1する 247 247 path += "&startscene=scene" + (intent.getIntExtra(ABVActivity.PAGE, 1) + 1); 248 248 } 249 // 管理者モードで開く場合、パラメータ追加 249 // 管理者モードで開く場合、パラメータ追加cr -
? -
45 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.common.constant.ErrorCode; 46 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.common.constant.ErrorMessage; 47 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.common.dialog.ABookAlertDialog; 48 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.common.util.AlertDialogUtil; 49 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.common.util.PatternStringUtil; 50 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.home.activity.ABookSettingActivity; 51 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.home.helper.ABookCheckWebViewHelper; 52 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.home.helper.ABookPermissionHelper; 53 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.home.helper.ActivityHandlingHelper; 54 import jp.agentec.abook.abv.ui.home.helper.ContentViewHelper; 55 import jp.agentec.adf.util.DateTimeFormat; 56 import jp.agentec.adf.util.DateTimeUtil; 57 import jp.agentec.adf.util.FileUtil; 58 59 public class CommunicationWebViewActivity extends ABVAuthenticatedActivity { 60 private static final String TAG = "ParentWebViewActivity"; -
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